Brewed by Oriel Beer
Style: Belgian Ale - Strong Dark
Bucharest, Romania
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RATINGS: 10   MEAN: 3.76/5.0   WEIGHTED AVG: 3.53/5   SEASONAL: Winter   IBU: 37   EST. CALORIES: 354   ABV: 11.8%
’Tis the season to be...to drink good beer! And here you have, not your regular winter beer, but a strong one with personality, Oriel Winter 2018. Dark chocolate, praline, toffee with some tobacco notes for the aroma. Don’t expect sweet to the taste, this one is dry with lots of cocoa, roasted notes, dried cherries and woody fruity hints. Aged on cherry wood chips, organic cocoa beans and husks and grains of paradise for 3 months. Bottle conditioned for 2 months. Savour it with your Holiday dishes!

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mishi_d (578) - Timisoara, ROMANIA - MAR 31, 2019
UPDATED: MAR 31, 2019 Dark brown color with tan head, aroma of yest, malts, fruits and sugar, taste is medium sweet first, medium bitter at the end, medium body and carbonation.

chk230 (122) - Bucharest, ROMANIA - FEB 13, 2019
UPDATED: FEB 13, 2019 Heard people saying it's boozy, my bottle was not, actually quite balanced, with roasted walnuts and vanilla cake aftertaste. lovely

moldovan9807 (1100) - Oradea, ROMANIA - FEB 9, 2019
UPDATED: FEB 9, 2019 Aroma of cocoa,malt,faint cherry.Taste of dark malt ,cocoa,chocolate,sugar,faint cherry,caramel.

artemb (1981) - Chisinau, MOLDOVA - JAN 10, 2019
UPDATED: JAN 10, 2019 Dark brown with red shades, hazy. Aroma: raw cocoa, brandy, vanilla. Light sweetness, spicy boozy bitterness. Flavour: cocoa, some tannins, some candied fruits, some dried cherries. Hot boozy finish. Weak flavor, light body and to much alcohol.

VictorX (68) - Bucharest, ROMANIA - JAN 5, 2019
UPDATED: JAN 5, 2019 . 330l bottle de home. Appearance - very dark red/brown colour with a small-to-medium frothy, tan head. Aroma - sweet nose, with roasted malts, cocoa, coffee, cherries (having very faint hints of kriek) and a very discrete hint of alcohol. Palate - medium body, a bit oily, but also fizzy, low-to-medium carbonation, low bitterness. Taste - roasted malts, cocoa powder, sugar/molasses, caramel, some cherry notes and spices, with a bit of hotness. Aftertaste - medium long, a continuation of the main taste, with malts, cocoa and a little bit of sweetness. Overall - a great beer, good overall roundness, great balance in all compartments, not too sweet, not too bitter, not too overwhelming. The alcohol, although present, is very well hidden. The only minor issue I have is that the body is less creamy than I would've liked a beer of this caliber to be. Otherwise, a delicious winter warmer.

Arctium_lappa (147) - Bucuresti, ROMANIA - JAN 4, 2019
UPDATED: JAN 4, 2019 Aroma has lots of red fruit & molasses. Pours close to black & with a coffee-coloured head that disappears after a quick effervescence. There are still molasses & possibly cherries in the taste but with some background chocolate & alcohol to prevent its becoming cloying. The ABV is clearly in the strong category but this beer doesn’t quite suggest that. Not a great beer but a very good one.

Qnex (43) - Bucharest, ROMANIA - DEC 28, 2018
UPDATED: DEC 28, 2018 Dark brown with a discrete beige head. The Aroma it's quite complex, starting with intense chocolate, a few traces of caramel and sweetness, followed up by roast notes. Background it's owned by wood and cherry with a touch of fruits. Alcohol it's well hidden and gives you just the right warmth sensation.

rami_pl (11428) - Warsaw, POLAND - DEC 27, 2018
UPDATED: DEC 27, 2018 Rami Rami is drinking an Oriel Winter by Oriel Beer at Mikkeller Bar Warsaw BL. No kurde, beczki nie ma, przyprawowosc niefajna, jakies jablkowe klimaty, chleb, kawa, nie gra zupelnie to razem

GhostS (1004) - Chisinau, MOLDOVA - DEC 15, 2018
UPDATED: DEC 15, 2018 O bere foarte bună, complexă, cu foarte multe componente atât de bine dozate și atât de bine încadrate, încât formează un tot întreg, aproape indivizibil, că nici alcoolul de 11.8% declarați nu răzbate sub nicio formă. Aromă ”liniștită”, acea ”liniște” foarte amăgitoare întâlnită în quadrupel sau belgian strongs când nimic nu prevestește furtuna din gust - boabe de cacao, cafea învechită, note de lemn umezit, condimente (piper alb și puțin negru), puțin coriadru. Gust complex, plăcut, delicios, foarte puțin dulce - ceva dulceață de fructe negre, caramelă și zahăr topit pe fundal, puțină ciocolată și malț bine prăjit, ușoară iuțeală de piper negru ce continuă în postgust, poate, vag coriandru, ceva amăreală pe fundal, dar posibil amăgit de ciocolata neagră și iuțeală. O bere complexă, cu componente foarte bine potrivite și foarte bine încadrate, fără a ieși careva prea mult ”în lumină”. Poate puțin prea mult lemn/tanini, mai ales în postgust, dar acceptabil pentru consumatorii, inclusiv, de vinuri roșii.

dnicolaescu (3909) - Chi?inau, MOLDOVA - NOV 30, 2018
UPDATED: NOV 30, 2018 Really dark ruby-brown, clear ruby highlights, small beige head. The aroma is balanced cherry jam sweetness, dark treacle and some dark bread / brownie pie crust. The alcohol slightly spices things up. The tase is the same dark malty goodness, with much less cherry syrup and more cocoa / chocolate. The only complaint is the body - it just does not feel like a 12% abv monster - it ether needs more sugars or more alcohol to keep it big - but the beer is a bit short on both. Otherwise, excellent.

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