RATINGS: 11   MEAN: 4.26/5.0   WEIGHTED AVG: 3.92/5   SEASONAL: Special   EST. CALORIES: 180   ABV: 6%
A blend of barrel-aged saisons.

2017 SARA Cellar Release.

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fonefan (69306) - VestJylland, DENMARK - FEB 22, 2021
UPDATED: FEB 22, 2021
Bottle 750ml. @ USWWT19 🐳🐋 [ Ulfborg Semi White Whale Tasting 2019 ] - fonefan & Brugmansia House, 🇩🇰 Denmark.

[ As Sante Adairius Wondermutt ].
ABV: 6.0%. Clear medium yellow orange colour with a average, frothy, good lacing, mostly lasting, off-white to white head. Aroma is moderate malty, pale malt, sweet malt, wheat, moderate yeasty, fruity yeast, peach - tropical fruit, stone fruit, citrus, light earthy - funk. Flavor is moderate to light light heavy sweet and light acidic with a long duration, sharp, stone fruit, citrus, dry, funky, wood - oak, earthy notes. Body is medium, texture is oily to watery, carbonation is soft. [20190615]

rouhlas (5549) - Thessaloniki, GREECE - JUL 2, 2019
UPDATED: JUL 2, 2019 From bottle at Ulfborg tasting 2019/06. Almost clear dark golden color with white head. Yeasty aroma, tart fruity, funk, citrus, floral, grass, spicy. Sweet and acidic taste. Almost medium oily body with soft carbonation.

MrOrla (4954) - Odense, DENMARK - JUN 15, 2019
UPDATED: JUN 15, 2019 Bottle. Pours hazy golden with a white head. Aroma of funk, stonefruits, wood, quite some fruity brett,. Taste is tart, loads of stonefruits, medium acitity, wood, citrusy.

hallinghansen (5084) - Odense SV, DENMARK - JUN 15, 2019
UPDATED: JUN 15, 2019 Bottle @ Ulfborg Semi White Whales Tasting 2019. Hazy golden body with a small white head. Apricot, funk, tartness, yeast, oak, slightly bitter. Good.

Guruhso (2172) - Grindsted, DENMARK - JUN 15, 2019
UPDATED: JUN 15, 2019 Bottle @ Ulfborg white-whales tasting. Aroma of citrus, stonefruit, grapes, funk, oak. Dry and moderate tart sour with lingering fruity sourness. Light and juicy.Good

slowrunner77 (19086) - Reno, Nevada, USA - JUL 5, 2018
A fantastic blended saision that has notes of oak, funk, white grape, stone fruit and citrus. Ridiculously complex and flavorful, yet easy drinking cause it's so good. 4.3-4.4

ineedbeer (3410) - California, USA - APR 27, 2018
Poured from a 750 ml bottle. Aroma is really nice and fruity with some oak and funk notes. Lots of pineapple, white wine grapes, and citrus as well as a bit of stone fruit. Nice oak notes with some light earthy and herbal funk. Pours a slightly hazy, golden color with a medium sized, medium thick, frothy, white head that recedes steadily to a thin film that lingers on the edges. Light lacing and faint legs. Flavor is slightly sweet with some light acidity and a bit of a grain note. Medium light bitterness with some light oak and tannins. Some medium light pineapple and white wine notes with light citrus, pear, and faint stone fruit. Faint earthy phenolic notes. Mouthfeel is medium bodied with medium carbonation. Low astringency and low alcohol warmth. Overall, this is a really nice saison. The aroma is down right amazing and the flavor is pretty close. Great fruity notes with balanced oak and light acidity and funk to round it out.

baraciisch (4919) - California, USA - APR 22, 2018
Clear gold in color... Aroma of dill, light grains, lime zest, funk... Crisp and light mouthfeel, lots of earthy grains, oak, lime zest, grapefruit pith, kiwi, dill and funk... light tartness and minerality, light salinity... so drinkable... Amazing beer ---Rated via Beer Buddy for iPhone

bytemesis (13152) - Sunnyvale, California, USA - APR 20, 2018
Tap. Pours lightly hazy golden, small white head, decent lacing. Aroma of delicate oak, floral, apricot, funk, grape skins. Flavors is light plus tart, light funk, super refined, complex, clean, hints of lemon. Medium body, soft mouthfeel, a hint of mineral water. Home run.

illidurit (2406) - Oakland, California, USA - APR 9, 2018
On tap at the brewery. Pours a clear golden orange with a fluffy white head. Aroma is lemonhead candy with a little lime peel influence. Citric tartness, somewhat wheaty maltiness, round acidity that fades into a dry finish.

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