Phillips Pandamonium 11th Hour IPA (11th Anniversary)

Formerly brewed at Phillips Brewing & Malting Co.
Style: IIPA DIPA - Imperial / Double IPA
Victoria, Canada
Serve in Shaker, Snifter


on tap


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RATINGS: 30   MEAN: 3.78/5.0   WEIGHTED AVG: 3.61/5   SEASONAL: Special   EST. CALORIES: 330   ABV: 11%
Every 11 min. hops are added to a 111 min. boil for a total of 11 hop additions (plus dry hopping of course). Giant mutant pandas would want it this way. We’re told that the end is near and the 11th hour is upon us: but even the Mayan prophecy couldn’t predict the hopquake beerageddon about to be unleashed from this bottle. 11% for 11 years of brewing. We’re not planning for the end... we’re just getting started.

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Ferris (23109) - Burnaby, British Columbia, CANADA - JAN 9, 2015
Bottle - Vintage 2010 - Light cardboard and sweet caramel. Cloudy gold with a decent white head. Sweet caramel and piney hops with a touch of cardboard. Actually not bad for its age, still drinkable and decent.

XaenDovet (1281) - British Columbia, CANADA - NOV 16, 2013
Bottle shared. Slightly hazy gold and bubble island cap. Aroma is citrus bitter and caramel. Resinous aroma. Taste is juicy with a late but prominent pine bitterness. Sticky mouthfeel.

Doaner88 (9) - - NOV 16, 2013 does not count
Drank Nov 16/13. Lots of bitterness but falls out nicely. Better NW aroma with nice bitterness. Doesn't apply to style perfectly but still very tasty and developed well.

Glouglouburp (6103) - Montreal, Quebec, CANADA - APR 25, 2013
In short: A monster IIPA that is surprisingly easy to drink with its refreshing fruity flavors. Very good.
How: Bottle 22oz, consumed 4 months after release, bottle sent to me by Savvy1982, thanks Kyle.
The look: Clear golden-blond body toped by a large off-white head with good retention.
In long: Nose is bold citrusy and slightly piney hops with a very bright character and some alcohol fumes. Taste is rather surprising, a truckload of fresh mandarins, bitter white grapefruits, tropical fruits and more fruity flavors. There is obviously a big bed of cereals to support, a fair amount of sugary honey, and the alcohol is a bit apparent. But overall it is the bright refreshing fruity flavors that dominate this monster brew. Doesn’t feel heavy at all and it is dangerously drinkable at 11%, almost ‘refreshing’. Good beer. Yet another bomber of strong beer I drank by myself, my ratebeer account is both my beer blog and Exhibit A in a future trial.

DuffMan (10981) - the land of bitumen, beef & beer, Alberta, CANADA - APR 6, 2013
Bottle, shared with Ian. Slightly hazy medium gold with a dense white head that retains well but leaves no lace. Aroma is freshly hoppy, citrus and pine with sweet biscuity undertones. The palate does a great job of balancing a boatload of citrus and pine hops with sticky honey-toned malts. Very fresh tasting, even though I’ve sat on this bottle for a few months, and with none of that pwdery quality I have found in a few Phillips brews in the past. Very good!

thehead92 (33) - Calgary, Alberta, CANADA - DEC 6, 2012
This Hop Bomb pours a slightly hazy golden color leaves some nice lacing on the glass. Aroma is light fruits and citrus and pine with hints of yeast. Taste is citrus and pine hop bitterness with a generous hoppy flavor Medium bodied with nice carbonation which leaves a nice tingling on the tongue. A statement West Coast DIPA which in tasty and enjoyable.

gramity (1829) - Edmonton, Alberta, CANADA - NOV 27, 2012
Pours a clear golden colour with a medium head which leaves a nice lacing. A very strong musty hop aroma of resin and pine. First couple of sips are spicy bitter with a light tangy sweetness and a light citrus and herb come after. Over all interesting and complex definitely a big hoppy beer.

cfrancis (4577) - Ottawa, Ontario, CANADA - NOV 24, 2012
Thanks to Reimer for this. God damn this is tasty DIPA. Pours a clear golden yellow with pillowy white head. Aroma is big citrus hops, some hay and honey. Taste is dry mourhfeel with a big citrus hop flavouring and bitterness. Man I’m going to nurse the hell out of this.

patricks110 (2897) - Alberta, CANADA - OCT 30, 2012
Pretty solid hopped up brew with a definate boozeyness. Pours a pale golden straw colour with a thick fluffed up white. Tons of lacing sticks to the glass. The nose is sweet, spiced, exceptionally floral and almost sweaty with hops. Rather resinous and sweet flavor with a mildly bitter and stringent finish with a bunch of alcohol pungency. Overall, not exceptioanlly well balanced nor incredible in flavour, but this is a big brew that actually works well with the amount of booze in it.

TipsyMcStager (1140) - Calgary, Alberta, CANADA - OCT 15, 2012
Pours an amber orange with nice head. Nose is hoppy, alchohol and some sweetness. Quite hoppy with sweet malt. The alcohol is suprisingly understated for 11%. Also has a giant panda with laser beams destroying things. Gotta love that shit.

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