RATINGS: 254   WEIGHTED AVG: 2.81/5   SEASONAL: Winter   EST. CALORIES: 177   ABV: 5.9%
This deliciously fruity ale is brewed with a generous amount of Belgian aromatic malt, hand selected hops and a traditional Belgian ale yeast. Brewed in the "Trappist" style, our Saranac Belgian Ale's fruity, malty character will leave you craving another bottle. Enjoy!

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generallee08 (784) - New York, USA - JUN 10, 2014
It has a thin off white head over an amber color brew that looks to have to have been filtered. The aroma has a definite Belgian malt and yeast character that I like. Its flavor is very malty and sweet with some classic Belgian yeast and fair amount of hops that give it some citrus and bitter notes. The palate is medium bodied with a nice smooth texture and carbonation. Overall it’s not as complex as other Belgians but it is still a decent brew.

Bulk_Carrier (6064) - Vermont, USA - JUN 1, 2014
Reviewed from notes. This was poured into a chalice. The appearance was a delicate hazy amber color with a decent white foamy head that fizzled into the body in about less than thirty seconds. There was some light lacing but for the most part it left some to be desired. The smell had a weird combination of toffee and caramel malts overpowering any degree of Belgian spices. The taste was overly sweet and really do the beer any favors of letting any aspect of true Belgian-ness to come out. On the palate, it wanted to show a medium sort of body but came across pretty light to show a fairly sessionable aspect to it. The carbonation was pretty sharp. Overall, I wasn’t exactly a fan of this one. Too bad I live too far away from this company to ask for a new one to see if it was a bad three bottles that I had when I first had this.

ads135 (7114) - Omaha, Nebraska, USA - NOV 6, 2013
Lacks the assertiveness and character of a true trappist. Weak and watery, though the appearance is decent.

tbopslt (354) - New York, USA - FEB 22, 2013
Bottle poured into a pint glass from a sampler pack. Pours a pale red color. Little head, no lacing. Faint aroma of sweetness and malt. Taste is also sweet and malty. Nothing special. Medium body, smooth finish. Pretty drinkable for a Belgian Ale but nothing to write home about.

chinchill (6213) - South Carolina, USA - JAN 15, 2013
12 oz bottle served in a snifter. A bit annoyed at the outset that Saranac simply describes this as a "Belgian style ale" on the label (although there’s a more information in the fine print on the neck label) -- Belgian ales are so varied that this is virtually useless. Pours a cloudy orange-amber with a short-lived off-white head. Vestiges of the head remain for a while and some thin lacing is left on the glass. Medium-light body with near medium carbonation. A little watery. The aroma is fruity, bready and appealing, but too faint. The flavor is fruity, bready and spicy, with what I would describe as a Belgian style spice component. It has a slight earthiness and yeastiness yet is quite drinkable. O: a decent and economical departure from your typical American beer, but a not a strong rendition of a "Belgian ale"

weihenweizen (6384) - Charleston, West Virginia, USA - MAR 22, 2012
Refrigerated bottle poured into a trappist glass. Pours transparent amber with finger off-white head that lingers. Good lacing, medium body, well carbonated, and caramel malt aroma. Taste is caramel malt, spicy yeast, some bread, and hint of candy sugar. Just get a Leffe Blonde.

Cakes (695) - New Bloomfield, Pennsylvania, USA - AUG 2, 2011
12 oz bottle – From the “Beers of Summer" variety pack. A taste of Lemon Zest! Poured an orangish color with a nice head. The aroma was sweet malts and a yeast. The flavor was very sweet malts, hint of yeast, and a lemon citrus rush. The lemon permeates this white ale.

wlajwl (10859) - Quad Cities, Iowa, USA - FEB 1, 2011
Way too light to be an authentic Belgian Ale. Can taste the sugar notes but not much else.

dredmond (179) - Long Island, New York, USA - JAN 11, 2011
Medium color, modest carbonation, light bitterness, good feel on palette with "Christmas tree" aftertaste

DavoleBomb (1867) - Pennsylvania, USA - JAN 11, 2011
Poured into a tulip. 4.0 A: Amber color. Decent head with average retention and plenty of lacing. 3.5 S: Spicy, almost like a mix of pepper and cloves. Sweet malts and a touch of wheatiness. Not really much hop character. 3.5 T: This is my first Belgian pale ale, so I don’t have much to compare it too. Tastes like a tripel blended with an American pale ale. A lot of malt character and somewhat sweet. No clove, but pepper is there. A bit of light fruit. Hoppy finish which brings balance. 3.5 M: Smooth, good carbonation. Medium body. Nothing special, but not lacking. 4.0 D: This is one of Saranac’s better beers, though it’s still nothing special. Serving type: bottle Reviewed on: 01-07-2009 05:14:03

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