RATINGS: 41   WEIGHTED AVG: 3.57/5   SEASONAL: Winter   IBU: 29   EST. CALORIES: 201   ABV: 6.7%
The cold nights are coming and you couldn't care less - not with a Winter Warmer in your hand. Rich and malty with a touch of sweetness, this beer lives up to its name. Crack open a Winter Warmer and tell the weather to show you what it's got.

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beer_rookie (1102) - Arkansas, USA - JAN 19, 2020
UPDATED: JAN 19, 2020 Pours a reddish brown. Two finger white head, good retention and light lacing. Clear. Pretty beer.

Aroma is toasty malt. Nutty. Dark cherry.

Taste is moderately sweet. Light dark cherry. Sort of a NyQuil cherry alcohol taste. Toasty malt.

Mouthfeel is medium bodied. Chewy. Easy drinking. I’m sipping and drunk it in no time.

Overall it’s quite good. It’s tasty. I’d recommend it and I would buy it again.

biir (3086) - Hamburg, Hamburg, GERMANY - MAY 8, 2019
UPDATED: MAY 8, 2019 Bottle from Grand Canyon Village - amber color, white head. nice amber lager, berries, red malts, noticable alcohol, a real warmer. sweetness maybe a bit too high. nice.

SDalkoholic (2459) - San Diego, California, USA - MAR 22, 2019
UPDATED: MAR 22, 2019 Bottle from variety 12-pack purchased at Chevron: Poured a dark mahogany hue topped with a thick whipped cream layer of head. Aroma is subtle but does have a decent amount of malts and spice come through to the nose. The drink has an amazing smooth palate with just a bit of carbonation bubbles while some chewy malts finish it up. Flavors are mild and doesn't have a lot going for it other than some minor tastes of bread and sweet malts. Easy quaffing beer and I like that about this beer. Vienna/Amber lagers have started to really grow on me as of lately.

Drake (18900) - Appleton, Wisconsin, USA - FEB 19, 2019
UPDATED: FEB 19, 2019 12 ounce bottle from a Pick N' Save. Clear mahogany, medium frothy tan head, good retention. Aroma of toffee, cherry, spice, plum. Taste is plum, spice, toffee, cherry. Medium bodied, low carbonation, slick and oily. A bit of nuttiness peeks forward at the very end.

Rumbero (139) - Miami, Florida, USA - JAN 29, 2019
UPDATED: JAN 29, 2019 from SN Winter Variety Pack. First time having this one... Appearance: pours ruby brown with a definite reddish hue and a thin 1/4' creamy off-white head with below average retention. the beer is mostly clear getting more opaque at the top of the glass. little or no lacing observed. Aroma: caramel, toffee, molasses and spices. all malt derived (other than the spices of course) Taste: I get strong caramel and toffee combined with holiday spices (maybe cinnamon, nutmeg) and a stronger than expected medium-heavy bitterness. some hints of raisins as well. Palate: medium-full body and rich texture, pronounced astringency and lively carbonation. Finish is long, sweet with lingering bitterness. Overall: this is not a bad beer in any way. Winter Warmer are not usually my favorite style. very malty and unexpectedly bitter. for a lager it seems a bit heavy on the body and texture.

jsmerig (2028) - Pennsylvania, USA - JAN 23, 2019
UPDATED: JAN 23, 2019 Pours a deep dark brown. Aroma of molasses and malty syrup. Taste is syrupy sweet with a lager earthy finish

tfontana (3801) - Fremont, New Hampshire, USA - JAN 22, 2019
UPDATED: JAN 22, 2019 Bottle pour into shaker pint glass from Hannaford. Appearance is clear dark amber/red with nice sparkle, less-than-finger-width beige head with poor retention and no lacing. Aroma is fruity caramel, overripe fruit (bordering on vinegar), mild nuts. Taste is caramel, fruit, spice, mild nuts. Palate is light-to-medium bodied with thin texture, average-to-lively carbonation and muted finish as taste. Overall, not of SN's finer offerings. Weird vinegar in the aroma and overcarbonated. Much better winter warmers out there.

JFGrind (2309) - Glenside, Pennsylvania, USA - JAN 18, 2019
UPDATED: JAN 18, 2019 In the 90s every brewery seemed to brew a seasonal Winter Warmer, except Sierra Nevada. This offering has chocolate malt, citrus hops. English style Lager with Sierra Nevada nuances. Part of a variety 12 pack.

ClarkVV (9063) - Boston, Massachusetts, USA - JAN 13, 2019
UPDATED: JAN 13, 2019 Bottle drunk 1/12/19.
Clear, deep auburn-amber, light beige head showing moderate retention.
Honey, brown bread and toffee all emanate from the malt. Seems fairly rich and is quite clean with some acidity from the medium malts and light, herbal hops.
Sweet and fruity with plentiful red berry, caramel-toffee and honey with richness and yet also reasonable attenuation. Breadiness and acidity is quite strong, maybe a bit too much so but it's a malty, well-constructed lager that seems to accomplish its purpose.

Cakes (695) - New Bloomfield, Pennsylvania, USA - JAN 6, 2019
UPDATED: JAN 6, 2019 Twelve ounce bottle. A gorgeous beer. Very dark, the darkest lager I have ever had . A very nice aroma, light chocolate with a creamy taste. It really does wake you up.

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