Brewed by Skagen Bryghus
Style: Dark Lager - Dunkel / Tmavý
Skagen, Denmark


on tap


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RATINGS: 118   WEIGHTED AVG: 2.94/5   EST. CALORIES: 150   ABV: 5%
En mørk og fyldig “bayersk øl”, som øl blev lavet i gamle dage, før den lyse pilsner tog over. Øllen har en rigtig god sødme, fra den mørke munchermalt, og en svag bitterhed fra tyske humler. En type som mange damer sætter pris på, ikke for stærk og bitter. Er god til det danske middagsbord eller f.eks. pølsebordet fra den lokale slagter.

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DraftDodger (5615) - Copenhagen, DENMARK - OCT 11, 2020
UPDATED: OCT 11, 2020 Hirtshals 11/10 2020. 50 cl bottle from Spar, Magrethevej, Hirtshals. Burgundy version of Skagen Bryghus with the 16 pronged star on red background. Pours slightly unclear, dark amber with a medium-sized off-white head. Settles as a 0,3 cm thick layer of foam covering the surface of the beer. Substantial lacing. Aroma is moderately intense with a sweet, malty, lightly roasted odor. Dark sweet malts. Light tart berries and bit of citrus. Medium carbonation. Slightly thick, oily, lightly tingling texture. Flavor is medium intense with a medium strong sweetness followed by a moderate bitterness. Aftertaste is sweetish and lingers for a bit. Semi-dry finish. A bit bland dark lager.

djoeye (12317) - Tromsø, NORWAY - JUL 4, 2020
UPDATED: JUL 4, 2020 Aroma; dark caramel, malted malt, black fudge, chocolate, mocca, plum, traces of hops. Look; fawn head on about clear mahogany body. Taste; mahogany caramel, malted malt, black fudge, chocolate, mocca, plum, traces of hops, leading to a drying finish. Feel; alright body n co². Overall; easygoing. [čištění starého nepořádku, vintaž lahev, zakoupená @ dánském pivo obchode]

SlackerMads (4137) - DENMARK - APR 26, 2019
UPDATED: APR 26, 2019 Bottle. Dark brown with a medium sized diminishing off white head. Roasted malt, brown bread, light wood, caramel. Light to medium body, mild sweet and mild to medium bitter, very light acidity. Malty finish.

BlackHaddock (12580) - The County Time Forgot, Shropshire, ENGLAND - FEB 14, 2019
UPDATED: FEB 14, 2019 Friday 1st Feb 2019; 7th Pre-Brugge Bier Festival International Beer Swap, De Bierboom. This is one of the many bottles that landed on my table for me to try, it is OK to take a decent sized sample (within reason) because there are so many beers to share. Copper/Bronze with an off-white crown. Malty nose and taste with a little caramel sweetness throughout. A bit thin body wise compared to some of the beers that came and went around it on the night (Yes, I know it's really a dark lager and isn't supposed to be rich or slick in nature), but on another day it would have been fine.

rok1024 (1424) - Maribor, SLOVENIA - AUG 19, 2018
UPDATED: AUG 19, 2018 Danish dark beer. Caramel toast taste, expected medium sweetness. Not too hoppy classic dark.

Casper0904 (709) - DENMARK - MAR 11, 2018
En anelse karamelt, men ellers en ret mild og pilsneragtig dunkel. Flot farve.

Holmen1 (11088) - Stavanger, NORWAY - JUL 27, 2017
Flaske fra Rema 1000 Skagen, delt med Kitty på Skagen Danhostel: klar mørk mahogny med ok skum. Et maltdrevet øl med fin krop og mild, behagelig bitterhed. Mørke malter, caramel, chokolade og et lille strejf af kaffe. Men den bliver fort uinteressant.

Echon (564) - Århus, DENMARK - APR 30, 2017
Dark brown. Light malt profile, with notes of chocolate. Dry and rather mild taste that finishes with light bitterness. Medium body. Overall, a decent dunkel. A little more sweetness would probably enhance the flavour.

Myonlyvice (767) - DENMARK - JAN 7, 2017
Bottle poured into a pint glass. Deep dark amber with a foamy white head. Fades to a thin layer of film and some lacing. Modest carbonation. Aroma: Caramel, bread, hay and rye. Sweet without much complecity. Hops are lightly present in the aftertaste.

ramboraffe (3644) - Gothenburg, SWEDEN - AUG 18, 2016
500 ml bottle. Copper colored with off white head. Malty, roasted with grass and hay. Dry with medium bitterness and medium carbonation.

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