RATINGS: 97   WEIGHTED AVG: 2.66/5   EST. CALORIES: 159   ABV: 5.3%
Harkening back to old world brewing styles, Roscoe’s Hop House uses the highest quality malts and hops to bring forth this smooth, bright-flavored Pale Ale. With a nod to the past, this nicely balanced, true ale is brewed using traditional brewing methods for a unique flavor profile. The password to our best kept secret is found inside the bottle.

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User134089 (1644) - - APR 18, 2016
Type: 12-oz. bottle Glass: Lagunitas mason jar From: Barons Market in Alpine, Calif. Price: $3.99 for a 6-pack Purchased: April 4, 2016 Consumed: April 4, 2016 Misc.: No BOD on bottle or 6-pack Don’t think this is going to be a good one, but had to try it for $3.99 for a 6-pack. Also noticed that it was from Rochester, N.Y., about 45 minutes from my college. Now I know that is actually brewed in Novato, Calif., but still. Hoping it is something that can be my new cheapie go-to after Dieselpunk Porter and Dieselpunk IPA both gave me a nasty headache recently. Poured an orangeish, copper, hazy color with two fingers of off-white, rocky head, which thinned out rather quickly. Could just barely see some bubbles coming up from the bottom of the glass. No lacing on the sides of the glass. Minimal retention on the top all the way down. (Sight - 3.25) Smelled pretty much what I thought it was going to smell like and probably what a Dieselpunk Pale Ale would smell like as well. Got spoiled peach or nectarine, caramel, buttery malts, grassy notes, earthy grain and orange zest. (Smell - 3.25) Tasted a little maltier than the nose, but still unappealing. Got caramel, grain, nectarine, spoiled apple, grassy notes, buttery malts, herbal hops and hints of orange zest. Tasting more like an English Pale Ale. (Taste - 3.25) Light body. Oily texture. Average carbonation. Abrupt finish. (Feel - 3.25) This was probably better than I thought it was going to be, but not something I would want to have unless I was three or four good beers deep. (Overall - 3.25) 3.25 75 B-

BeerAndPonies (171) - Medicine Hat, Alberta, CANADA - FEB 16, 2015
341 ml bottle from a six-pack from Liquor Depot, served in my Guinness nonic pint. Pours an opaque, rusty orange hue with TONS of suspended particulate (seriously, the orange flecks of sediment just hangs in the beer, like fruit chunks in Jello), little to no carbonation, and a quickly-vanishing light tan cap leaving some lace spots and partial rings. The nose is sweet, with orange and other citrus zest, and a little malt in behind. Reminds me too much of the aroma of sweet-and-sour sauce that graces so much of Canadianized Chinese cuisine. So much for sweetness...the flavor is unmistakably sour and salty, like lemon-lime Gatorade without any sweetener, and even holds an unappealing bitterness that lingers at the back of the tongue. Body is thin and dry. This is a messed-up pale ale, with an astringency that, to its credit, could dissolve the thickest case of cottonmouth. Just weird.

Bulk_Carrier (6064) - Vermont, USA - JUN 16, 2014
Reviewed from notes. This one was poured into a pint glass. The appearance was a hazy orange color with a one finger white foamy head. There is some light lacing that tries to stick to the sides but mainly slides for the most part. The smell had some cooked vegetal substance I couldn’t quite right place. The taste was slightly bitter for the sake of being bitter. Light English maltiness pervades into the flavor. On the palate, this one sits about a light to medium on the body. It shows a decent sessionability. Overall, this one is your basic pale ale that is slightly borderline to an English pale ale.

rumproasts (6127) - Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA - MAR 18, 2014
bottle. deep golden with small head. Mild malt base and rather mild hops. Again, the hops seem a bit dull and flavorless. At least it was cheap.

dfinney23 (3424) - Houston, Texas, USA - FEB 4, 2014
Looks great. Tastes not so much. Nothing objectionable, just not much to it.

hotstuff (5394) - Fort Wayne, Indiana, USA - NOV 10, 2013
Rated on 8-17-2009 (Bottle) This beer pours a small fizzy off-white head with a short retention, transparent gold body, fast rising carbonation, and one ring of lacing. The Aroma is caramel malt and citrus hops. The Taste is lightly bitter, caramel malt and citrus hops. The Palate somewhat fizzy and this beer is medium bodied. Overall, this beer is easy to drink because there is not much going on with the flavor. This is a beer I do not recommend trying.

Nickytoethumbs (12) - - OCT 31, 2013
Pretty good beer. Light hoppiness and bitterness, followed by light fruits. Enjoyed with Zack at his house ---Rated via Beer Buddy for iPhone

frankliemydear (12) - Roseville, California, USA - OCT 30, 2013
I liked this beer. It’s kind of mild for a pale ale..less strong than say IPA, but it’s not IPA and it doesn’t claim to be. It does have the pale ale aftertaste, but as I said, milder. I guess the aftertaste is the hops. I’m not a fancy beer connoisseur, my usual style is Miller High Life, so beer connoisseurs, feel free to disregard my comments. I got this beer at one of my favorite fancy beer stores...Big Lots $6.00 a 12 pack. For $6.00 a 12 pack beer, it’s very good. I consider it a decent beer at a regular beer price.

BuckNastee (1) - California, USA - OCT 15, 2013 does not count
I created an account here just to warn others of this brew. I picked up a 12pk for $8.99 and at first taste realized I’d been had by a New York brewer. It is like milwaukee’s best in a bottle claiming to be a pale ale. brewed cheaply and tastes like it, on par with Simpler Times lager from Trader Joe’s at twice the price. Aroma, taste, appearance, palate and overall that of a Mr. Beer homebrew, which explains the great head and lacing. It will be a chore to get through this 12 pk and I will steer clear of roscoe’s house of filth on the future.

Fletchwadd (49) - Riverview, Michigan, USA - SEP 29, 2013
Poured to almost a Hazey yellow or gold. Very little white head leaving very little sud lines. Smells of a light citrus or grapefruit. Aftertaste is bitter almost a hint of lime

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