Brewed by Brouwerij Oud Beersel
Style: Lambic - Flavored
Beersel, Belgium


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RATINGS: 21   MEAN: 3.59/5.0   WEIGHTED AVG: 3.49/5   EST. CALORIES: 204   ABV: 6.8%
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Rotin (4824) - Neratovice, CZECH REPUBLIC - JAN 10, 2022
UPDATED: JAN 10, 2022 Taster at BEERTIME.pub. Cloudy, gold ochre colored. AROMA- lambic, apricot, peach, leather, funky, herbal. FLAVOR- quite sour, a bit tart, sea buckthorn, apricot, a bit funky, leather. No significant sign of tea. Medium bodied. Tasty.

Taboada (4683) - Compostela (Galiza), SPAIN - NOV 12, 2021
UPDATED: NOV 12, 2021 Draught, taster. @'MBCC 2021', Copenhagen (Denmark). 22/10/2021 [#4.409 Global - #143 Belgium - #7 Brouwerij Oud Beersel] Hazy golden, minimal head. Earl grey tea, barnyard and funk. Low bitter finish. Next one please!

DSG (22780) - Tel Aviv, ISRAEL - NOV 12, 2021
UPDATED: NOV 12, 2021 [10/22/2021] Sample at Mikkeller Beer Celebration Copenhagen 2021. Yellow session. Clear golden. Tea, funk, cobwebs, oak, citrus, sour. Very good. 7/3/8/3/16=3.7 [10/22/2021] Sample in the queue for Mikkeller Beer Celebration Copenhagen 2021. Clear golden. Barnyard funk, sweat, leather, oxidation, sour, citrus. 7/3/8/3/15=3.6

martin00sr (9113) - Haderslev, DENMARK - NOV 7, 2021
UPDATED: NOV 7, 2021 Sample courtesy of fonefan. Clear golden. Aroma has white glue and tea. Sweet tea flavour, light acidic bite.

omhper (33492) - Tyresö, SWEDEN - OCT 27, 2021
UPDATED: OCT 27, 2021 --Sample, thanks fonefan! -- Hazy golden, minimal head. Funky nose with tart apples, hay and mild notes of oolong tea. Tart and slender, lemon and mild horseblanket - only faint notes of tea. Low bitterness.

jesperhammer (6705) - Copenhagen, DENMARK - OCT 26, 2021
UPDATED: OCT 26, 2021 22-OCT-2021, draft @MBCC yellow session, with Ulkløbben. Clear golden with a lasting, low white head. Brett, tea, sweet, tart.

Rasmus40 (30538) - Beder, Aarhus, DENMARK - OCT 21, 2021
UPDATED: OCT 21, 2021 Bag in box sample courtesy of Fonefan. Thanks. Clear golden with a small white head. Aroma is sweet, malty, leather and tea. Flavor is medium sweet and moderate acidic. Dry and light acidic finish. A bit watery. 211021

Yorker (4276) - Nowhere in particular, DENMARK - OCT 18, 2021
UPDATED: OCT 18, 2021 From 3L bag-in-box. Pours hazy golden with a white head. Aroma and flavour are yeast, funk, apples, and tea - with a tart finish.

nathanvc (4147) - Gent, BELGIUM - OCT 5, 2021
UPDATED: OCT 5, 2021 27 September 2021. At Brugs Beertje. Cheers to Anke & my birthday! Hazy orange, thin, frothy, off-white head. Aroma of orange, plum, apricot, tea, vague sulphur, struck match, burnt hay. Taste has sourish plum, apple & citrus, funky hay with herbal notes, tea-like, bit smoky over sourdough-like maltiness. Grassy hoppy finish, citrus, & burnt herbs. Medium body, oily, bit chalky texture, soft carbonation. Nice one, but it gets lost a bit in a weird old herbal character; not as good as the other infused Lambics.

fonefan (69306) - VestJylland, DENMARK - SEP 26, 2021
UPDATED: OCT 15, 2021
Gravity (bag-in-a-box) 3000ml. @ [ Missing Zwanze Day Tasting ] - fonefan & Brugmansia House. 🏡🇩🇰

[ As Oud Beersel Lambic infused With Oolong Roasted Tea ].
ABV: 6.8%. Murky matt medium orange colour with a small, fizzy and open, fair lacing, mostly diminishing, off-white head. Aroma is moderate malty, wheat, moderate yeasty, leather, funk, apple, rotten vegetables - fruit, black tea. Flavor is moderate sweet and light acidic with a average duration, tart - sour, dry, tea bitter, dry, apple, funky. Body is medium, texture is oily to watery, carbonation is soft to flat. [20210925]

Gravity (bag-in-a-box) 3000ml. @ home. 🏡🇩🇰 💻👀

[ As Oud Beersel Lambic infused With Oolong Roasted Tea ].
ABV: 6.8%. Clear medium orange yellow colour with a small, virtual no lacing, fully diminishing head. Aroma is moderate malty, caramel - sweet malt, flowers, tea, moderate yeasty, barnyard, leather, earthy, black tea, grapes - green apple. Flavor is moderate to heavy sweet, light to moderate acidic and light bitter with a long duration, tart - sour, black tea, floral, funky, tea bitter, grapes - green apple, barnyard, leather - brett. Body is medium, texture is watery to oily, carbonation is flat. [20211009]

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