RATINGS: 20   MEAN: 3.88/5.0   WEIGHTED AVG: 3.73/5   EST. CALORIES: 210   ABV: 7%
So many IPA’s... English IPA, American IPA, Double IPA, White IPA, Black IPA (can’t figure that one out), heck, there are even IPA’s that are labeled as an IPA that really aren’t even an IPA to start with. So why not try our hand at a hazy IPA?

We didn’t make one just to jump on the hazy IPA band wagon, but more to challenge our brewing skills. Truth be told, the manager at one of our accounts challenged our brewer and owner Vinnie Cilurzo to make one, but Russian River style. Not standing down from a challenge, especially a challenge to make a new IPA, driving home after that conversation Vinnie was listening to some music with lots of tempo changes. By the time he got home he had written the recipe for Tempo Change in his head, a hazy IPA using 100% publicly bred American hops.

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brokensail (18691) - Bay Area, California, USA - JUL 24, 2021
UPDATED: JUL 24, 2021 Growler @ Caps & Taps. Thanks, Doyle. Slightly hazed golden beer. Smells rather spicy and even a touch earthy. Some lemon rind, grass, and orange peel. Maybe a little bit flabby on the tongue. Has a mild to moderate bitterness on the finish. Some cracker and bready malts. Kind of a let down, actually.

b3shine (11340) - Noblesville, Indiana, USA - NOV 14, 2019
UPDATED: NOV 14, 2019 Draft to taster at the brewpub. Looks good for the style; a cloudy/juicy OJ with white head. Smells of tropical and citrusy hops alongside a mildly to moderately bittersweet backbone. Tastes like it smells with a pleasantly citrusy medium-bodied mouthfeel. A good example of the style.

bytemesis (13152) - Sunnyvale, California, USA - JAN 20, 2019
UPDATED: JAN 20, 2019 Tap. Pours quite hazy golden yellow, small white head, good lacing. Aroma is melon. Armpit, grapefruit, tangerine. Flavor is light plus sweet, light plus bitter, juicy. Medium body, soft mouthfeel.

explosivedog (8095) - New York, New York, USA - NOV 16, 2018
UPDATED: NOV 16, 2018 On tap at the brewery. Pours slightly hazy gold. Peach, orange juice, lemon, bit grassy. Soft body. Good.

Sarlacc83 (2662) - Portland, Oregon, USA - JUL 29, 2018
Tap at RR. A: Cloudy lemon yellow with a thin white head N: Huge pineapple, papaya, guava, and mango. Banana and tangerine peel. Light pine and plenty of cracker. Wheat and rye germ. T: Quite citrusy, light sweet, and moderately bitter. Lots of tropical fruit. M: Medium body, no alcohol, and soft carbonation. O: Quite nice. Best hazy I have had actually.

Camons (19132) - Hasselager, DENMARK - JUL 20, 2018
Draught @ Russian River Brewpub, Santa Rosa. Pours hazy yellow with a white head. Aroma of light malt, rich fruity hops, tropical fruit, peach, pineapple. Flavor is light bitter, malt, grassy, fruity hops, tropical fruit, pineapple, light citrus. Medium body, average carbonation, dry and light bitter finish. 200718

bb (14189) - Alamo, California, USA - JUN 20, 2018
Draft. Amber beer with a cream head. Tropical fruit and citrus aroma. Citrus (orange, lemon, and grapefruit) flavor with light pine. Medium bodied. Good bitterness. Orange and grapefruit linger with light pine and light tropical fruit.

dinkle50 (1660) - Chicago, Illinois, USA - JUN 8, 2018
Hazy pale pour with a single finger head. Aroma is fruity, pineapple. Taste is grassy, hints of pineapple as well. Lots of herb and pine qualities. Lace present. Finishes dry, a hint of cereal. Medium bodied.

marcus (12679) - Sacramento, California, USA - MAY 26, 2018
On tap at City Beer. Pours sort of hazy golden with a nice white head and a faint floral aroma. There is a hearty pale malt flavor with with a dry fairly bitter finish. Not at all fruity, but a pretty solid brew.

lusikka (7837) - Espoo, FINLAND - MAY 26, 2018
Draught @ City Beer Store, San Francisco, CA. Pours a cloudy, bright yellow colour with a thick foamy head. Aroma of floral hops, mild graininess and lemon pie. Flavour of crisp floral bitterness, some sweet caramel malts, lemon pie and mango fruitiness. Medium bodied. Slick mouthfeel. Fresh.

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