Samuel Adams LongShot Lemon Pepper Saison

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RATINGS: 298   WEIGHTED AVG: 3.23/5   SEASONAL: Special   EST. CALORIES: 192   ABV: 6.4%
Jeremy White, who works in the IT department at Samuel Adams, channeled his love of Belgian beers to create his Lemon Pepper Saison, a classic Belgian-style brew. Jeremy’s flavorful, refreshing and lighter-bodied beer is brewed with Grains of Paradise, an exotic tropical spice also found in Samuel Adams Summer Ale. The peppery flavor is complemented by a slightly sweet aroma with hints of vanilla and citrus, making this beer the perfect cool down to a hot summer day.

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JPDIPSO (6618) - Wauwatosa, Wisconsin, USA - JUL 1, 2015
Golden color with a taller off-white head. A golden ale aroma with nuances of lemon pepper. As it sets, I now catch the scent of a peppered biscuit. I’m mildly intrigued. After the aromas, I’m a touch let down by the flavors. The feel is light dry and fairly zippy. Light fruit and floral start. Not much malt backing in the flavors. Must be the spices warming my stomach. Some interesting flavors, they just don’t seem to come together for me. Yet I still find myself enjoying it. 5/10

generallee08 (784) - New York, USA - JUL 1, 2014
The body has a very bright golden yellow color with brilliant clarity and some visible carbonation. From the pour it makes a small white head which quickly vanishes, leaving only a thin ring around the edge of the glass and a film island of foam floating in the middle of the glass. There are good sweet lemon candy notes in the nose with yeast and light spices like coriander and white or green peppercorns. The base has a light, white bready maltiness with solid sweet lemon zest notes. Estery yeast rounds out the middle and there is a suggestion of coriander light peppery spice towards the finish which is dry and has lingering mild spice notes. The body and texture are light and there is plenty of carbonation.

harrymel (1551) - Spokane, Washington, USA - DEC 25, 2013
A: Pours a buttery gold with a single finger of loose head which dissipates quickly. Solid sheet of good, fine off white foam. Evident carbonation from the ribbons. Excellent clarity. S: The lemon pepper has actually started to come out more than I had anticipated. The beer six months ago was good, relatively balanced. The peppercorn has started to dominate a bit. Butter in the background. Creamy yeast nose. T: Yeast is out there. Quite fine. Pepper doesn’t dominate as much here. A little too much grain left here. somewhat bland as a saison. M: Medium light body with low carb for the style. Dry. Not good. D: Meh, okay once. Glad I had one still to review. Serving type: bottle 03-02-2011

Imaena (2404) - Kyiv, UKRAINE - DEC 5, 2013
Bottle. This stuff smells awesome - but the flavour and palette fall a little flat.

madmitch76 (34026) - , Essex, ENGLAND - FEB 10, 2013
17th February 2012
Hazy deep gold beer, no head. Mild carbonation. Minerals. Banana and lemon, very slightly tangy. Neutral finish. Meh! Needs body, carbonation and pepper!

Onenote81 (1002) - Winston-Salem, North Carolina, USA - APR 23, 2012
Originally reviewed: 6/1/10. 12oz bottle poured into a snifter. Pours a lightly hazy dark gold with a thin white head on top. No retention. No lace. Scents of clove, light funk, white pepper, and some citrus zest. The body is crisp and sparkling; par for the style. This beer has a nice lemony punch at the forefront. The spiciness I expected from the pepper is mild at-best. There’s also a mild bread-flavor at the backend that mellows this out a bit. This, to me, tastes more like a Belgian Pale than a Saison. It’s not bad, but I wouldn’t scream for more. *Note: This beer gave me hiccups like nobody’s business.

zach8270 (4021) - Henrietta, New York, USA - MAR 8, 2012
(bottle - 12 oz) Clear gold pour with almost no head and very mild carbonation. Very light and super sweet smelling aroma with some flowery hints and some honey mixed in with some vanilla. Nice lemon at the start of the flavor and then some bitter and bitey pepper. Very dry middle with some light pepper at the finish. A bit mild on the aftertaste.

callmemickey (4561) - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA - JAN 21, 2012
UPDATED: JUN 9, 2012 A: Pale golden-yellow body. Fluffy white head. Moderate retention and spotty lacing. Looked like an adjunct light lager. S: Lemon-citrus hop nose, light pepper, and a touch of yeast. Pleasant but rather generic and mild. T: Like the nose, there is nothing "wrong" here. Just a real mild, "watered-down" saison. Overall impression was that this beer was made by sam adams as a gateway saison for fizzy yellow beer drinkers. It lacked the soul of a saison. M: Moderate to light bodied. Gentle carbonation. A little thin, but otherwise solid. Refreshing finish. O: Overall it was a pleasant beer that suffered from no off or unwanted flavors or aromas. It was just a bit bland.

WISEGUY572 (1377) - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA - DEC 4, 2011
An odd beer, ok once or twice, but would be great as the entrant in a homebrew competition, which in a sense it was. A pretty average saison, with nice grain and yeast, sort of trompled on by lemon and pepper. Not nasty. But I would not do this again.

NeoHippie2 (1074) - Louisville, Kentucky, USA - OCT 16, 2011
Gross. I got this a 3 pack variety pack of the Longshots. This is disgusting. Tastes like some type of lemon pepper spiced dish I should be eating rather than drinking. Nasty. I cannot believe this made the cut it is horrible.

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