RATINGS: 48   WEIGHTED AVG: 4.03/5   EST. CALORIES: 390   ABV: 13%
Next, we decided to take our famous seasonal Christmas Bomb! and age it in whiskey barrels because nothing says Christmas like cinnamon, vanilla, chocolate, Spaceship Earth coffee, ancho chiles, and WHISKEY. There will be roughly 2800 bottles of this seasonal delight but we know it won’t last long.

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Biroholik (4029) - Sosnowiec, Poland, POLAND - MAY 19, 2021
UPDATED: MAY 19, 2021 Prairie Artisan Ales - Barrel Aged Christmas Bomb Imperial Stout Brewed With Spices And Aged In Whiskey Barrels. Alkohol: 13% obj. Kolor: Czarny jak smoła. Piana: Trzeba się bardzo śpieszyć ze zrobieniem zdjęcia. Piana ucieka tak szybko, że nie sposób ją nawet uchwycić. Zapach: Aromat mocno świąteczny, intensywnie przyprawowy. Gałka muszkatołowa, cynamon, goździk, odrobina pikantnych nutek, coś na kształt chilli, czy innych papryczek. Dalej gorzka czekolada i kawa. Smak: W smaku od groma przypraw: kardamon, gałka muszkatołowa, cynamon. Delikatnie podrapuje w gardle od pikantnych dodatków - czarny pieprz lub papryczki. Trochę nut kawy, czekolady i kakao. Niezbyt dobre ciało. Nawet rzekłbym wodniste. Alkohol chwilami daje się we znaki. Wysycenie: Niskie. Podsumowanie: Prairie Artisian Ale - kiedyś to było coś. Fajne piwka, wspaniałe beczki. Tutaj ani beczki, ani dawnego blasku. Samo piwo zabija swoją przyprawowością, która tłamsi cały charakter trunku. Cynamon, kardamon, gałka muszkatołowa, goździk z elementami kawy, czekolady i kakao. Słabe, trochę alkoholowe, mało przyswajalne.

IPAgutten79 (1070) - Skui, NORWAY - JAN 22, 2021
UPDATED: JAN 2, 2022 Mørk med nada skum. Aroma av vanilje, whiskey og søt sjokolade. Smaken er malt, whiskey, vanilje, noen udefinerbare julekrydder og mildt av sjokolade. Mektig.

VastActiv (12835) - Oulu/Helsinki, FINLAND - JAN 2, 2021
UPDATED: JAN 2, 2021 Bottle at home, Nivala. Color is dark brown with very small head. Aromas and flavors: Spices, chili, some cardamom, chocolate, whisky and roasted malts. OK.

AmEricanbrew (8281) - Oaklatx, Louisiana, USA - DEC 29, 2020
UPDATED: DEC 29, 2020 From tap at Prairie Okc. Dark brown pour with no foam. Chocolate fudge, vanilla, wet wood, Christmas spice aromas. Rich smooth mouthfeel. Nice mesh of flavors are chocolate dark fruit coffee vanilla whiskey with holiday spices—— well balanced flavors —warming finish ___ nice fireside sipper

explosivedog (8095) - New York, New York, USA - DEC 26, 2020
UPDATED: DEC 26, 2020 Bottle. Pours black. Cinnamon, chocolate, little heat, cherry, vanilla, dark chocolate, whisky, oak, Mexican hot chocolate. Decent body. This is pretty phenomenal.

cam0617 (219) - Colroado Springs, Colorado, USA - DEC 26, 2020
UPDATED: DEC 26, 2020 Pours a black with a thin tan head that disappeared really quick. The aroma is chocolate with some roasted nuts. The flavor is chocolate with some cinnamon that lingers on the tongue. Its very thick on the palate. Its a good beer, I just wish the flavors were stronger

Lisowczyk (342) - POLAND - DEC 24, 2020
UPDATED: DEC 24, 2020 Dużo whisky i jeszcze więcej cynamonu! Cynamonowa bomba:) Do tego drewno, kawa, szlachetna czekolada, dobre kakao, wafelki, lekko piekące, acz mocniej smakujące papryczki, delikatna wanilia i krówka w tle. Alkohol i papryczki delikatnie grzeją w przełyku.

brokensail (18691) - Bay Area, California, USA - AUG 22, 2020
UPDATED: AUG 22, 2020 Bottle @ RateBeer Best 2017. Black in color with a thin tan head. This is not doing it for me. Get a lot of green bell pepper right off the start, which ruins it for me. There is a nice spice quality of cinnamon, nutmeg, and chile pepper. Plenty of chocolate and vanilla sweetness here. Barrel and bourbon character is strong as well. The flavor is luckily, a bit better, than the nose. But not enough to really redeem the beer for me. A rare miss from Prairie.

Meilby (13448) - Kristiansand, NORWAY - JUN 18, 2020
UPDATED: JUN 18, 2020 Bottle 355ml @ Sommerhuset
Pours black with a small tan head. Aroma has notes of roasted malt, chocolate, way to much cinnamon, molasses, coffee, and hint of ginger and licorice. Taste is heavy sweet and light bitter with a long warm, cinnamon, chocolate, coffee, spiced and licorice finish. Body is full, texture is oily, carbonation is soft to flat

Christian (16103) - Odense, DENMARK - JUN 9, 2020
UPDATED: JUN 9, 2020 Bottle @ Ratebeer Odense Gathering, After Corona, June 2020. Black with a tiny off-white head. Aroma of cinnamon buns with extra cinnamon. Sweet roasted flavour with far too much cinnamon. Sadly, you can taste a hint of the fabulous base beer underneath.

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