Schneider Weisse Tap X Mein Cuvée Barrique

Formerly brewed at Schneider Weisse G. Schneider & Sohn
Style: Weissbier - Weizenbock
Kelheim, Germany


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RATINGS: 468   WEIGHTED AVG: 3.73/5   EST. CALORIES: 285   ABV: 9.5%
In 2010 Hans-Peter Drexler started a new project: maturing some of his finest beers in wine barrels. He enjoyed the expertise of brewmaster Jérôme de Rebetez from Brasserie des Franches Montagnes in Switzerland who grew up in a wine producing family. Thus, they created delicious new beer aromes. Mein Barrique Cuvée welcomes you with a fruity nose reminding of fighs and dried pears. On your palate you meet cherries, balanced by a hint of vanilla and chocolate and a pleasantly sour and liquorice taste. A warming well-balanced Cuvée with a long, dry finish - just like a good red wine.

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LagerGuide122 (803) - - DEC 31, 2021
UPDATED: DEC 31, 2021 375ml bottle brewed in Germany at 9.5%. 2018 edition. Cloudy ruddy-muddy with a decent-sized head that loudly fizzed away in half a minute, leaving a very small spot of foam being steadily, audibly replaced by rising bubbles. Tart vinous grape skins and just a little fruity pear up front in the aroma, hiding a deeper darker bouquet, perhaps some fig, but also liquorice, a whisper of tobacco, and even something akin to Turkish delight. Lowish carbonation, but a good refreshing tartness to the solid body. Though the sour cherry-like tartness from the wine barrel is most obvious, Aventinus makes its presence here known, and so on the palate unfolds some of that dark dry clove and some of those mouthwatering meaty notes, along with light tobacco and juicy dry black grape. Pay more attention and a little banana and pear subtlety is revealed. The aftertaste has a soupcon of chocolate malt and a whiff of barrel vanilla, with even a touch of wheat rusk for the observant. Good stuff, and shows that beer aged in wine barrels need not be a gimmick - although this is undoubtedly a beer aged in wine barrels, with considerable if not predominant wine character; perhaps it shows Aventinus was a good choice for the treatment. This might just be one for the adventurous wine-drinker as much as, if not more than, the craft beer aficionado. Most importantly, it's really quite tasty.

Marduk (15939) - Reval, ESTONIA - DEC 30, 2021
UPDATED: DEC 30, 2021 375ml bottle (Zly Casy, Prague). Dark copper color. Sweet, alcohol, caramel, toffee in aroma/taste.

rennat42 (4430) - Ravenna, Nebraska, USA - NOV 14, 2021
UPDATED: NOV 14, 2021 Bottle. A- Oak, funk, cherry, mild candied yams. A- Dark reddish brown color, dark liquid, beige head. T- Funk, oak, acidic, mild vanilla, cranberry, tannic, mild caramel. P- Light body, average texture, high carbonation, tart finish. O- Very complex. Vintage 2014 so 7 years old. Lots of acidity and fairly bright. A bit pricey but good.

koorchuck (3326) - Nacpolsk, POLAND - AUG 26, 2021
UPDATED: AUG 26, 2021 Barwa brązowo-bursztynowa, piękne, rubinowe refleksy. Piana niska, szybko znika. W aromacie jak Flanders - ocet, czerwone owoce, wino, drewno, kiszonka, siano, ciemny słód, drożdże. W smaku podobnie, beczka dużo tu wniosła. Wytrawne, cierpkie, pestkowo-taniczne, kwaśne, dzikie. Daleko w tle czuć charakter koźlaka, jest trochę karmelu, melanoidyn, słodu. Ciało średnie, wysycenie niskie, alkohol praktycznie niewyczuwalny. Świetne piwo.

caribou43 (2456) - Lausanne, SWITZERLAND - JUN 12, 2021
UPDATED: JUN 12, 2021 This bottle is coming probably from Heinrich 3000, Kornwestheim. Bottle of 2016 that I have opened for my birthday, on thursday, coming back from the job. What to say, a jewel that I appreciate a lot, complex and subtle, brown body, regular carbonation, thin white foam. A first attack of sourness, perfectly well balanced with a smooth side of barrel oak, woody, side of vanilla, raspberdy, fruity, yeasty, some hop, a great beer and something unexpected of Bavaria.

Ascelja (4782) - Neratovice, CZECH REPUBLIC - APR 18, 2021
UPDATED: APR 18, 2021 #4041, vintage 2016 Lightly cloudy, deep red to brown, minimal beige head. Vinous aroma, red wine, leather, flowery. Taste is tart, started sweet, finish dry and sour; vinous, wild, noble lambic tones, leather, muscatel. Fuller body, average carbonation.

Rotin (4824) - Neratovice, CZECH REPUBLIC - APR 11, 2021
UPDATED: APR 11, 2021 Vintage 2016. Bottle 0.75l from our archive. Cloudy, reddish copper colored. AROMA- nice aged character, wooden barrel, red wine, grapes, cherries, red currant, a bit sharp sour tones. FLAVOR- slightly sweet, moderately sour, lightly tart finish, barrel, red wine, grapes, cherry, red currant, strawberry. Full bodied. Great.

KonradVonTschirn (73) - ZYWIEC, POLAND - FEB 8, 2021
UPDATED: FEB 8, 2021 Piwo z edycji 2016 wypite w styczniu 2021. Kolor ładny, unikalny, na granicy jasnobrązowego i bardzo ciemnej czerwieni, zapach łagodny, przypominał raczej wino, lekko pikantny, przyprawy (jakby goździki) oraz suszone owoce. Smak złożony, z lekko wyczuwalnym alkoholem, przede wszystkim mocno kwaskowy, wytrawny, winny z niewielką goryczką, wydał mi się podobny do któregoś Rodenbacha. Gęste, trochę syropowate, ujawniają się też akcenty karmelowe. 'Wino', 'kwasek', goryczka, 'syrop' a rezultat gdzieś pośrodku. Dobre - a czy bardzo dobre to zależy od indywidualnych preferencji. Mnie jakoś nie zachwyciło ale nie zamierzam go deprecjonować, było bardzo zimne, przy łagodniejszej temperaturze smak byłby pewnie nieco inny.

corkyrory66 (5311) - BELGIUM - JAN 22, 2021
UPDATED: JAN 22, 2021 Weizen bock de 9,5 % abv, mûri en fût de vin. Mon exemplaire avait quelques années. Couleur auburn aux reflets marron, à la clarté nette. Bulles fines, en fontaine centrale, très vives. Mousse beige, à fins flocons, en nappage de surface. Arômes de pommes très mûres, compote de pommes, sirop d'érable. 1ère bouche souple, à l'entame caramélisée avec pomme et poire. Arrière-bouche longue, très esthétique. 2ème bouche avec de la pêche en supplément. Arrière-bouche longue, très soft. Longueur qui ajoute avec bonheur des figues confites dans cet ensemble déjà complexe, et qui le devient très franchement (comme les franches montagnes de l'accompagnateur du projet … ) Jambes lisses, longues. Levure très fine, un peu vineuse, belle ligne. Alcool très bien, il est soigneux sur la longueur Finale souple et très agréable CONCLUSION : le problème de ces versions bis de la tap X est qu'elles sont rares, voire éphémères, et pas toujours très différenciées de l'original .. malgré une recherche vineuse dans ce cas-ci.

lkowalkowski (1394) - POLAND - DEC 12, 2020
UPDATED: DEC 12, 2020 Burgundowe ze słabą pianą. Aromat intensywny, winny, beczkowy, z dużą ilością czerwonych owoców i dziką nutą. W smaku pełne, gładkie, trochę kwaśne, lekko cierpkie, alkohol dobrze ułożony.

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