RATINGS: 1034   WEIGHTED AVG: 3.14/5   SEASONAL: Special   EST. CALORIES: 174   ABV: 5.8%
This rich and malty ale originated in Ireland in 1710. It has a deep red color and distinctive caramel flavor from its Pale and Caramel malts. The malt sweetness is balanced by the earthy notes of East Kent Goldings hops. Cheers!

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alexsdad06 (16451) - West Chester, Ohio, USA - APR 27, 2021
UPDATED: APR 27, 2021 This is a backlog rating from 2008 from a bottle purchased at Party Source, from notes. When I had this beer it was average to below average for the style and not something I wanted to have again or I just didn't get back to my notes because of my technology at the time, work and/or family. Words to describe this beer are toasted malts, caramel, earthy, decent for what it is.

phaleslu (14680) - Cincinnati, Ohio, USA - JUN 24, 2019
UPDATED: JUN 24, 2019 Draft at the Samuel Adams Cincinnati Taproom. Pours a mostly clear amber with a finger of off-white head that settles into a ring and film. Really malty, with caramel, toast, nuts, toffee, brown sugar, earth, and a little bit of tea/leafy hop bitterness. Medium-bodied, with medium carbonation and a sweet, malty, earthy mouthfeel. Pretty good.

Jabah (2479) - Fairfax, Virginia, USA - APR 26, 2018
Grabbed in the Harvest Collection Variety Pack. Think I tried this once before a few years ago. A smoother version of Killians Irish Red. I enjoy pretty much all of Sammy's Brewmaster Collections, although this wasn't one of my favorites by them. Good balance of malt and hops, with decent overall flavor. Not bad for daytime or if desiring something lighter. Everything in the Harvest Collection is good, so I would recommend sampling in that.....just not sure if I would buy a 6-pack of this solo.

Bitterbill (2959) - Casper, Wyoming, USA - NOV 15, 2017
From May 2008 Purchased at Liquor Shed in Casper for US$8.10 a sixer. Pours a clear deep amber with a good 2 finger head of foam. Plenty of lacing and very good head retention. Nice roasted and caramel malt greet my smell buds along with a pretty substantial bitter hoppiness. The taste is very nice. Caramel malt gives it a big sweetness kick but there's an ample amount of roasted and toasted malt there as well and..it has a good hop bitterness that helps cut through the sweetness too. Tasty Red Ale here. Body wise, it starts off close to medium but it thins out a bit just before the swallow and it finishes with a mix of bread and a slight hop bitterness. I really like this one and I find it very easy to drink. Well done BBC! Btw, the best by date notch is November 08! Super fresh!!

higgsbison (350) - Cincinnati, Ohio, USA - SEP 20, 2017
A fine basic beer but nothing special at all. Sorry these notes were just for myself now I'm forced to publish them and need more characters to do so, hence this sentence ---Rated via Beer Buddy for iPhone

dfinney23 (3424) - Houston, Texas, USA - SEP 10, 2017
Straight ahead red. Rich amber color. Malty but balanced. Goes down easy. Good stuff.

luttonm (7592) - Seattle, Washington, USA - JUN 6, 2017
Bottle in Seattle. Malty dark brown and a dissipating off white head. Sweet malty red nose, lots of syrup with a red fruity edge. Fruity red malts, a touch of tootsie roll. A bit empty, but with an ok bitterness. Fair.

Itzjerm (3950) - Taft, Tennessee, USA - MAY 18, 2017
Everything a basic red should have. Nice head that never ends. Nice grain with some husk flavors as expected. Sweet malty light burnt sugar. Nose is all the same. Enjoyable.

Chadhami (628) - - APR 29, 2017
This beer looks beautiful on the glass, great brownish red color. Not much in the flavor department but goes down easy.

SlimHabib (529) - Winchester, California, USA - MAR 11, 2017
Bottle pour. Clear red with foamy tan head. Aroma is caramel and sweet malts. Medium creamy body. Sweet with a small bitter finish. ---Rated via Beer Buddy for iPhone

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