RATINGS: 40   WEIGHTED AVG: 3.04/5   SEASONAL: Special   EST. CALORIES: 150   ABV: 5%
Jasmine Ale. This mysterious ale calls upon centuries of brewing and human intrigue with natural herbs. In days gone by, these beers were conjured up for many reasons and occasions. Folks consumed various natural herbs in many forms, and beer was one. It was thought that these herbs had qualities that complement everyday life. Today's connoisseur is finding that a swing back to the way it used to be is a natural cycle of life. Some of our modern ways could use a little tweaking and taking a step back into the world of Herbs is a great way to start. Enjoy this amber ale with a nice malt sweetness and just a hint of Jasmine and hops.

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hopdog (19493) - Lansdale, Pennsylvania, USA - NOV 16, 2017
22oz bottle. Poured a copperish / amberish color with a smaller sized head. Jasmine, caramel, and floral. Not my cup of tea.

bytemesis (13152) - Sunnyvale, California, USA - JUL 20, 2017
Tap. Pours lightly hazy orange, small white head, some lacing. Aroma is super floral, hints of caramel. Flavor is light plus sweet, very light bitter. Medium body, low carbonation. Interesting.

radarsock (1226) - Massachusetts, USA - MAR 3, 2015
Purchased from One Stop Market yesterday afternoon. $5.00 ($4.95 + $0.05 container deposit) for the 650 mL bottle. I should mention that because the dust was so thick on the bottom-half of the bottle, signing my name with my pointer finger was embarrassingly effortless. Thankfully the bottle behind the one I decided on picking was covered in a dried dust that was as hard as rock. Glad I chose thoughtfully, but I have no idea how long this has sat on that shelf, but I had to put it out of its misery and acquire the bloody thing. #fuckit

To long-stemmed snifter, it pours a sediment-heavy ruddy amber with which a thin off-white head 1 finger in length stood.

Aromas of candied mint leaves, damp newspaper, molded apricot, mulched hay, green tea (brief), white pepper, spent grain.

Tastes the same with the addition of earth-forward hops, basil, sweat, LME, and American yeast. Standard, but drinkable. Had an odd bubblegum flavor by swallow that must have come from the yeast. I would like to try this fresh(er) again. Good news: wasn’t half bad.

DiscerninDrunk (48) - - SEP 9, 2014
Pours a hazy orange/copper, little head, next to no retention. Smells of an herb garden, peach iced tea. Jasmine present on flavor has a slightly tea aftertaste. Ok.

Bulk_Carrier (6064) - Vermont, USA - MAR 31, 2014
Rcvd as a gift. Reviewed from notes. The appearance was a clear yet light amber body with a half finger of white head that fades fairly quickly to a film, carbonation is seen rising, and what appears to be jasmine is floating around in the glass The smell had jasmine, light herbal/tea-likeness, subdued caramel/malts. The taste was sweet and bready through previously mentioned flavors. On the palate, it sat about a light, but carbonation is initially felt but becomes better felt as the beer warms. Overall, well, I think Rock Art did what they wanted to so I’ll commend them for that, and since jasmine is good for relaxation purposes, I’d say not bad in a beer maybe as a night cap even if its a low ABV.

puboflyons (4654) - Allenstown, New Hampshire, USA - SEP 2, 2013
From the 22 fl. oz. bottle. The pour is copper amber with a moderate head but this has some wild carbonation flowing up the glass. The aroma is of jasmine and herb with a clean hop note. The body is light to medium. The taste takes a little getting used t o because of the herbs and jasmine. It works well for what it is.

apotekhin (79) - ISRAEL - AUG 15, 2013
Cherry orange color. Smell like sweet jasmine tea and honey. Tastes like malty Jasmin tea with minimal bitterness. After taste is light and dry. Nice unusual beer. Fun to drink.

DrSilverworm (11039) - Cincinnati, Ohio, USA - JUN 15, 2013
22oz bottle shared by dudeabide. Mostly hazy golden orange color. Lots of fine particles in the body. Little off-white head. Not sure that the jasmine works with the pale ale citrus hops. Light to moderate bitter, light sweet. Alright pale ale.

phaleslu (14680) - Cincinnati, Ohio, USA - JUN 13, 2013
22 oz. bottle shared by jmborggren, I think. Pours a slightly hazed rose-gold with an off-white ring for a head. Aroma of jasmine, pale malts, perfume, and fainter herbs and floral notes. Flavor is the same. Light-bodied, with a super dry mouthfeel that leans floral and has medium carbonation. Underrated. Good summer sipper.

b3shine (11340) - Noblesville, Indiana, USA - JUN 11, 2013
Bomber to snifter (shared by dudeabide). Looks solid; a cloudy deep orange with white lacing. Smells of herbs. Tastes like it smells, only blander. Average on the palate. Meh.

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