RATINGS: 478   WEIGHTED AVG: 3.15/5   SEASONAL: Special   EST. CALORIES: 240   ABV: 8%
Cherry saison is concurrent with the best of summer weather. The days are long and warm, and the spring blossoms have gracefully turned to plump drupes. Much in the same way, our Imperial Cherry Saison undergoes subtle but noticable changes while cruising from kettle to bright tank. Like the sun ripening fruit, a pit stop makes this beer better. Cherry Saison is aged with French Oak staves, imparting overtones of spice and balancing the natural sweetness of the cherries. Cherry Saison is the first in this series to incorporate oak aging. Enjoy it as a dessert beer, or tilt it back while sitting under a shady tree on a warm summer afternoon.

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Bitterbill (2959) - Casper, Wyoming, USA - DEC 21, 2017
From Sept 2008 I got this bottle in a trade with jwc215. Thanks Joe! This beer pours a bright and clear yellow gold with a small head of foam. The foam quickly disappears as does the lacing that I got early in the session. The last pour brought some hazy goodness which gets points for me but the way the foam disappears so quickly is a downer. The smell has notes of vanilla, citrus, pretty strong cherry, some earthiness, and some alcohol. The taste brings some good cherry flavour to the forefront with vanilla, earthy/bready malt tones and some citric tartness. Further into the session, I'm starting to notice a sweetness, from candy sugar?, that works pretty well with the other flavours. I also notice the alcohol as it's giving me some warming during and after the swallow. 1 bottle of this at a sitting will definitely do it for me. The mouthfeel just creeps over into medium territory, the carbonation is on the light side, and it finishes with a slight bitterness and a very light horse blanket note. Bottom line: This is a pretty tasty Saison but I think I'd prefer my Saisons without a particular fruit that dominates....it, for me, detracts from what I enjoy in the style.

Bacchus66 (2142) - South Carolina, USA - SEP 18, 2017
On tap, ADT (not retired!). Hazy reddish gold, large creamy white head. Lots of sour cherry, yeast, hay, mild funk, oak, spices. Lively carbonation, lingering tart finish. Very nice.

slowrunner77 (19086) - Reno, Nevada, USA - OCT 2, 2014
this is one of those beers that i’d buy a lot more often if it wasn’t hard to get (in Reno/Cali) and cheaper. big woodsie slightly sour oak and cherry aroma. nice feel, with some spicy zest to the flavor, with more of a sweet cherry presence than sour. nothing artificial tasting at all. a nice beer, just not quite worth the premium price."

generallee08 (784) - New York, USA - JUN 13, 2014
It had a hazy body with a cool orange amber color. Its head was thin, white in color and faded fast leaving some slippery lace that slide down the glass. The aroma was no doubt Belgian. It’s full of doughy and earthy yeast with mellow spicy wood tones and just a hint of cherry. The flavor is bold and attacks the tongue with spicy oak wood, herbal hops and funky doughy yeast and malts that add some sourness. The alcohol is quite noticeable throughout and tart cherry is picked up in the finish, which is quick and dry. Carbonation is modest leaving the mouth feel somewhat flat but smooth in the medium to full body.

boto (2444) - Granby, Connecticut, USA - DEC 19, 2013
22oz. bomber: This one was hiding at the back of the fridge, where it has been since I got it. It pours a fairly clear, golden color. There was very little head on it, and left no lacing. Interesting aroma. Hint of sour cherries, some oak, faint spices. Earthy, a bit funky, but doesn’t smell infected. Taste is interesting. Some tart cherry, bready, some candi sugar. It’s not very sweet, but there seems to be an underlying subtle sickly sweetness to it. It should probably stay retired.

UDBeernut (2883) - Saint Johns, Florida, USA - AUG 30, 2013
First bottle at the ba tasting. Light cherry nose, sourness, blue cheese, earthy acidic. Chewy body. I remeber having fresh, it was bad then. It improved slightly.

hops99 (60) - Montana, USA - OCT 3, 2012
In bottle. Pours a golden color with a thin white head. Saison yeasty aroma, musty hay and honey. Tastes of lemon rind, cherry, and a little metallic quality. Mild carbonation and an oily mouth-feel. One of the better cherry beers i’ve had

daje (4909) - NORWAY - SEP 4, 2012
Bottle. Hazy golden body, medium white head. Aroma of fresh hops, cherries, spicy and some sourness. Taste is fruity with oak, cherries (and other berries I think), bread and yeast. Dry finish sweetened by berries.

MPA (1245) - Amager (form. Nørrebro&Aalborg), DENMARK - JUL 29, 2012
Bottle. Hazy golden with off white head. Spicy aroma with notes of cherries, yeast and dirt. Slightly salty flavour with some sweetness and a decent punch of bitterness. Very flowery and fruity flavour with caramel and syrup notes and palate. Nice and complex beer.

JohnC (3007) - Mission Viejo, California, USA - JUL 23, 2012
Thanks to Ralph for sharing this at Woodshop 2012. A cherry saison is an interesting idea; however, the cherry flavor in this beer was barely present and it was a medicanal (cough drop?) cherry flavor.

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