RATINGS: 769   WEIGHTED AVG: 3.05/5   EST. CALORIES: 153   ABV: 5.1%
Saranac Black & Tan is a judicious melding of our classic irish stout with an all-malt german-style amber lager. The result is a brew that is hearty, pleasantly bitter and full of flavor, yet can be enjoyed bottle after bottle. Our unique Black & Tan has multiple flavor notes... you may enjoy counting them. Enjoy!

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pdog555 (1419) - Connecticut, USA - APR 14, 2019
UPDATED: APR 14, 2019 Pours black with a thin tan head. Aroma of roasted malt. Taste is light and malty, nutty aftertaste. Palate has earthy nut notes on the back of the tongue. Interesting.

riggsfc61 (1724) - Franklin, North Carolina, USA - MAR 18, 2019
UPDATED: MAR 18, 2019 Found out of bottle from a variety pack. Pours a dark brown, with an off white foam. Medium roasted flavor with a slight hint of coffee.

chinchill (6213) - South Carolina, USA - NOV 2, 2018
(from 2011 notes) A - quite dark for a black and tan: although a bit of light comes thru creating mahogany highlights at the edges, the beer is close to opaque. The modest tan head has a nice mixed density appearance, very good retention, and leaves plenty of lacing. The nose is quite fine if a bit subdued, and featured hop tinged medium and dark malts. Very slightly floral. Of course, I knew what I was drinking but still the fact that this is a mix of a lager and a stout actually seemed apparent in the taste. This failure to blend seamlessly is to be expected and actually added to the complexity and enjoyment of the beer. This even held for mouthfeel which did seamlessly combine the two into something like an average body (i.e., heavy for a lager/ light for a stout), again in a very enjoyable mix where the combination as considerably more effervescent and a bit drier than a typical stout. The finish is stronger (mainly dark malt) and longer lasting than one might predict based on the strength of the preceding flavors. O - If memory serves me well, this is about as enjoyable as a black and tan in a bottle gets, although one can do better with various combinations of beers found on draft at a good pub. Over-priced in Prague but a bargain in Eastern U.S.A.

gripweed57 (5605) - Hamilton Square, New Jersey, USA - JUL 13, 2017
From old tasting notes. Translucent brown color. Rocky tan head. Fragrant roasted malt nose. Tangy toasted malt flavor with lactic undertones. Assertive hop finish. Burnt malt aftertaste.

mstrcrwly (1000) - New York, USA - MAR 31, 2015
drank straight from the bottle..aroma of roasted nuts,coffee..dry,malty,thin..not very good.

alexsdad06 (16451) - West Chester, Ohio, USA - JUN 14, 2014
12 oz bottle from backlog notes. Pours dark brown in color with a small beige head. The aroma and flavor have an odd roasted malt, stale coffee, some earth, thin, doesn’t present even as a basic stout. Meh.

generallee08 (784) - New York, USA - JUN 4, 2014
The head is tan, thick, and it makes good lacing on my pint glass. Roasted malts, hops, caramel and toffee notes, fill your nose. On the tongue there are flavor notes of roasted malts, toast, espresso, and wild tart blackberries. The bitterness of the hops surrounds and balances everything nicely and leads to a slow bitter finish. It has a nice medium body and a creamy smooth mouth feel that makes it very enjoyable.

Darkmagus82 (2303) - - MAY 26, 2014
Transfer from BA review on 4-10-12 - Poured from bottle into pint glass Appearance – Pours a deep brown color with a tan head. The head had some retention and faded giving a small amount of lacing. Smell – The aroma is of some roasted malt with hints of chocolate. There is a light vanilla aroma in the nose as well. Taste – The taste of nice dark chocolate and roasted malt. The flavor has some sweetness up front with flavors of vanilla and caramel sweetness. Mouthfeel – The body is slightly above average and has a good creaminess. The carbonation is on the lighter side and is quite nice for the brew. Overall it is a very nice mouthfeel. Overall – This was a rather tasty and affordable brew. It had a nice smooth flavor and mouthfeel profile and made for a good session beer.

Bulk_Carrier (6064) - Vermont, USA - FEB 18, 2014
Reviewed from notes. Consumed March 28, 2012. She pours a jet black color and leaves the same colored body with a slight brown around the edges. The head dissipates within seconds. The smell has a slightly creamy sweet blend of coffee and has some toasted bread character to it. The taste is nutty and chocolate sweetness with a tinge of bitter coffee at the end. On the palate, she sits about a light to medium, slightly sessionable with a tangy aftertaste and finish. Overall, it is a decent brew that I might have again.

ads135 (7114) - Omaha, Nebraska, USA - NOV 6, 2013
Black and Tan’s in a bottle never really taste like black and tan’s but there’s something to be said for beer mixes. This one is decent. Has some roasted quality, some chocolate, and the mildness and mouthfeel of an amber. Off flavors abound unfortunately.

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