Brewed by Sibeeria - PowerBrew
Style: Barley Wine / Wheat Wine / Rye Wine
Prague, Czech Republic
Serve in Snifter


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RATINGS: 12   MEAN: 3.85/5.0   WEIGHTED AVG: 3.63/5   SEASONAL: Series   EST. CALORIES: 303   ABV: 10.1%
English Barleywine, 30°, 10,1% ABV Zima 2020 je s 30° Plato naše dosud nejsilnější pivo podle stupňovitosti. Toto monstrum jsme vařili jen ze sladu, bez přidaných cukrů. Extra hustému jantarovému tělu dominují ovocné estery dvou různých kmenů kvasinek. Přidali jsme ještě velkorysé množství kakaových bobů, abychom povznesli toto partnerství sladkých a hořkých chutí na vyšší level. Výsledek se nejen skvěle hodí k dezertům - ale je to také dezert sám o sobě.

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zvikar (11915) - Ramat Gan, ISRAEL - JAN 3, 2022
UPDATED: JAN 3, 2022 At Max Place, pours rusty with a small head, aroma of malt, to, caramel, wax, flavor is slightly sweet with malt, caramel, toffee, medium bodied

rawelon (245) - CZECH REPUBLIC - DEC 8, 2021
UPDATED: DEC 8, 2021 Brown colour with non-existent head. Aroma of raisins, caramel, rum soaked cookies, slightly spicy, with alcohol coming over. Taste sweet (very sweet), with dried fruits. Altogether resembles syrup a lot. Slight hidden notes of chocolate. Warming alcohol, but very well hidden in taste. It balances the sweetness well and invites to another sip. Killer beer.

mkcmagico (1100) - Mezokövesd, HUNGARY - NOV 22, 2021
UPDATED: NOV 24, 2021 0,33 bottle.New-wave, informative label, here is the brewery’s 2020 barley wine. Let’s see: A wonderful deep chestnut brown color with a thin little head that was very nice when filled and with small holes. Later, there was little left over because of the alcohol, but it was almost all the way to the edge of the glass. Aroma: The aroma of dark chocolate and cognac, which is not so intense when filled, and then, as it warms up, it becomes prunes. The taste and 'texture' is incredible! Like a cream ... Perfectly full-bodied and perfectly creamy. Dried fruity, raisins, incredibly concentrated, but very delicate, heart-warming taste. It is very-very fruity on a sweet basis. And all this was achieved with two yeasts instead of hops ... The added cocoa beans feel only slightly in the background, making it more creamy. This beer is fuller and creamier than a very strong coffee! And here it is: you don't need added candy! The syrupy sweets were made exclusively with malt, so for me it is better than a quality Belgian quadrupel .. Very serious and outstanding dessert beer! No one should drink like a lager, in a summer day !!! :) 10.1% alcohol feels but not intrusive. I’m glad I got it, the not-so-low price is absolutely worth it! Stirring a few times in the cup, a small light brown foam could be formed for a long time, and incredible aromas came to light. One of the best beers I have ever drunk! (I opened it, although in principle it will definitely retain its quality until February 2030 .... :)) (It didn't get the maximum score just because of the lack of foam. *** Újhullámos, informatív cimke, íme a főzde 2020-as árpabora. Lássuk: Csodás mély gesztenye barna szín, egy vékony kis sárgásbarna hab-réteggel, ami kitöltéskor nagyon szép volt, és apró lyukú. Később az alkohol miatt csak kevéske maradt, de az a pohár szélén szinte végig. Aroma: Étcsokis-konyakos illat, ami kitöltéskor még nem annyira intenzív, majd ahogy melegszik aszalt-szilvássá (is) válik. Íze, és 'állaga' hihetetlen! Mint egy krém... Tökéletesen testes, és tökéletesen krémes. Aszalt gyümölcsös, mazsolás, hihetetlenül tömény, de nagyon finom, szívet melengető ízvilág. Édes alapon nagyon-nagyon gyümölcsös. Mindezt pedig komlók helyett két élesztővel érték el... A hozzáadott kakaóbab csak enyhén a háttérben érződik, inkább csak krémesebbé tette. Egy nagyon erős kávénál is testesebb és krémesebb ez a sör! És tessék: hozzáadott kandiscukor sem kell! Kizárólag malátával ériték el a szirupos édességet, így számomra jobb egy minőségi belga quadrupel-nél is.. Nagyon komoly, és kiemelkedő desszert sör! Senki ne úgy igya, mint egy nyári napon egy lager-t!!! :) A 10,1 % alkohol érződik, de nem tolakodó. Örülök, hogy hozzá jutottam, a nem éppen alacsony árát abszolut megért! A kehelyben párszor megkavarintva kis világosbarna hab is sokáig képezhető volt, emellett hihetetlen illatok jöttek elő. Az egyik legjobb sör, amit valaha ittam! ( Felbontottam, pedig elvileg 2030 februárig mindenképp megőrzi minőségét.... :) ) (Maximális pontot csak a hab hiánya miatt nem kapott. A megjelenés lett 5/4, mivel melegedve nem lehetett már habot képezni rajta.)

nathanvc (4147) - Gent, BELGIUM - OCT 24, 2021
UPDATED: OCT 24, 2021 12 October 2021. At BeerGeek Bar, Prague. Cheers to the lovely Anke! Hazy dark brown, thin, tan head. Aroma of caramel, burnt brown sugar, peanut, chestnut, brioche, wet tobacco. Taste has sweet date, pear & raisin in caramel maltiness, syrupy, brioche & peanut too. Herbal hoppy finish, quite malty, caramel, some spices, warming brown rum-like alcohol. Full body, syrupy texture, soft carbonation. Nice sipper, bit too heavy on that syrup note though.

DraftDodger (5615) - Copenhagen, DENMARK - SEP 1, 2021
UPDATED: SEP 1, 2021 Copenhagen 1/9 2021. 33 cl bottle from Ølkassen web-shop. Leaves and strange etchings in shades of grey and a slice of silvery sky on the label. Pours unclear, murky dark brown with a red hue. Small off-white head. Settles as a thin rim of foam running along the side of the glass. No lacing. Aroma is fairly intense with a sugary sweet odor of malts mingling with liqueur-like alcohol. Toffee and brown sugar. Almond liqueur and marcipan. Light carbonation. Medium thick, oily, greasy, almost flat texture. Flavor is medium intense with a strong sweetness followed by a moderate bitterness. Aftertaste is sweet. Lingers for a long while. Finish is semi-dry. Heavy, sweet, boozy and on the verge of being cloying. As a Barley Wine should be.

tomekk1978 (2783) - Z±bki, POLAND - AUG 4, 2021
UPDATED: AUG 4, 2021 Aromat alkoholowy z nutą suszonych owoców (głównie wiśni), karmelu, chleba. Barwa ciemno czerwona, pod światło rubinowa, lekko zamglona. Piana beżowa, drobno pęcherzykowa, umiarkowanej wielkości i podobnie trwała. Smak słodki, alkoholowy, złamany wyraźną goryczką. Spora suszonych owoców, karmelu, chleba, melano. Goryczka chmielowo-alkoholowa, powyżej średniej, trochę zbyt długa i męcząca. Pełnia wysoka, wysycenie średnie i słodko-gorzki, melanoidynowy finisz z nutą alkoholową.

fombe89 (8313) - Asturias, SPAIN - JUL 13, 2021
UPDATED: JUL 13, 2021 Botella @Cimmeria, Oviedo. 11/07/2021. Color ambarino oscuro corona de espuma blanca escasa, aromas caramelo, malta, sabor caramelo, dulce, cuerpo sedoso.

ogivlado (12681) - Zagreb, CROATIA - JUN 19, 2021
UPDATED: JUN 19, 2021 Bottled 330ml. -Courtesy of Marko, shared with him & hrabren, thanks! Brownish coloured, no head at all, dried fruits and caramel in the nose. Toasted malt, caramel, dried fruits, touch of spices and rather sweet finish. Bit too sweet but pleasant.

Marko (11972) - Prague, CZECH REPUBLIC - JUN 16, 2021
UPDATED: JUN 16, 2021 Bottled, from somewhere. Shared with Ogi and Hrabren. Hazy chestnut brown body, some tan head. Malty, raisiny aroma, very light dogfood, maybe trace cocoa, but that might be placebo, perfumey, some dried apricot (but very much dried). Quality stuff! Very lean, very slick and drinkable for the ABV and the °P. Caramel and assorted dry fruit. Just a well made, by the book BW. Dunno if the cocoa beans gave it anything, but this is near top-tier anyway.

hrabren (5491) - Zagreb, CROATIA - JUN 16, 2021
UPDATED: JUN 16, 2021 0.33 l bottle shared with Ogi and Marko, thanks Marko for bringing this one from Prague. Darker ruby red in colour, small beige head, oily. Aroma is fruity, dried berries, cherries, ripe strawberry, malts and caramel in the back. Hints of spice, nutmeg. Alcohol. Can't pick out the cocoa beans. Sticky, sweet, chewy, very strong. Fruity, caramely, smooth, bready. Sugary. Moderate finish.

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