RATINGS: 72   WEIGHTED AVG: 3.51/5   SEASONAL: Winter   IBU: 36   EST. CALORIES: 300   ABV: 10%
A Barleywine-style wheat beer, weighing in with 70 IBU. The grist profile is 55% malted wheat and 45% malted barley in large quantities!! We have a starting gravity (density of extract, i.e. ounces of malt sugar per gallon of water) of 23° Plato. A primary fermentation occurs at 68°f for 8 to 10 days followed by an extended maturation in one of our 14-barrel horizontal conditioning tanks at 38°f for approximately three and a half months. This maturation or conditioning time allows the flavors to meld, the yeast to settle out and the beer to mellow. During the primary fermentation there are some intense flavors created, as well as an intense hopping rate, and with the extended conditioning these flavors "cool" out. Near the end of maturation we put in some oak and dry hops to add yet a wee bit more flavor and complexity. Which brings us to the flavor profile: this full-bodied, complex ale has rich, malty overtones, verging on toffee with an underlying hop assertiveness. A good sipping beer for when winter turns to spring.

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closey22 (3073) - Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania, USA - NOV 7, 2017
Cloudy amber brown with little rimming white head Aroma is sweet and notes of fermented fruit Flava is rich malty with hints of apple cider balanced with robust hop spice bitterness Feels thick foamy Finishes moderately bitter with hop spice notes

Dogbrick (17956) - Columbus, Ohio, USA - OCT 18, 2017
Sample at the brewpub. Hazy dark amber color with a medium off-white head that diminishes steadily to an outer ring. Stringy lacing. The aroma consists of malt, wheat, fruit and hops. Full-bodied with flavors of caramel malt, fruit, wheat and mild hops. The finish is sweet with a malty aftertaste. Decent overall. Decent overall.

JK (7157) - St. Louis Park, Minnesota, USA - JUL 24, 2014
I had this during my honeymoon. Draft at the brewpub in Portsmouth. Dark, opaque copper color and nearly still without carbonation. Sweet caramel and sugar, with lingering hop bitterness and full palate with perceivable alcohol. I liked this.

davey101 (752) - Connecticut, USA - JUL 9, 2014
2014, best by August 2014. 22 oz bomber into a tulip glass. Pours a dark red with a light khaki head that disappears completely over time. Nose is dark fruits and berries with some caramel and booze. Taste is toffee, raisins, berries, wheat and some floral hops. Finishes sticky, boozy, and sweet. Carbonation is a bit low. Overall it’s a big sipper. Nothing amazing, but very warming.

Bacterial (3140) - Twin Cities, Minnesota, USA - MAY 21, 2014
Draft at the brewpub. Hazy amber pour, naive slightly fruity nose (the bartender said strawberry, but my nose just isn’t that good). Nice malt character without being overly sweet. Strong hops and just at ing bitterness on the finish. Really nice.

SuperTiti33 (904) - Aylmer, Quebec, CANADA - MAY 6, 2014
Blonde. Orangé. Très sucré. Fruité. Banane. Pêche. Levure. Un peu épicé. Belle amertume. Très bien.

ben4321 (9773) - Metuchen, New Jersey, USA - OCT 13, 2013
Location: Draft at the Brewpub, 7/12/13

Aroma: The aroma is sweet malts, some fruit/strawberry, and a little boozy too
Appearance: It pours a copperish-amber color with some off-white head on it
Flavor: Flavor-wise, this one is sweet and a little boozy, I got strawberry, citrus, and wheat
Palate: The mouthfeel is decent, it has a medium body, and an average length duration
Overall Impression: You know, I wasn’t a huge fan of this one, but, at the same time, this is a decent attempt at the style. Portsmouth might not have made a top of style Wheat Wine, but I’m glad the at least attempted this style.

jkwood04 (5777) - Connecticut, USA - JUL 8, 2013
Sampled at the brewpub. Pours hazy copper with a light beige head. Aroma of wheat and caramel malts, hints of toffee, some dough, and floral hops. Flavor the same with a little alcohol on the finish. Smooth texture. A pretty good beer.

czar (13375) - Québec, Quebec, CANADA - JUL 6, 2013
on tap at brewpub. hazy copper with a minimal light beige head, some retention. spicy caramel, light woody notes, phenols and booze. average carbonation, medium body - oily, sticky and sweet, boozy and harsh grassy-resinous finish. meh.

j12601 (14609) - Poughkeepsie, New York, USA - JUN 22, 2013
On tap at the brewery. Pours a hazed amber with a thin white head. Big and sweet, touches of fruit,. Medium bodied, slight warming alcohol right away, more dense old prunes, big and chewy. Long dense bitterness.

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