Põhjala Cellar Series - Triple Barrel

Brewed by Põhjala
Style: Barley Wine / Wheat Wine / Rye Wine
Tallinn, Estonia
Serve in Snifter


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RATINGS: 22   MEAN: 4/5.0   WEIGHTED AVG: 3.84/5   EST. CALORIES: 390   ABV: 13%
A carefully blended multi-vintage barley wine. Contains barley, rye.

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fombe89 (8313) - Asturias, SPAIN - JAN 9, 2022
UPDATED: JAN 9, 2022 Botella de @Vivalabirra, Oviedo. 09/01/2022. Color ambarino corona de espuma blanca escasa, aromas caramelo, maltosa bourbon, sabor malta, dulce, cuerpo sedoso, rica.

Samuel214 (4202) - Örebro, SWEDEN - JAN 7, 2022
UPDATED: JAN 7, 2022 Flaska från Hopt. Mörk brunsvart med en inledningsvis förvånande och misstänksamt pigg skumkrona som mestadels lägger sig. Inga fel. Åt det stoutigare hållet, lite kakaotoner, johannesbröd, katrinplommon, mörk torkad frukt, åt det sötare hållet, åtstramat av fat, fattoner, ek, tanniner. Större kropp, lätt klibbig, inte farlig värme. Hänger kvar en stund i munnen. Helt ok, men inte riktigt i närheten av gamla Odravein.

fkoolen (3514) - Eindhoven, NETHERLANDS - DEC 30, 2021
UPDATED: DEC 30, 2021 Yellow waxed bottle at home. Pours dark brown, slim foamy light beige head. Ripe apple, complex porto-ish fruity whiskey, dried fruits, caramel, quite oaky dry. Good body, low carbonation.

DSG (22780) - Tel Aviv, ISRAEL - DEC 30, 2021
UPDATED: DEC 30, 2021 Bottle sample at a tasting at Yoav's place. Black. Apple (acetaldehyde), oak, brandy, vanilla, caramel, nuts, some chocolate, sweet with a bit of sourish apple, some alcohol.

zvsn (6723) - ISRAEL - DEC 25, 2021
UPDATED: DEC 25, 2021 Bottle at a tasting. Dark brown, beige head. Aroma of soy sauce, chocolate, molasses. Dark malts, chocolate, vanilla, coconut, wood, umami, alcohol. Full-bodied, warming, oily.

bierkoning (18836) - La Tropica/Doarp, NETHERLANDS - DEC 17, 2021
UPDATED: DEC 17, 2021 Bottle. Deep dark brown color. Toffee, butterscotch, oak and whisky in the aroma. Raisiny sweet, kruidkoek, oak, alcohol, whisky, very sweet, powerful, enough character to compensate the immense sweetness somewhat. Full bodied.

MarcoDL (8408) - NETHERLANDS - DEC 12, 2021
UPDATED: DEC 12, 2021 Bottle. Black pour. Aroma of creamy caramel fudge, chocolate, fruity bourbon, rye whiskey, dates, raisin, molasses and malt. Taste has rich caramel fudge, fruity bourbon, dates, creamy rye whiskey, molasses, raisin, figs, malt, red grape, a little cinnamon and a long rich fruity boozy finish. Delicious.

MelvinKalksma (4743) - NETHERLANDS - DEC 11, 2021
UPDATED: DEC 11, 2021 Opaque black beer with a slight brown head. Heavy aroma; taste starts heavy sweet and ends slightly bitter and dry. Wood, bourbon, vanilla, chocolate, mocha and roasted malts. 9/5/10/4

Scrumpy369 (1477) - Budapest, HUNGARY - NOV 29, 2021
UPDATED: NOV 29, 2021 Can at home from KEG. Dark brown colour no head at all. Nose is whisky, rye, cacao, rum. Taste is medium bitterness, low medium sweetness. Candied fruits, cocoa, molasses. Like a delicius xmass cake. yummy.

martin00sr (9113) - Haderslev, DENMARK - NOV 22, 2021
UPDATED: NOV 22, 2021 Tap @BRUS. Black, creamy beige head. Fudge, vanilla and bourbon/whisky aroma. Sweet, boozy flavour, vanilla, wood. Slightly chewy, caramely finish. Puts some colour in your cheeks, booze barely balanced.

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