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RATINGS: 8   MEAN: 3.03/5.0   WEIGHTED AVG: 2.99/5   EST. CALORIES: 180   ABV: 6%
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jybi (1866) - Nouméa, NEW CALEDONIA - JUN 3, 2020
UPDATED: JUN 3, 2020 Lakes of love ou lakes of taste? Car cette Préaris intégrant de la pomme manque cruellement d'intensité et de complexité aromatique. L'amertume est-elle peu enlevée, et nous sommes sur une bière ayant amertume et douceur maltée à un niveau comparable. L'alcool, à 6 % se fait peu trop ressentir quant à lui. Le visuel est sur un blond orangé, légèrement voilé et surmonté d'une fine couche de mousse. Le nez n'est pas extraordinaire, relativement neutre et doux sur la pomme de terre, légèrement floral et une pointe de poire. A la dégustation les arômes de pomme et de cidre sont plus présents, tout en restant relativement discrets. Alliés à de légers arômes floraux et de pomme de terre, les arômes restent cependant plats, sans variation. L'ensemble est relativement frais mais manque de présence. Corpulences et longueurs sont très moyennes. A noter également une petite astringence. Tout cela ne vaut pas un cidre !

paulvanpelt (1046) - Reusel, NETHERLANDS - JAN 31, 2020
UPDATED: JAN 31, 2020 Troebel goudgeel bier met witte schuimkraag. Inderdaad aroma van appel, verder niet heel veel interessants. Zuurtje, licht bitter. Mwah.

Alengrin (9649) - Gent, BELGIUM - SEP 20, 2019
UPDATED: SEP 20, 2019 Another recent Préaris 'boutique beer' (now with colourful labels), apparently a kind of saison flavoured with 'a touch of apple' so technically a fruit beer as well, I suppose. Steinie bottle from Bierhalle Deconinck in Vichte. Bubbly, rather irregular, off-white, rather loose head, dissipating quickly till reduced to a (very) thin ring an some flat shreds in the middle; initially clear, warm 'old gold' robe with pale tangerine-orange hue and a few thin strings of small bubbles rising up from the bottom of the glass, turning misty and deeper peachy-hued with sediment (and, in the very end, even some tiny, dark dots near the bottom, likely proteins but perphaps remainders of the apples as well). Aroma of old apple cake, wrinkled old apple peel and even stewed red apples, warm butter or butter cookies, ripe pear, some light damp straw, cold camomile tea, cooked sweet potatoes, sweetclover flowers, dough, pineapple touch. Some banana and pineapple esters in the onset, fruity and crisp with indeed this sour-and-sweet, slightly cider-like apple presence, a little bit astringent on the edges even, fizzy carbonation with pronounced minerally effects, smooth body, feeling lighter than 6% ABV; smooth cereally malt sweetishness with ongoing sweet and lightly sour fruitiness carried towards a quenching, mildly bittering finish with a subtle yet elegant dosage of floral hoppiness. Fruitiness remains key here till the last drop, in a crisp apple-like way indeed, but feeling completely natural and nowhere overdone; light breadiness and floral hop bitterness linger alongside this 'genuine' apple fruitiness. Some light spicy phenols (clove) appear retronasally as well. Dryish in the end (in that sense 'saison' indeed) - less sweet than I was expecting from an apple beer, in any case, with a crisp, light-footed, very quenching character, this is about what I was expecting; no off-flavours or other slips in quality, but perhaps a bit too light to weigh in on Préaris' all-in-all impressive range of beers. Still, a very appropriate one for what is probably going to be this year's last truly summery weekend...

Bierridder_S (2086) - Oudenaarde, BELGIUM - JUL 3, 2019
UPDATED: JUL 3, 2019 01/07/2019 @home - 33cl bottle from Bierhalle Deconinck, Vichte Clear blonde, medium fading white head. Nose is grains, something lemon, sour, Taste is thin grains, bit lemon, touch of pepper, dry, grassy. Somehow this beer feels a bit wrong, not ready…

tderoeck (14777) - Gent, BELGIUM - MAY 16, 2019
UPDATED: MAY 16, 2019 2/II/19 - sample @ Brugs Bierfestival, BB: n/a - (2019-173) Thanks to the Belgian ratebeer crew for sharing todays’ beers! Cloudy blond to gold orange beer, creamy white head, very stable, bit adhesive. Aroma: malty start, cow fodder, grains, hay, unpleasant. MF: ok carbon, medium body. Taste: malty start, bit sourish, fruity, dirty touch. Aftertaste: more acidic, grains, cow fodder, fruity notes.

Rubin77 (7197) - Brussels, BELGIUM - FEB 19, 2019
UPDATED: FEB 19, 2019 sample shared @ Bruges Beer Festival 2019 day 1. with 77ships, tderoeck and nathanvc. F: medium, white, average retention. C: gold, hazy. A: sweet malty, vaguely fruity, bit spicy, grassy, orange. T: medium malty backbone, bit spicy, mellow fruity, grassy, medium body and carbonation, nothing really special, partially enjoyed.

nathanvc (4147) - Gent, BELGIUM - FEB 6, 2019
UPDATED: FEB 6, 2019 2 February 2019. At Brugs Bierfestival. Cheers to tderoeck, 77ships, Rubin77, Jerre, Kevin & Anke! Clear pale yellow with a lasting, thin, frothy, white head; lots of lacing. Aroma of wheat, lemon zest, gooseberries, white bread, hand soap, melon. Taste is light to medium wheaty sour, quite soapy though, some gooseberries & lemon; light to medium grassy bitter then, bready & yeasty accents, slightly spicy (insufficiently I'd say) touch of white pepper, overall soapy. Dry, grassy hoppy finish, lingering wheat & white bread. Medium body, slick texture, soft carbonation. Feels 'unfinished'...

77ships (14200) - Antwerpen, BELGIUM - FEB 3, 2019
UPDATED: FEB 3, 2019 Thanks for sharing tderoeck + Rubin77 + nathanvc! Sampled 330 ml. bottle @ Bierfestival Brugge 2019. Orange creamy white head. Nose is poor BE, cow fodder, esters, cereal, cornflakes, grain. Taste is stale cow fodder, cereal, stale yeast, poor BE, basic soggy,… Body is yeast, cow fodder.

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