RATINGS: 127   WEIGHTED AVG: 3.78/5   EST. CALORIES: 120   ABV: 4%
Table Saison aged in Chardonnay barrels with Oude Fermier cultures

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JorisPPattyn (12750) - Wilrijk, BELGIUM - AUG 8, 2021
UPDATED: AUG 8, 2021 I Blend 5 /I No head, clear golden beer. Faint, demure fruitnose, and faint vegetable oil. Extremely dry, almost astringent fruitacids & lactic acid. Backthroat some nuts and fruitmash - stonefruit. Slick - again as from fruit - acidthinning. Good sour ale (rather than saison, IMO), even if most of us liked Blend 1 better.

mcberko (34280) - Vancouver, British Columbia, CANADA - JUN 26, 2021
UPDATED: JUN 26, 2021 On tap at Bottlecraft - North Park, pours a cloudy bright yellow with a small white head. Aroma brings out bright rustic saison and hay. Flavour is bright, with gentle citrus tartness, hay, and farmhouse notes. Bright and clean, with great depth. Excellent.

kevinator (5671) - The Colony, Texas, USA - MAY 1, 2021
UPDATED: MAY 1, 2021 Fantastic Saison with a strong since of oak and wine. Mildly sweet and funky.

rouhlas (5549) - Thessaloniki, GREECE - MAR 27, 2021
UPDATED: MAR 27, 2021 From bottle at home. Blend #10. Light unclear yellow golden orange with white head. Yeasty and light malty aroma, tart fruity, citrus, funky, vinous grapey, green apples. Light sweet, light bitter and acidic taste. Almost medium oily body with soft carbonation.

Zymurgeist2 (4143) - Redwood City, California, USA - MAR 27, 2021
UPDATED: MAR 27, 2021 On tap at Gourmet Haus in Redwood City. So happy that they are getting Side Project! Pours yellow-gold with a full, white head. Nice spice and moderate funk blending well with a coating mouthfeel.

vcsa (341) - - DEC 9, 2020
UPDATED: DEC 9, 2020 Appearance: Pours hazy pale gold with creamy white head, no lacing. 外观:淡金色,朦胧。细腻的白色泡沫,无挂杯。 4/5 Aroma: Green apple, lemon, grapefruit, wheat, coriander, grass and orange peels, with distinct rotten egg and gunpowder. 气味:青苹果、柠檬、西柚、小麦、芫荽、青草和橙皮,伴随着轻微的臭鸡蛋和火药味。 Green fruits, citric fruits and wheat with slight savory and vinegary characters. Almost dry, crispy acidity. Dry tart finish with hints of green apple. 味道:绿色水果、柠檬类水果和小麦伴随着轻微的咸鲜感和醋味。近乎干,爽脆的酸度。尾韵干而 Light bodied, moderate carbonated. 口感:酒体轻盈,杀口感适中。 4/5 Overall: This is lean, reductive and vinous, which brings me to Coche-Dury Bourgogne Chardonnay, interesting. Blend #9. 这款酒清瘦、还原而有葡萄酒范,让我想到科奇酒庄的勃艮第大区白,有意思。 16/20

Boutip (8358) - Gatineau, Quebec, CANADA - JUL 3, 2020
UPDATED: JUL 3, 2020 Bottle: Poured a clear yellow color ale with a large foamy head with good retention and some lacing. Aroma of tart notes with light oak presence is enticing. Taste is a mix of sour and tart notes, some oak and light funky notes. Body is about average with good carbonation. Enjoyable but doesn’t have the depth I was expecting.

RobertDale (10041) - Lansing, Kansas, USA - JUN 21, 2020
UPDATED: JUN 21, 2020 Shared bottle. Blend #5. Pours a mostly clear gold with a small white head. Aroma of fruit and funk. Taste is tart fruit, grapes, wood, and funk. Nice.

slowrunner77 (19086) - Reno, Nevada, USA - JUN 9, 2020
UPDATED: JUN 9, 2020 Blend #8. Translucent golden yellow pour. Quite acidic and tart, lighter funk, stone fruit and white wine galore.

seymour (2587) - Maplewood, Missouri, USA - MAR 26, 2020
UPDATED: MAR 26, 2020 Finally entering 2017 ratings backlog from notes. Tasted on tap at Side Project Cellar in Maplewood, it poured a slightly hazy yellow with white foam and lace. A near-perfect French-style saison: grainy, hint of biscuity malt, grassy, black pepper and clove phenols, hint of banana and bubble gum esters, low-level noble hop bitterness, apricots, pear, white wine tannin, earthy, herbal, floral, hint of oaky vanillins, very tart to the point of sour, not quite vinegar. Light body but not watery, high carbonation. Difficult to describe the extreme complexity but still easily drinkable, delicious.

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