RATINGS: 72   WEIGHTED AVG: 3.45/5   SEASONAL: Summer   EST. CALORIES: 210   ABV: 7%
Our rotating dark brew is a big, malty, full-bodied and extremely hoppy American stout brewed with real oats and dry-hopped! Huge roasted and coffee aromas blend with citrus and pine creating a complex and wonderful drinking experience.

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Imaena (2404) - Kyiv, UKRAINE - OCT 9, 2013
Draught @ RB in Chi. This is a nice straightforward oatmeal stout. Would try it again.

tkrjukoff (4336) - SWEDEN - MAY 4, 2011
Apr 28, tap @ Rock Bottom, Chicago. Pours deep brown black with a rich brown head leaving nice lace. Aroma is fruity, coffee, chocolate, smoke and roasted malts, ver nice. Velvety and creamy body. Flavor is very nice, malty and roasted, slightly sweet and tart. Finishes with a lean pleasant tart bitter aftertaste.

maneliquor (3513) - Perth, AUSTRALIA - MAY 2, 2011
Draft at Rock Bottom Chicago. Pours a deep brown with a lingering, dense tan head. Lots of roasted coffee on the nose with some spruce to it - the hops. Roasted coffee and chocolate come through in the taste and finish bitter sweet due to the hops. Solid and easy drinking stout

DuffMan (10981) - the land of bitumen, beef & beer, Alberta, CANADA - OCT 16, 2010
Part of a sampler at the brewpub. Opaque near-black. Aroma of bitter roast and chocolate. Flavours of burnt malt, bitter baker’s chocolate, light aniseed. Minerally dry finish. Missing that creamy, oatiness I would expect in an oatmeal stout. This seemed more like a dry stout to me but my server confirmed it was the oatmeal version. Still darn tasty!

otakuden (1783) - Vero Beach, Florida, USA - AUG 1, 2010
Night has arrived not just outside but inside my tasting glass. A burnt crema head whispers sweet nothings while she swirls with a light dusting of burnt crema lace. I am immediately enveloped in roasted aromas to set my heart aflutter. Burnt caramels, freshly drawn espresso, bitter black chocolates, burnt toast, and freshly charred wood are followed by prunes nipping playfully in the background. Oats toasted dark brown-black undercut a prominent presence of pine; this is a dry-hop oatmeal stout, after all. The first quaff leaves me reveling in a medium body with a mild watery current. Not quite as filling as I would expect from an oatmeal stout, but on the other hand, my tastebuds are already reveling in burnt oats and charred wood. The top of my tongue starts her inevitable drying process as tart prunes playfully strut their stuff. Espresso crema rich with burnt caramels linger long in my breath while underneath is dry, burnt sweetness, wood, ash, and more espresso. Even though her body is on the thin side, she still enjoys a soft creamy presence thanks to the use of oats. What little presence of hops to be found are in the back of each swallow with pine needles and grass before her espresso takes over once more. Intriguing, though I never felt either aspect of the Terminal Oatmeal Dry-Hop Stout was performing to the best of her ability.

jsf23mr (218) - Chicago, Illinois, USA - MAY 3, 2010
UPDATED: MAY 5, 2010 One of fourty-five beers featured at Rock Bottom Brewery’s Rockfest in Chicago, IL. Poors a dark, almost black, color. Light tan foam head. Thick aftertaste. Coffee and chocolate taste and smell.

TheAlum (7164) - Aurora, Illinois, USA - MAY 2, 2010
Sampled on tap at RockFest (Chicago, IL). Pours a nice pitchblack pour, dark with a great light brownish head, big and laces well, stays that way. Aromas are vanilla, oatmeal, a good floral hopping, roasty. Initial is roasty and cocoa, bitter, with a mellow sweetness and good floral hopping that sticks to the hopping and roast, plays a nice synergy. Tasty. Finish is roasty, oatmeal and cocoa sweetness lead into roast and floral hopping. Tasty.

anders37 (31023) - Malmö, SWEDEN - APR 19, 2010
Draft @ Rock Bottom Chicago, Chicago, IL. Pours a black color with a small tan head. Has a roasted malty hoppy chocolate and coffee aroma. Roasted malty hoppy bitter chocolate and coffee flavor. Has a roasted malty hoppy bitter finish.

JaBier (12380) - Capital City, Ohio, USA - JAN 10, 2010
Sample at Rock Bottom Chicago as Dry Hopped American Stout. Darkest brown pour with a medium tan head. Roasty coffee aroma with bitter hops. Roasty malt flavor with lots of hop bitterness. A bit too hoppy for a stout.

Tmoney99 (19268) - Cincinnati, Ohio, USA - OCT 13, 2009
Draft sample at Chicago brewpub. Poured black color with an average frothy brown head that mostly lasted with excellent lacing. Moderate roasted coffee, chocolate malt and earthy aroma. Medium body with a smooth texture and flat carbonation. Medium to heavy toasted bittersweet flavor with a medium bittersweet finish of moderate duration. My expectations where met with another solid drinkable beer.

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