Sierra Nevada 30th Anniversary Charlie, Fred & Ken's Imperial Helles Bock

RATINGS: 442   WEIGHTED AVG: 3.62/5   SEASONAL: Special   EST. CALORIES: 249   ABV: 8.3%
Charlie Papazian and Fred Eckhart are the men who launched a thousand breweries. Their writing on the art of homebrewing and steadfast promotion of beer culture helped propel the craft brewing movement. Charlie and Fred agreed to work with us on this special ale in honor of our 30th anniversary. This Imperial Helles Bock is a testament to the ever-evolving brewer’s art. Bold yet balanced with distinct toasted malt character, moderate sweetness and clean and floral hops.

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explosivedog (8095) - New York, New York, USA - APR 4, 2021
UPDATED: APR 4, 2021 On tap at Fourth Avenue Pub. Pours orange brown. Toffee, raspberry, cherry, booze, light caramel, red fruit booze. Medium body. Decent.

Svesse (12015) - Hässelby, SWEDEN - DEC 12, 2020
UPDATED: DEC 12, 2020 (Bottle) Amber colour with foamy, off-white head. Malty, slightly fruity nose with caramel, toast, dried fruit, apricot marmalade and herbs. Malty, fruity taste with notes of caramel, bread, sultanas, dried apricots, toast, orange peel and a slightly vinous finish with a mild herbal, grassy bitterness. Almost full body, with a certain sweetness. Clean and well balanced, with a vinous and fruity touch. Nice one.

Jabah (2479) - Fairfax, Virginia, USA - APR 24, 2018
I like SN's Fresh and Wet Hops Ales a little better than this, but for the style is a decent brew. Is a little pricey though. Flavors of wheat, some light caramel malt, floral hop finish. Light golden appearance. Worth the try, but that is about it.

Luvystypotables (2628) - Virginia Beach, Virginia, USA - MAR 13, 2018
A delicious caramel and malt aroma. Pours a hazy caramel color with a lasting white head. Doesn’t taste as good as it smells, a medicinal malt taste, medium with a medicinal finish.

furthur (1961) - Eagle River, Alaska, USA - JUN 10, 2016
Bottle at share, THANKS OWEN! Slightly hazy amber, big white head faded slowly. Aroma malt and raisin, fig, anise. Taste is raisin, malt, anise, spices. Palate is very rich, carbonation subdued, a little hot even after all this time.

JPDIPSO (6618) - Wauwatosa, Wisconsin, USA - MAY 12, 2016
Dark golden color with a tall, mildly diminishing, cream colored head. Big clean floral hops aroma with a caramel and lightly toasted malt background. Perhaps a bit too much hops, but still a very clean aroma. Light sweet start with caramelized malt, hints of light currants, herbal to floral hops balance. Clean finish with just a hint of alcohol, albeit my stomach is starting to feel a bit warmer. Full feel with a bit of bite from the hops to keep it from getting too heavy. A pure and simple (if there is such a thing in the bock world) helles doppelbock. If all bocks were like this I would have very few complaints in my life. 3/10

Viper666.Qc (10517) - Richelieu, Quebec, CANADA - MAR 24, 2016
Où, Quand, Comment : Bouteille, dégustée le 8/22/2013.
Visuel : Couleur : dorée. Apparence : claire.
Arôme : Grains de malt pâle sucrés, miel, houblon floral et herbeux, notes fruitées et épicées.
Goût : Entrée de bouche : Léger goût fruité (zeste d’agrumes) et épicé (poivre). Une dominante de grains de malt sucrés avec des petites notes de butterscotch est présente ainsi qu’une légère-moyenne amertume de houblon herbeux et floral avec des traces de miel, d’alcool et de caramel.
En bouche : Corps : moyen. Effervescence : moyenne. Texture : légèrement huileuse. Finale : moyenne et aux notes sèches, composée d’une légère amertume d’alcool, de houblon herbeux aux notes florales et épicées.

RichTheVillan (10565) - Birmingham, West Midlands, ENGLAND - OCT 28, 2015
Bottle from Lee Bickerton cheers Lee; clear amber pour with a creamy beige head, aroma has sweet toffee and some yeast action, taste has sweet toffee, robust malts, light spice.

DrGD (111) - Newcastle upon Tyne, Tyne & Wear, ENGLAND - MAY 2, 2015
UPDATED: MAY 3, 2015 Bottle. Slightly hazy golden colour with substantial white foam. Aromas of hops, yeast, and flowers, complex and enticing. Taste: lots of malts, a bit of caramel, yeast, combined with hoppy bitterness. Good balance between sweet and bitter, hints of spices. Medium carbonation. A hoppier take on a classic German style, this is a great beer!

BIK89 (26) - SWEDEN - MAR 28, 2015
Testad på Linköping Beer Expo. Färgen är klar och bärnsten. Dofter sött och maltigt. Smakar brödigt.

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