RATINGS: 139   WEIGHTED AVG: 3.58/5   EST. CALORIES: 225   ABV: 7.5%
Prairie Ace is a candy sugar saison that has been dry hopped with Sorachi Ace

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caribou43 (2456) - Lausanne, SWITZERLAND - JUL 10, 2020
UPDATED: JUL 10, 2020 I have ordered this bottle through qoqa. Drinking and judging this big bottle, at home, Epalinges, during the last week. The body is orange/brown and troubled, dry carbonation, white foam. In my point of view, this beverage is correct, particular and interesting notes of sourness and dry hopped like a pale ale, mineral, dry with a generous bouquet of hop at the final.

hopscotch (11918) - Vero Beach, Florida, USA - APR 27, 2020
UPDATED: APR 27, 2020 Bottle... Pours hazy and amber with orange highlights and a foamy off-white head. The aroma is citrusy and phenolic. Full-bodied with zippy carbonation. The flavor is lightly sweet, but also dry, spicy and lemony. Finishes crisp and dry.

cgarvieuk (34084) - Edinburgh, SCOTLAND - FEB 13, 2020
UPDATED: FEB 13, 2020 bottle in hotel room Orlando feb 2020... hazy amber... big white head.. soft earthy funk fruit nose. soft sweet herbal fruit.. juicy hop... Light earthy funk

PapaSkeetSkeet (1319) - Providence, Rhode Island, USA - DEC 15, 2019
UPDATED: DEC 15, 2019 Bottle at Fortnight in downtown Providence, RI. Orange-light-amber, hazy, cm of cream-colored head. Aroma is nut-dust, bright blueberry and blackberry, prune, flour, light caramel, lightly tart, some quick-pickled herbs, some floral essential oils. black currant candy. fucking weird. Body is light-light-medium weight, watery, bit oily, medium-light carbonation, light burn, medium-coarse bubbles, foamy mouthfeel. Flavor is pickled... something, toasted grain, blackberry, strawberry, grass, light caramel notes, bread crust. Weird.

drpimento (6063) - La Crosse, Wisconsin, USA - SEP 28, 2019
UPDATED: SEP 28, 2019 The Aromas are wet paper, old Hops and a little caramel malt. With the flavors, it's similar to nose with some fruitiness and a little traditional farmhouse but the old hops get in the way. Okay body and carbonation but an old hop finish.

anstei (3818) - SWITZERLAND - JAN 25, 2019
UPDATED: JAN 25, 2019 Bottle. Pours hazy mud. Aroma is cucumber, dill, farmhouse, French salad sauce. Body is medium, salad, sweet and softly sour, lively carbonation. Herbal, so much Sorachi...

Listigovers (2149) - Toronto, Ontario, CANADA - JAN 20, 2019
UPDATED: JAN 20, 2019 Very interesting funky smell, I get notes of blue cheese, some sort of herbal? who can tell, it is very distinctive. Not overwhelming with the flavour up front, very distinctive aftertaste. The dry hopping is nice and complex to mix with the dry yeasty funk, funk slowly builds and coats your tongue. A bit of acidity, but not sour, dryness is the main factor and it makes you want to drink more. Medium bodied but easy to drink, it dries your mouth so you want more, long and complex blue cheese like aftertaste. Always a treat to have Prarie.

Alengrin (9649) - Gent, BELGIUM - OCT 29, 2018
American ‘saison’ made the Belgian way with candi sugar, dry-hopped with Sorachi Ace. Bottle at Uncle Babe’s in Ghent. Creamy and regular, stable, egg-white, membranous-lacing head over hazy peachy golden beer, turning a bit murky and ochre-ish with sediment. Weird, spicy aroma of herb cheese with dill and cheese crackers (clearly the Sorachi Ace gone old), dried grapefruit peel, sage, pineapple, juniper leaf, cucumber, bread crust, dried apricot, some onsetting wet cardboard-like oxidation. Dried apricot and apple peel in the onset, fruity but cleanly so and restrained in sweetness, sharply stinging carbonation, cracker- and bread crust-like maltiness, slick and dryish; a strong, bit resinous, quite unique spicy factor dominates the finish, dried dill from the Sorachi Ace very clear and turned a bit weird to be honest. Grapefruit and mango-like accents as well, next to obvious ‘old hop’ cheesiness and a touch of oxidation. Clearly, and unlike most saisons by definition, this one was not intended for prolonged aging – the Sorachi Ace has done weird things to this beer, which the other taster at the table could not digest; I personally found it interesting and drinkable enough, but of course cheesy old hops can never be the intention. Probably a lot better when young so I’ll grant it the benefit of the doubt, but in this form, disappointing seen Prairie’s reputation, also in saison-inspired beers.

ALIBALI (4265) - Kiel, GERMANY - OCT 3, 2018
ButterTuc, GinVat & ZestFog. WacholderPain VS. WhiteWineGrapeism🌻geil stimmig & mit betörenden 🍀🍋⚡️⚡️⚡️..dann 🧠👆😃 0,5l Buddel von BEERGIUM.COM...

j12601 (14609) - Poughkeepsie, New York, USA - JUL 22, 2018
Bottle. Pours a hazed gold with a medium sized white head. Soft musk, wood, fruit. Medium bodied, soft musk, faint acid, chewy wheat. Slow musk.

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