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RATINGS: 903   WEIGHTED AVG: 3.03/5   IBU: 32   EST. CALORIES: 165   ABV: 5.5%
Saranac Pale Ale is a classic English Pale Ale brewed with six specialty malts and aggressively-hopped with hand-selected English Kent Goldings & Fruggles hops. Look for a rich fruity hop bouquet. A copper amber color and a smooth, full-flavored taste with a crisp finish that only comes from a genuine top fermented ale. Enjoy!

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pdog555 (1419) - Connecticut, USA - MAR 5, 2019
UPDATED: MAR 5, 2019 Pours amber with a thick white head. Aroma of dry malt and citrus. Taste is hoppy, citrus and pine bite on the tongue. Palate contains earthy malt notes. Tasty and interesting pale ale.

tikka (6) - - AUG 8, 2018 does not count
UPDATED: AUG 8, 2018 One of my first IPA's, a good solid beer. Hops are present, smooth with a nice hop finish. An enjoyable beer, a definite thirst quencher.

gripweed57 (5605) - Hamilton Square, New Jersey, USA - JUL 13, 2017
From old tasting notes. Amber orange color. Thick creamy beige head. Fruity sweet malt aRoma. Delicious tangy malt flavor with hints of caramel and orange. Nice dry finish.

Rex_Remes (647) - Bonyhad, HUNGARY - JAN 16, 2017
(12oz bottle) AROMA: balance of malt and hops. warm malt nose instead of sweet, dried fruit, berries & cream. APPEARANCE: good head of touch-of-brown foam, lingers and oily, copper/light-amber color but not too dark, very clear. TASTE: malt, corn, a little soft sweetness, some fruit, good stretch of bitterness with underlying flavors of green, grass, lemon peel. PALATE: nice on the mouth, some frizz, medium body, mostly watery feel in the mouth (which wasn’t a bad thing), lingering bitter and flavor on the inside of the cheeks. OVERALL: good beer. not great, but would be a solid every day beer (and even on the cusp of being one of those ’on occasion’ special beer), I liked the balance and feel, refreshing yet still satisfying. <<<<<<<<<< >>>>>>>>>> The brewer has changed the recipe from English to American Pale Ale. Not sure when this occurred. Saranac Pale Ale’s foundation was built on the tried and true English varieties, Golding and Fuggles. We brighten Pale Ale with the three “C”s; a strong focus on Citra, complimented by Cascade, and Chinook. We then bridge the old world with the new with the two most distinctive hops Bramling Cross and Jester, both descendants of English and North American varieties. << ** Brewer’s Notes ** >> Style: American Pale Ale Malts: Crystal, Two-Row Original Gravity: 13.5° Plato Hops: Bramling Cross, Jester, Citra, Cascade, Chinook IBU: 32 ABV: 5.5%

malvrich (762) - Durham, North Carolina, USA - NOV 1, 2016
6 week old bottle into a pint. A: Deep orange/pink tinted gold with very little head leaving a ring. Great color but looks lifeless. S: Pretty faint smell has some sweet orange, pine and caramel. T: A little malty, a little hoppy. Orange and toast. Sweetness held in check. Just English enough. Nice balance of flavor. M: Light to medium body with Crisp mouthfeel and tart finish. O: Fair attempt to fencewalk between styles. Good taste at a good price.

Franckg (3796) - Trois-Rivieres, Quebec, CANADA - AUG 15, 2016
Bouteille sans date. Robe ambrée claire sans col de mousse. Arômes de malt caramélisé, sucre d’orge, gazon, orange et autres agrumes, un peu de sucre d’érable. A quelques similitudes avec un barleywine américain. En bouche, houblons terreux, gazon humide, orange trop mûre, zeste de citron. Beaucoup moins sucré qu’au nez à part un soupçon de caramel. Texture huileuse et corps mince.

OnTheTrail (1006) - Alexandria, Virginia, USA - JUN 11, 2016
Pours dark copper , head lasts a bit. Grass, hay, some (stone?) fruit in the aroma. Taste is fairly hoppy for a pale ale, I am getting subtle bitterness (though with less fruit than the aroma) more than malt. A slight off taste on the finish.

nybol (4383) - DENMARK - JUN 4, 2016
En ale der ligger i enden af sødlig ales, med en frugtagtig smag, og ikke ret meget humle. Let sødlig meget læskende øl.

hayduke (6095) - Eureka, California, USA - DEC 29, 2015
Sampled at GABF 2015. in the sample glass was amber; White head. Nose of caramel malts and fruit . Medium body. Flavor is more malts than hops and the is some bitterness in the finish. Decent and drinkable.

jfb (8142) - Bamberg, GERMANY - OCT 16, 2015
(bottle) hazy amber colour with a frothy off-white head. aroma of honeymelon and pears, with a light touch of pale malts, some alcohol and tobacco. flavour is mostly the same, heavy honeymelon and caramel, with some notes of cherry juice, more pears and a light-bitter herbal-hoppy finish. light- to medium-bodied with average carbonation.

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