RATINGS: 281   WEIGHTED AVG: 4.05/5   EST. CALORIES: 195   ABV: 6.5%
Saison Bernice is an exquisitely fermented farmhouse ale. Dry and refreshing Bernice is made of the freshest on-hand and locally available ingredients. She saw multiple yeast additions including Brettanomyces and further bottle aging. Drink now or cellar properly. Saison Bernice will endure. The beer in this bottle is alive. So is the yeast. Grow it, keep it, use it. We encourage you to brew your own.

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davidezdonz (1514) - Hong Kong, HONG KONG - OCT 4, 2021
UPDATED: OCT 4, 2021 A 750ml bottle, with no bottled on or best before date. Poured into a 3 Fonteinen stemmed glass. It was a clear golden colour with a two finger pillowy white head that had good retention and left some nice lacing. Aromas of funk, peach, apricot, musty, oak, lemon zest, with light orange vanilla and floral notes. Tastes lightly sour, tart, and funk, stone fruit, apricot, peach, citrusy notes, lemon zest, orange peel, vanilla, peppercorn, floral. Creamy beginning, smooth, medium to light bodied, with moderate carbonation, and a dry finish. Overall really smooth and enjoyable. Just so easy to drink with its great aroma and flavours. Wish it was easier for me to get more.

tricksta_p (10176) - Steenwijk, NETHERLANDS - OCT 2, 2021
UPDATED: OCT 2, 2021 Bottle. Beautiful farmhouse aroma with citrus, pale malt, grass, stone fruits, light apricot. Tart and mild sour with a nicely dry finish. Medium body. Very tasty Farmhouse Ale, complex, dry, fruity.

wetherel (3694) - Cupertino, California, USA - MAY 23, 2021
UPDATED: MAY 23, 2021 On tap at the brewery in Capitola. Golden color with great lacing. Maybe a light haziness, or that could be just condensation. Musty light oak aroma. Light acidity. Fruity apricot like flavor. Very good.

Oscbert (1678) - Lincoln, California, USA - APR 8, 2021
UPDATED: APR 8, 2021 Rustic yeasty aroma with peach apricot like sourness Pours a golden color with small wispy white head Similar flavor in aroma, slight barnyard, wood, dust, horse, earthy spicy hop and yeast character. Medium bodied with medium co2, lingering bitterness yeast. Interesting rustic character. Blends well together, easy to drink.

Samuel214 (4202) - Örebro, SWEDEN - FEB 29, 2020
UPDATED: FEB 29, 2020 Flaska från SA. Guldfärgad, lätt disig med vit krona. Mjuk och fin med subtil syrlighet väl integrerad med resten. Funk, citrus, massor av druvor, mineraler, persika. Oerhört mjuk och fantastiskt gott.

juiceisloose (3665) - Windermere, Florida, USA - FEB 22, 2020
UPDATED: FEB 22, 2020 750 ml bottle. Pours a mostly clear golden color and topped by a small off white layer of foam that fades away to a thin film. The aroma shows notes of citrus fruits with hints of orange, grapefruit, and peach over a pale malt and crisp wheat base with hints of saison yeast and funky Brett. The flavor follows suit with notes of orange, peach, and grapefruit citrus up front and backed up by the pale malts, wheat, funky Brett, and a light tartness on the back end. Medium bodied with ample carbonation that leads to a slightly tart citrus, wheat, and Brett funk on the finish. Really solid and easy drinking saison.

Mortlach (4352) - Rome, ITALY - NOV 18, 2019
UPDATED: JUN 23, 2020 On tap @Open Baladin Torino. Dorata viva, velata, schiuma bianca medio-leggera. Naso vinoso, splendido, uva, frutta gialla, fiori bianchi, stalla, cantina. In bocca è deliziosa, vinosa, bilanciatissima, con acidità media, piena e persistente. Corpo medio, carbonazione media. Un capolavoro di birra.

lello4ever (2191) - Torino, ITALY - NOV 9, 2019
UPDATED: NOV 9, 2019 Color biondo chiaro, limpida, schiuma sottile. Al naso acidula con sentori di lievito ma una certa base maltata. Al palato subito si avverte un corpo medio, una nota Brett equilibrata, acidità giusta, mela acerba, un poco citrica. Carbonazione medio bassa. Finale secco.

dambor (1578) - Berlin, GERMANY - OCT 1, 2019
UPDATED: OCT 1, 2019 Pours yeloow with small head. Aroma: citrus, peaches. Taste: nice tart, slightly sour, citrussy.

Saeglopur (3713) - Vienna, AUSTRIA - JUN 3, 2019
UPDATED: JUN 3, 2019 Draught at Arrogant Sour 2019.
Dark yellow, medium hazy body, with a small, creamy, off-white head.
Aroma of cheesy funk, lemon, dough, lemongrass, some wood, slight vanilla.
Tastes quite similar, more citric.
Medium, a bit creamy mouthfeel, with a quite lively carbonation. Finishes citric, moderate cheesy, moderate wooden, a bit sweet, a bit dry, with some green apple, a bit doughy.

Tasty! Very well balanced, with beautiful, rustic funk notes, combined with a crisp citric character. Drinks very clean and fresh, outstanding Saison! Score: 8 / 4 / 8 / 4 / 17

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