RATINGS: 1323   WEIGHTED AVG: 4.14/5   SEASONAL: Special   EST. CALORIES: 300   ABV: 10%
Ale with currants added and aged in oak barrels. When we made the Toronado’s 20th Anniversary Ale, we had no idea that it would turn out to be one of our favorite barrel aged beers we would ever make. With that said, we have always wanted to make a dark barrel aged beer using 100% Cabernet Sauvignon barrels but, we never were inspired. That is, until we blended five different beers to make the Toronado beer, the tobacco character from the the dark malts blended nicely with the furit character that developed in blending. So, with Concescration we set out to make a barrel beer using all Cabernet Sauvignon barrels. No, we are not saying that this is a replica of the T-rooms anniversary beer, after all, a beer like that can never be duplicated, and, there was no fruit added to that beer as there is with this one. All we are saying is that it gave us great inspiration to brew Consecration.

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drewski_1 (1) - - NOV 7, 2021 does not count
UPDATED: NOV 7, 2021 Amber with thin head. Fruity aroma and pleasantly tart. Not as heavy as I was expecting.

Bricktop86 (1788) - Portland, Oregon, USA - SEP 25, 2021
UPDATED: SEP 25, 2021 Hazy light brown small white head. Aroma is fruity berries, bubblegum, woody, and funky. Taste is light/medium sweet, medium sour, and medium bitter.

tfontana (3801) - Fremont, New Hampshire, USA - APR 10, 2021
UPDATED: APR 10, 2021 Bottle (02/11/14) pour courtesy of Chalumeaux--thanks, TJ! It's a cloudy dark brown (root beer) with no discernible sparkle, no head and no lacing. Aroma is sweet farmhouse funk, mild tart fruit, caramel, light vinegar. Taste is strong tart fruit, oak, cherry, sweet fruit. Mouthfeel is light side of light-to-medium bodied with smooth, thin texture, soft carbonation, and finish as taste. Overall, not necessarily agreeable flavors to me but nice complexity and well crafted. Seven years old, so that's saying something

jamesfinster (2) - - APR 10, 2021 does not count
UPDATED: APR 10, 2021 Definitely the best a sour can get. Received as a gift and loved every drop. Hard to go back after drenching my longing for a good sour after this. Worth every penny.

Kavu (8891) - Helsinki, FINLAND - NOV 27, 2020
UPDATED: NOV 27, 2020 0,375l bottle from friends, batch 011819, shared with wiosna @ home. Pours cloudy deep amber with a low head. Aroma is sour malts with oak and wine. Flavor is sour malts, berries, oak, wine. Quite nice.

vcsa (341) - - NOV 7, 2020
UPDATED: NOV 7, 2020 Appearance: Pours hazy pale tawny. A little creamy white head, no lacing. 外观:浅茶色,朦胧。少量细腻的白色泡沫,无挂杯。 4/5 Aroma: Orange, grapefruit, black currant, cassis, sour cherry, wood and funk, with gentle hints of clove, bay leaf and black tea. 气味:橙子、西柚、黑莓、黑醋栗、酸樱桃、木香和马厩味,伴随着柔和的丁香、月桂叶和红茶。 8 Tart vinegar, citrus fruits and forest fruits with hints of malt and wood. Edgy acidity. Dry tart tannic finish. 味道:酸酸的香醋、柑橘类水果、莓果伴随着麦芽和木香。略尖锐的酸度。尾韵干而酸,呈现单 Medium bodied, slight oily texture with fine tannin, soft carbonated. 口感:酒体中等,质地稍显油润,带有精细的单宁,杀口感柔和。 4/5 Ove This is malt forward rather than fruit. Complex, but structure bigger than body, I'm afraid. 这酒是麦芽而并非果味主导。复杂度是有的,但恐怕架构大于内容。 14/20

NordicV (4190) - Malmö, Sweden, SWEDEN - OCT 29, 2020
UPDATED: OCT 29, 2020 Flaska från bryggeriet. Dimmig brunröd öl med ett lättare skum. Doft och smak är syrlig med frukt- och bärsyra, lätt kryddighet och trä.

rayaron (5840) - Kfar Saba, ISRAEL - OCT 25, 2020
UPDATED: OCT 25, 2020 Bottle sample at a tasting at Roi's place. Hazy copper with white head. The aroma has lots of wine, coconut, wood, vanilla, grapes, berries. The flavor is mild sweet and mild bitter with lots of wine and wood, alcohol, berries, lemon. Full-bodied.

zvsn (6723) - ISRAEL - AUG 27, 2020
UPDATED: AUG 27, 2020 Bottle at a tasting at RFK place, thanks Alex! Batch 102419. Hazy amber copper color. Aroma of oak barrel, red wine, plums, vanilla, acetone.Sweetish, forest berries, oak, tart plums, red wine, tannin, coconut, vanilla, acetone, alcohol, bitterish finish. Medium-full bodied, oily. Rich and complex, lovely.

coachd (2388) - O'Fallon, Missouri, USA - JUN 19, 2020
UPDATED: JUN 19, 2020 Not a very strong aroma. Looks stunning, plum colored body with a thin off white head. Very nice red wine characteristics, oak, tart finish, very drinkable for 10%. Bubbly palate. Great.

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