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RATINGS: 84   WEIGHTED AVG: 3.31/5   EST. CALORIES: 90   ABV: 3%
Bottle fermented sour with jasmine flowers and brettamonyces.
Yasmin – ist ein nach Berliner-Weiße-Art leicht alkoholisches, säuerliches Bier mit Jasminblüten eingebraut. Die süßlich blumigen Noten, fügen sich elegant in die Komposition aus , Milchsäure und speziellen Hefe Aromen ein. Der sattgelbe Teint vermittelt Wärme und Vollmundigkeit. Gleichzeitig wirkt das Bier durch eine voluminöse Schaumkrone und prickelnde Moussage erfrischend. Als Genusspaarung empfehle ich Gebäck und Kuchen oder koreanische Grillgerichte.

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MarkoNm (5204) - Novo mesto, SLOVENIA - OCT 3, 2021
UPDATED: OCT 3, 2021 Bottle. Somewhat hazy yellow golden, smaller and nonlasting white head. Soury vinous nose, slightly funky with some jasmin notes. Puckery soury start, slight rubbery presence and slightly spicy. Watery body. gentle aftertaste. Not bad, though pretty simple.

melush (11220) - SPAIN - AUG 1, 2021
UPDATED: AUG 1, 2021 33cl Bottle @ Beyond Beer, Hamburg, Germany. Hazy golden colour with a thin white head. Aroma is brett, malt, citrus. Taste is brett, malt, citrus, vinegar, tart. Medium body, average carbonation.

ricardostercios (1454) - Castelló de la Plana, SPAIN - FEB 27, 2021
UPDATED: FEB 27, 2021 En la etiqueta anuncia 3'5%alc. Color amarillo claro, un tanto pálido, muy turbia, opaca. Espuma blanca, de carácter efervescente, de apenas medio dedo de espesor y retención efímera. Aroma intenso, limón, piel de limón y piña muy verde, ligera sal marina y notas de flores blancas. Sabor intenso, en la línea del aroma más un punto láctico, final largo, ácido y salado, con el posgusto suave del trigo, alcohol imperceptible. Textura acuosa. Cuerpo medio. Carbonatación media. Buena cerveza, equilibrada, suavizada por el trigo y el punto floral, y sin astringencia. Refrescante y disfrutable, ideal para antes de comer.

daniele (13090) - ITALY - JAN 9, 2021
UPDATED: JAN 9, 2021 bottle bb12/3/21 chiara dorata quasi torbida poca schiuma poco persistente citrico limone legno aspra secca piuttosto acida floreale

Saeglopur (3713) - Vienna, AUSTRIA - DEC 29, 2020
UPDATED: DEC 29, 2020 Taster, many thanks to Sander! Straw colored, medium hazy body, with a medium, fluffy, dissipating, light yellow head. Aroma of Brett, flowers, citrus, straw, lemongrass, dough, some stone fruits. Tastes similar, with some wheat. Light, slick mouthfeel, with a lively carbonation. Finishes sour, citric, floral, a bit funky, doughy, with stone fruits, some straw. Nice one. Quite on the sour side for the style, while surprisingly aromatic for the low ABV, not too light bodied, with a nice mix of funky, floral and fruity notes. Not among my favorite ones by Schneeeule, but another interesting one. Score: 7 / 4 / 7 / 3 / 14

Thomas_W1 (3036) - Rastatt, GERMANY - NOV 13, 2020
UPDATED: NOV 13, 2020 Flasche 0,33l: Helles Gelb, dezente Trübung, kräftiger mäßig stabiler mittelporiger Schaum; sehr frische + sehr fruchtige Nase, kräftige säuerliche Zitrusnoten, Limetten, Kumquats, leichte fruchtige Süße, kräftige fruchtige Hefearomen, Most, Federweißer, spritzig/bizzelig, fruchtig-trockene Bitterkeit; sehr trockener Körper, kräftige fruchtige Säure, Zitrusnoten, Zitronensaft, spritzig, kräftige Kohlensäure, kräftige trockene Hefearomen, saure Apfelweinschorle, asturischer Cidra; angenehmer säuerlich-spritziger Nachgang

Ascelja (4782) - Neratovice, CZECH REPUBLIC - OCT 19, 2020
UPDATED: OCT 19, 2020 #3852 Many thanks to pivnizub! Hazy, ochre, without head. Aroma of wild yeast, lemon, apricot, flowery. Taste is strongly sour, dry, hints of bitterness, wild tones, yeast, fruits, lemon, flowers. Medium body and carbonation.

tgrtnr (2060) - Germering b München, GERMANY - AUG 27, 2020
UPDATED: AUG 27, 2020 330 ml bottle. Cloudy pale yellow, no head. Lactic acid, lime, balsamic vinegar, acetic. Acidic sourness. Light bodied, watery chalky texture, fizzy carbonated, quickly fading sour finish. Disappointing, rather one dimensional, no body and quite watery.

Rotin (4824) - Neratovice, CZECH REPUBLIC - AUG 25, 2020
UPDATED: AUG 25, 2020 Bottle 0.33l, trade with pivnizub, vřelé díky! Hazy, gold colored. AROMA- a bit wild and yeasty, lightly flowery. FLAVOR- neutral, moderately sour, just slightly bitter, herbal, meadow, flowery, a bit wild, a bit fruity. Medium bodied. Tasty.

tricksta_p (10176) - Steenwijk, NETHERLANDS - AUG 25, 2020
UPDATED: AUG 25, 2020 From tap at Foeders, Amsterdam. Lacto sourness with an aroma of lemon, some funk. Tart and medium sour, light with some complexity. Good stuff.

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