RATINGS: 100   WEIGHTED AVG: 4/5   SEASONAL: Special   EST. CALORIES: 222   ABV: 7.4%
Solera-style saison (Cask 200) aged further in puncheons with strawberries.

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phaleslu (14680) - Cincinnati, Ohio, USA - JAN 3, 2019
UPDATED: JAN 3, 2019 750 ml bottle from bytemesis - thanks again, Mike! 2017 vintage. Pours a cloudy gold with a slight orange-red hue and a small off-white head that settles into a ring. Right-away I'm hit with something a little aggressive here that must be the strawberry past its prime, more of a grape-yogurt kind of thing. There's some acidity and oak, grains and grass, a bit of lemon and plum skins. Medium-bodied, with a tangy, acidic mouthfeel and modest carbonation. It's good but not as good as other SARA stuff I've had, and it probably needs to be fresher.

baraciisch (4919) - California, USA - FEB 26, 2018
Bottle. Slightly hazy golden orange. Aroma of fresh strawberries, buttery oak, citrus, hay, lemon zest, funk... Flavor is only moderately tart, tons of complexity, oak and earthy Saison grains play perfectly with fresh strawberries throughout and acidity is present but secondary to the cask base and fruit, definitely not a puckered... Prefer it to the 200, but both are world class beers... lots of funk, light minerality... excellent, really impressed ---Rated via Beer Buddy for iPhone

madmitch76 (34026) - , Essex, ENGLAND - FEB 11, 2018
29th November 2017
Craft Islington bottleshare. Thanks to Nathan. Bit drunk now! Very hazy gold beer, small pale cream colour head. Palate is light and dry and has decent fine carbonation. Thin malts, lightly sweet, Little white wine and light fruits, trace of citrus. Crisp finish. Nicely joined up and crisp.

Garrold (9483) - Sheffield, South Yorkshire, ENGLAND - FEB 2, 2018
Bottle, shared round at Jeff’s. Pale gold. Light haze. Barely a head. Nose has tinned strawberry. Funk. Cheese. Baby sick. Taste is sweet and fruity. Oily mouthfeel. Soft carbonation. Sweet strawberry finish.

The_Osprey (10582) - WALES - DEC 27, 2017
November 2017 - Tasting at CBC Islington. Bottle shared with big thanks to Nathan. As 'Sante Adairius Cask Strawberry', 7.4%. Hazy vibrant orange, still, foamy off-white head leaves thick lacing. Aroma is musty, apple, celery and rhubarb. Body is frothy with tingly carbonation. Taste is oily citrus, green apple, battered chicken sprung to mind, grassy, some notes of white wine, sherbet and lychee, thin strawberry. Interesting one. (7-4-8-3-16=3.8)

Theydon_Bois (33079) - Hazlemere, the lower Xhitlerns, Buckinghamshire, ENGLAND - DEC 26, 2017
Bottle split at CBC Islington, big thanks to Nathan, 29/11/17. Hazed golden with a decent off white covering. Nose is strawberry youghurt, straw, lemon tinges, grass, grains, light yeast consist. Taste comprises more strawberry yoghurts, hay bale, pink berry candies, light yeast, straw, faint spice, apple core, light citric shizzle to balance. Medium bodied, fine carbonation, semi drying close. Solid saison ... probs the best strawberry infused beer I've had to date.

mR_fr0g (23876) - Hertfordshire, ENGLAND - DEC 4, 2017
Bottle shared at Craft Beer Co Islington 29/11/2017. Many thnaks to Nathan. A hazed golden orange coloured pour with a lasteing white head.. Aroma is sour lemon, apricot sour, woody sour. Flavour is composed of tangy lemon, bitter pineappple, lemon, semi sweet. Palate is clean lacto sour, . . Sour tangy pineappple.

Leighton (30699) - London, Greater London, ENGLAND - NOV 29, 2017
Bottle shared in London / big thanks to Nathan. Pours hazy gold with a creamy, white head. Tons of tangy, jammy strawberry in the aroma. Light sweet flavour with moderate citric tang, some lemony acidity, seedy strawberry. Medium bodiednwith fine, spritzy carbonation. Tart finish, more lemon and strawberry, mellow seedy bitterness. Good stuff. Quenching.

cubs (10772) - Fort Collins, Colorado, USA - SEP 13, 2017
Bottle at home, shared with lenincat, thanks to bytemesis for sending. Love me a cask gold. Cloudy orange appearance with a thin white head. Aroma has some funk, light cheese/ parmesan, bright strawberries, vanilla, and light wood. Surprisingly not exceedingly sour. It's moderately tart which I didn't expect. I had in mind it would be like Cascade Strawberry. Refreshing, fruity. Super easy to chug. Doesn't shit my pants but it is easily the finest strawberry I've had. Would swallow again. Way better than expected. LeninCat also very much liked this.

Dogbrick (17956) - Columbus, Ohio, USA - SEP 6, 2017
Sample from Batch #4 at Kurtkeller 027: Sante Adairius-tastic 01 on 07/30/2017. The beer is a hazy yellow-gold color with a medium thin white head that dissipates steadily to a film. Short strings of lacing. The aroma consists of strawberry, yeast, malt and oak. Medium body with flavors of funky strawberry, yeast, citrus, oak and biscuit malt. The finish is funky with a strawberry and yeast aftertaste. Very good beer overall.

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