RATINGS: 175   WEIGHTED AVG: 3.13/5   SEASONAL: Special   IBU: 12   EST. CALORIES: 216   ABV: 7.2%
Mikkeller has opened several world-class craft beer bars all over the world, most recently in Asia. We wanted to apply this globetrotting take to our collaboration brew. We found inspiration in a classic Thai iced tea: the spiced tea and condensed milk classic ubiquitous in Thai restaurants. The result is a spiced amber ale, brewed with black tea, sweet orange peel, tamarind, and star anise with lactose added for a full and creamy mouthfeel.

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brokensail (18691) - Bay Area, California, USA - JUL 21, 2021
UPDATED: JUL 21, 2021 Beer Camp on Tour 2017. Amber beer with a tall white head. This is just...weird. Big sugary sweetness, tea, licorice, and some fruity sourness. Get an odd spicy quality, too. The flavor is intensely sweet and I just don't really care for it. It does at least have some good tea character, but overall, not for me.

TkmLinus (628) - POOLER, Georgia, USA - SEP 11, 2019
UPDATED: SEP 11, 2019 12 oz bottle, packaged 4/20/17. Smells of tea and orange.Color is dark orange with lots of sediment floating around. Tastes sweet with a hint of orange flavor and a touch of tea. Sticky mouthfeel with a sweet finish. Not a fan of this one.

HogTownHarry (8952) - Toronto (Harbourfront), Ontario, CANADA - JUN 28, 2019
UPDATED: JUN 28, 2019 June 21, 2017 - balcony tasting with blankboy and gregclow - 12oz bottle. Amber-bold, clear and bright, average fizzy/fluffy white head. That aroma - spicytea; sharpness from the tamarind seed - interesting. Taste follows, more like sweetened ice tea with that tamarind thing a bit more muted - no heat, but spicy. Slick, lightly syrupy slightly still mouthfeel, finishes quick, slightly sticky, not much aftertaste, surprising after that assertive aroma. Different, for sure - tamarind is a bit like anise, apparently.

MadRobin (3973) - Silver Spring, Maryland, USA - APR 17, 2019
UPDATED: APR 17, 2019 Poured from 12 oz. bottle. Murky orange with a 2-finger off-white head and very good lacing. Aroma of ginger, Thai iced tea, lactose and nondescript sweet fruit. Taste of ginger, lactose, Thai iced tea, anise and sweet fruit. Medium body and medium carbonation. I do not like tea-flavored beers, so I'll never order it again, but, it was a lot better than I expected. They truly captured the essence on Thai iced tea. Too bad they hadn't gone for Thai iced coffee. I like that.

BillWyce (1436) - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA - NOV 20, 2018
UPDATED: NOV 20, 2018 Pours hazy orange-amber with a 1-finger white head. Mild aroma of tea mixed with orange, and a touch of a spice note. Medium body with a slight creamy smoothness from the lactose. Finish is mild with a slight juiciness. Flavor has tannic notes from the tea mixed with a bright note of orange. Light spice note at the back.

heno (810) - DENMARK - NOV 14, 2018
UPDATED: NOV 14, 2018 Bottle. Hazy dark amber with reddish tint, small white head. Aroma is berries, yeast, malt, cream and oak. Taste is sweet, powerful with sharp bitterness and alcohol. Oily mouthfeel, rich body and high carbonation.

GoufCustom (3017) - HONG KONG - OCT 28, 2018

355 ml bottle bought at Q Club in SoHo, Central.

Looks: Cloudy hazy amber honey colour; Less than one-quarter finger head and residual soapy white foam which fades in 20 seconds; Good sticky lacing with near zero carbonation.

Aroma: Very fragrant Amber malt, with strong plums, cream, tea, strong caramel, toffee, alcohol, floral, sugar, strong spices, light bread and light lemon.

Taste: Close to medium sweet Amber malt, with tea, cream, caramel, floral, light molasses, strong spices, biscuits, lemon, mid to fair bitter hops and light grass.

Body: Close to medium body. Dry and fairly slick palate.

Mouth feel: Good Amber maltyness in a pretty solid and slick background. Strong taste of tea and caramel, mixed with skimmed milk and strong spices. Malt fruitiness is not apparent, however. Flowery with fair sweetness, dry biscuity with lemon to round. Refreshing!

Hoppiness: Floral, strong spices and light lemon in nose, same in taste but stronger and with grass; Bitterness are perceptible for an abrupt, mid to low astringent sweet-bitter caramel malty finish.

After Taste: Dry. Milky tea and fair bitter to mouth.

Comments: SN's rendition of Thai Iced Tea is partially successful with its strong aroma and taste in strong tea and spices, whereas the signature milkyness and sweetness aren't strong and there's no whole milk or coconut milk for that extra creaminess. As an Ale, though, this is light, refreshing and very drinkable. Definitely Summer bound!

solidfunk (16061) - Washington D.C., Washington DC, USA - JUL 16, 2018
UPDATED: JUL 16, 2018 Doesn't hang together super great. Ginger and some lime, herbs. Pours hazy brown with ok head. Somewhat bitter. Bottle.

FlacoAlto (4421) - Tucson, Arizona, USA - MAY 26, 2018
A steady pour produces a two-finger thick, light tan colored head. The beer is a rich, golden / pale-amber color that shows a clear, orange-tinged, pale amber hue when held up to the light. The aroma smells fruity, vaguely spicy, and also has a nutty, pale malt like note to it. There is a definite anise note to this beer, and the nuttiness seems to be more than what the malt would contribute. The beer is somewhat sweet (and gets more sweet as it warms up), with a medium-full body that sticks a bit to the palate, and the carbonation is at a medium level, though doesn't quite balance out the body. The finish is spicy with notes of anise, astringent herbal notes, and some citrus zest. It almost has a toasted note to it, maybe even something smoky and roasted (is this the black tea). There is a solid, base, pale malt character here. There is a lot going on in this beer, it is certainly interesting, and was worth trying. I could see enjoying this with the right kind of meal (Thai perhaps).

BVery (13633) - Plymouth, Minnesota, USA - APR 15, 2018
Bottle. Very slightly hazy orange pour with a small white head. Smells like Jagermeister with some spices and citrus. Slight bit of malt likka in the taste. Not digging this.

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