RATINGS: 250   WEIGHTED AVG: 2.95/5   SEASONAL: Winter   EST. CALORIES: 180   ABV: 6%
Brewers Notes: This Brown Ale is brewed with American malt and hops, and traditional ale yeast. Look for a sweet, chocolaty taste, with balanced bitterness resulting in a full flavored but smoothly drinkable beer.

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chinchill (6213) - South Carolina, USA - NOV 2, 2018
Poured in standard pint glass. A- deep, dark orangeish brown with tan head. S - toasted malts, hops T- Pronounced hoppiness (citrusy and piney) reflects Americanized ale. Both malt and hop flavors are quite evident, with hints of coffee and a slight burnt taste. Has a bitter and hoppy finish. M - thin for a beer this style; Moderate carbonation. D - more complexity would increase the appeal.

Bulk_Carrier (6064) - Vermont, USA - JUL 9, 2016
Reviewed from notes. This was poured into a mug. The appearance was a delicately bronzed to transparent brown color with a decent little white head. Moderate lacing. The smell started off with some roasty malts, light toast, some nuttiness. Then gets kind of dirty to earthy. The taste was mainly the same. Dirty/grassy/earthy aftertaste and finish. On the palate, this one sat about a light to medium on the body but has a really great sessionability about it. Boy, one could really slam these if they wanted to. Overall, it’s like a session brown ale, if there really was one. Hmmmm...almost makes me wonder if it needed more body, lol, oh well, not sure.

alexsdad06 (16451) - West Chester, Ohio, USA - SEP 27, 2014
Bottle from notes (2011 picked up at Kroger). Pours a clear brown color with a small off white head. The aroma and flavor have light roasted malts, toasted bread, mild nutty character, earthy and lightly bitter hops. Boring, very average.

slowrunner77 (19086) - Reno, Nevada, USA - SEP 23, 2014
Mix pack offering is a pretty standard thin bodied Brown ale. Nothing stands out, good or bad. A touch of earthy hops And nuts over light roast and cocoa."

generallee08 (784) - New York, USA - JUN 4, 2014
The brown ale forms a thick light tan head that sits on top of a clear dark amber brew. The head makes nice lacing as it sides down the sides of the glass. The aroma is full of sweet malts. On the tongue, caramel and maple sweet malts give way to bitter dark chocolate and coffee notes. The palate is medium bodied and smooth with average carbonation. Saranacs Brown Ale is well balanced and very drinkable.

ads135 (7114) - Omaha, Nebraska, USA - NOV 5, 2013
Not a particularly great brown. Mild and a bit too sweet. Nice appearance, medium bodied.

Beergeek23322 (2602) - Chester, Virginia, USA - AUG 16, 2013
June 2011 from bottle. Amber color, white head. Sweet malty aromas with caramel, spice and nuts. Slightly bitter finish, but nothing unusual or memorable about this brew.

shigadeyo (4029) - Cincinnati, Ohio, USA - AUG 2, 2013

6/14/2011: Saranac Brown Ale... Aroma: Typical for the style. Appearance: Mahogany brown color with an average head of darkish beige foam. Flavor: Mostly toasted malts with dark roasted malt bitterness and a reserved sweetness; littler bitterness or hops shine through, but that’s expected for the style; pleasing nuttiness throughout. Palate: Medium-bodied; smooth; average texture. Overall: Soft, but decent Brown Ale, but not necessarily the best offering from Saranac.

12 fl. oz. bottle from Kroger in Harrison, Ohio. Rating #243 for this beer.

Huhzubendah (3781) - Washington DC, USA - SEP 14, 2012
The beer is mahogany colored with an inch of tan head that leaves plenty of lacing on the pint glass. The aroma is pretty weak, with some toasted bread, malt, caramel, and nuts. The flavor is OK, with a light roast presence. The hop character is amped up a bit more than expected. The body is thin, with ample carbonation. Overall, this is a drinkable brew, but nothing special or exciting happening here. Serving type: bottle Reviewed on: 07-13-2011

robforbes (2428) - Bremerton, Washington, USA - AUG 18, 2012
pours a semi-clear reddish-brown with a medium size yellowish head, and some lacing. smell is faint, floral, brown sugar, spice, and malt. taste is of spice, malt, caramel, and hops in the back. ends spicey and bitter.

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