Brewed by Baesangmyun Brewery
Style: Saké - Infused
Pocheon, Gyeonggi, South Korea
Serve in Guinomi, Masu, Ochoko


on tap


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RATINGS: 12   MEAN: 3.25/5.0   WEIGHTED AVG: 3.17/5   EST. CALORIES: 420   ABV: 14%
Sansa is a fruit bearing, broad leafed, plant belonging to the rose species. The fruit is red and has a pleasant scent. It grow extensively in the Korean peninsula and southern Manchuria. It is especially abundant in the northern part of the peninsula and southern Manchuria. Sansachun enhances appetite if drink before a meal, owing to its sour taste. This yakju is aged to improve it’s strength and taste. It is a yakju of very high quality. Yakju uses filtered alcohols and is then fermented with rice and rice malt.

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MrBeerFanatic (1306) - Indianapolis, Indiana, USA - APR 22, 2017
Small bottle international grocery indianapolis IN. Pours light yellow which just reminds of fresh pee. Aromas are more assuring putting off alcohol, light bitter berry, slight corn, light ricey. Flavors medium to high sweet berry, alcohol, light rice and a slight maize aftertaste like beer! Its more complex than a basic sake as there is only one main ingredient. The berry flavor is a nice little change from regular sake and lager lovers might appreciate the corn aftertaste.

pumpmaster (1575) - Pembroke Pines, Florida, USA - SEP 14, 2015
300ml botlle. Present from our Korean neighbors. Very good, sweet and fruity.

Palme (5034) - Bergen, NORWAY - DEC 22, 2014
0.375l bottle. Well, it definitely smells a lot this. Really fruity and you get the aroma of red sweet strawberries, fermented peaches, rice, starch and a faint acidity lurking in the back. Quite unique and really fruity. Quite nice also I have to say. It has a pale golden looks with a little red mixed in making it almost red rust water colored. No head. Yeah, it’s definitely fruity in the taste also! Really warming as well. Both sweet but most sour in a way. Old sour apricots and sour green plums. Slightly sugary and as mentioned really warming. Not something I can drink lots of in one setting, but accompanied by birthday sushi this was actually quite nice. 21.07.2014

hopscotch (11918) - Vero Beach, Florida, USA - JUN 2, 2012
Bottle… This sake rocks!… Clear straw-colored sake with a Rosé tint and Cameron Diaz/Angelina Jolie legs. The bouquet provides some really nice apricot, apple and plum esters. Full-bodied with a creamy mouthfeel. The flavor is very fruity – an assortment that I just can’t quite identify - and grassy. Finishes sweet, tart and fruity. Ultra complex. This world class bottle of sake was generously provided by SHIG!

SHIG (10003) - Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, ENGLAND - APR 30, 2011
Bottle: Pours a clear with a hue of pink, there is no head. Aroma is pungent of sour fruit. Taste is sweet with fruit and yet has a grain rice touch to it. I like the way it sticks to the palate. Very nice!

padrefan98 (854) - (San Diego) Santee, California, USA - MAY 16, 2007
375 ml bottle, and the restuarant was Minh Suk Chung. This was very refreshing and went down smooth. Some hints of peach and maybe some nectarine. Very good.

fordest (2469) - Santee/San Diego, California, USA - MAY 14, 2007
375 ml bottle at Korean restaurant I cannot pronounce or spell. Fruity and floral aromas and very similar flavors, only the flavors were much less subtle. Nice drinkablity. I found myself really enjoying this one.

TChrome (1497) - North Richland Hills, Texas, USA - JUN 25, 2004
Appearance is peach colored wine. Most dominant aroma was soy sauce, but there were other more subtle aromas that I could tell where there, I just could not identity them. Flavor was fairly nice, peach and floral with some light alcohol. I enjoyed this.

legion242 (2345) - Richardson, Texas, USA - JUN 21, 2004
Ok, this is my first sake rate, so bear with me. I also think that this is perhaps a remarkable specimen to be my first- sorta like losing your virginity to a super model- Jill Goodacre anyone? So, very pretty opaque pink color, almost rosey. Nose was hard to pin down- I keep trying to think in beer terms, and I don’t think they apply very well to something this delicate. I got a hint of citrus and strawberry. The palate was similiar to me of champagne. The alcohol was very hidden. A nice dry finish. I will seek out a bottle of this and sit and sip it alone, by myself, with no one to bother me.

Kevin (2228) - Montana, USA - JUN 21, 2004
Thanks to Nuffield for a sample of this. pinkish and cloudy with almost no aromaexcept an alcohol scent. flavor is sweet with a warm finish. has an overall powdrey flower taste.

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