Brewed by Brouwerij Van Steenberge
Style: Belgian Ale - Strong Pale
Ertvelde, Belgium


on tap

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RATINGS: 1984   WEIGHTED AVG: 3.6/5   EST. CALORIES: 315   ABV: 10.5%
Bottle: Unfiltered
Ingredients; Water, Pilsener malt, pale ale malt, Munich malt, aurora and petra hops, yeast
This strong amber beer was first brewed in 1982 at the request of Van Steenberge’s Italian importer. Piraat is a wickedly rich and rounded brew that packs a mighty punch. The powerful glow builds up from inside. Deep golden with a subtle haze. Lots of hops and malt. Mild sweetness. Reminiscent of bread dough, spices and tropical fruits.

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Cthulhu (1132) - MARSHALL ISLANDS - JAN 11, 2022
UPDATED: JAN 11, 2022 Big off white head. Long lasting .Dark golden colour.Some orange peel aroma. Malt and caramel.Medium body.

lithilorn (516) - Covilhã, PORTUGAL - JAN 1, 2022
UPDATED: JAN 1, 2022 Hazy amber body and white head. Caramel, raisins, grapefruit amd some yeast aroma. Sweet, some fruits, yeast and alcoholic taste. Medium to full body and medium carboantion. A goos beer.

MaltyVonHop (905) - - DEC 2, 2021
UPDATED: DEC 5, 2021 Brouwerij Van Steenberge Piraat 10.5%. Slightly hazy dark Amber, caramel aroma, full bodied, banana, citrus, grapefruit, bitter orange, spices, bitter finish. Gorgeous Belgian Strong Ale from Ertvelde, East Flanders 🇧🇪

brigg (1189) - New York, USA - NOV 18, 2021
UPDATED: NOV 18, 2021 (Bottle) Clear, bubbling, bright golden orange body with a very large off-white head that slowly recedes into a foamy layer with foamy lacing. Malty aroma is moderately toasty, some caramel, yeast. Medium body, soft carbonation; oily and velvety mouthfeel. Alcohol is noticeable with some warming, but well balanced. Flavor has caramel malt, light toasted bread, medium sweet, fruity and spicy.

pippomix (303) - ITALY - OCT 6, 2021
UPDATED: OCT 8, 2021 Birra Strong Belgian Ale dall'aroma floreale, color ambra e schiuma molto fine e compatta. Gusto mix tra una tripel e una Belgian Ale, malto deciso, gusto dolce e corpo pieno.

geologyguy (2459) - Columbia, South Carolina, USA - AUG 31, 2021
UPDATED: AUG 31, 2021 Light malty sweet smell....flavor is bold but very very smooth for being 10.5%... dangerous! Taste is mostly quite sweet malt and finishes with just a touch of alcohol burn...almost leaves a vanilla taste on the palate afterwards...complex flavors...

aratlon (127) - - AUG 28, 2021
UPDATED: AUG 28, 2021 Aussehen: gelblich rötliches bwrnstein, leicht trüb, grob schäumende schnell zusammenfallende weiße krone Aroma: starker Fruchtnote, starker hopfen, alkoholisch scharf, karamellig süß Antrunk: unbestimmt süß Midtrunk: hopfen bitter und süß Abgang: süßlich herber abgang Mundgefühl: schwer im Mund, sehr dominanter körper mit stechenden aromen, leicht ölig im mund

weizen-slayer (678) - Passau, GERMANY - AUG 24, 2021
UPDATED: AUG 24, 2021 Ziemlich irre 10,5 % Alkohol. Geschmacklich etwas sektartik. Süß / trocken. Den hohen Alkohol schmeckt man und dürfte auch seinen Teil zu den deutlich bitteren Nuancen beitragen. Im Abgang recht säurebetont, fast schon ätzend. Kein Genuss.

Dzony95 (186) - Belgrade, SERBIA - AUG 22, 2021
UPDATED: AUG 22, 2021 0.33 bottle from '6 exclusive Belgian ales' pack from Lidl, Belgrade. Contains sugar and rice. Sharp and sweet aroma. Pours gold slightly cloudy color with thick long lasting head. High on alcohol (10.5%) but refreshing and drinkable. Sweet and creamy with medium carbonation and intensive, strong taste. I kinda don't like it but it's a definitely great beer, too sweet for my taste.

TooTallGeorge (33) - - AUG 15, 2021
UPDATED: AUG 15, 2021 Pours from a 12 oz bottle a standard amber with a white head that fades quickly leaving lace on the inside of of the beer glass. First taste is pleasantly pleasing with mild hops and little aftertaste. A good beer with a heavy dinner.

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