RATINGS: 200   WEIGHTED AVG: 3.14/5   IBU: 19   EST. CALORIES: 171   ABV: 5.7%
Samuel Adams Mighty Oak Ale is the winner of our 2011 Beer Lover’s Choice® campaign. This brew combines the malty sweetness of an ale with the complexity of oak aging for an overall well-balanced beer. The aroma has a subtle earthiness from the UK hops, while distinct notes of oak come through in the flavor of this amber brew. The vanilla and caramel oak character is balanced by the sweetness and subtle roastiness of our blend of malts for a smooth dry finish.

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Jabah (2479) - Fairfax, Virginia, USA - MAR 7, 2019
UPDATED: MAR 7, 2019 Nothing really impressing here. A little above average. Tastes like an oakey-smokey Boston lager. More malt to give it a bit more strength and flavor...more of an amber to light red appearance. Hopped about the same. Grabbed 2 in the 12-pack spring variety sampler..the 2nd sample growin' on me somewhat over the 1st, thought not something I will actively seek in the future.

slowrunner77 (19086) - Reno, Nevada, USA - SEP 26, 2014
"about on par with the bonfire rauch, a light but quality tasty brew. the malt profile of this beer actually reminded me of the former and had me waiting for the smoke that never appeared :) the oak is nice, though...toasted malt, vanilla, and a hint of caramel. light but smooth. little in the way of hops."

Duhast500 (414) - Cumberland, Rhode Island, USA - AUG 27, 2014
Poured from a 12oz. bottle into a dimpled mug. The color is a deep orange/gold with a finger of foamy brownish head and some thick lacing left on the glass. The smell is oaky with some sweet malt flavor that is right behind that nice woody aroma that is right in the nose first. There is a spicy bit of aroma as well and it has a slight caramel flavor. The taste is big butterscotch and is almost like candy as it comes down. There is some nice sweet honey flavor as well that seems to lay down on the tongue and helps the oak flavor slide down and makes this taste just delicious. This beer has such a smooth feel that is goes down easy even thought there is a bit of a punch that was not expected. A real jem from Boston Beer.

Darkmagus82 (2303) - - MAY 18, 2014
Transfer from BA reviewed 1-19-12 - Poured from bottle into a pint glass. Appearance – A beautiful golden-red color forming a billowy tan head. It hold for ~ 1min before fading to a thin wispy foam with a very light bit of lacing on the glass. Smell – Oak and sweet malts first are present. Some vanilla and the slightest bit of caramel come through at the end, rounding out to be a very pleasant odor. Taste – The slight caramel sweetness is present up front, but then is hit with some oak flavor and a bit more maltiness. The oaky maltiness takes hold and lasts until the end of the flavor experience where an ever so slight bit of vanilla sweetness works it way in and lingers on the tongue. Mouthfeel – Smooth and a little lighter on the carbonation make for a easy drinking brew. Nothing exceptional in the body, but quite pleasant and easy drinking. Overall – A nice brew with some interesting qualities. Get the oakiness without the overbearing alcohol flavors of many oaky beers. Not too shabby.

hotstuff (5394) - Fort Wayne, Indiana, USA - APR 26, 2014
Rated on 01-14-2012. This bottled beer pours a small frothy, very fizzy beige head that mostly diminishes, orange body, fast rising, fizzy carbonation, and one ring of lacing. The aroma is caramel malt, oak, vanilla, and earthy hops. The flavor is caramel malt, oak, vanilla, and light bitter hops come through at the end. The mouthfeel is lively and this beer is light-medium bodied. This is an easy drinking beer with the vanilla and oak coming through as the beer kept getting warmer.

ROGUE (2215) - Lewes, Delaware, USA - SEP 24, 2013
12oz bottle. Pours light orange amber color with a thin wisp of white head that lasts. Smell is oak and sweet malts with some vanilla and the slightest bit of caramel. Flavor is chewy with some nuttiness, a hint of caramel. some wisps of vanilla and just a brief hint of bitter citrus in the finish. Slightly heavy and overly carbonated.

jason1970 (143) - Illinois, USA - APR 27, 2013
Not good. Reminds me more of a bad cream soda than a bad beer. Either way, doesn’t work well. More vanilla than oak and very artificial tasting. Skip this if you come across it.

DCLawyer (3007) - Falls Church, Virginia, USA - APR 8, 2013
Bottle->SA. Amber with 1/2 inch white head. Aroma: nuts, caramel, malt. Taste is sweet with oak and vanilla. Eh.

jzzbassman (1638) - Arlington, Texas, USA - MAR 27, 2013
Bottle courtesy of friend Chris the Beer Whisperer. Malty aroma, sweet, sugary, Lighter sweetness in the flavor, with not much memorable, oak barely there, just an unremarkable amber ale.

Ret12 (454) - Maryland, USA - MAR 17, 2013
Nothing real special tasting about this. Slight hops with a bit of malt to end it. Overall decent.

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