Brewed by Brauerei Spezial
Style: Smoked - Rauchbier
Bamberg, Germany


on tap

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RATINGS: 103   WEIGHTED AVG: 3.6/5   EST. CALORIES: 207   ABV: 6.9%
Ab Ende Oktober/Anfang November gibt es – traditionell zur Weihnachtszeit – unser „Bockbier“, ein dunkles, süffiges Starkbier mit ca. 16 – 17% Stammwürze. Unser Bockbier ist ein Geheimtipp unter den Bamberger Starkbieren und reicht deshalb meist nur bis kurz vor Weihnachten – probieren Sie also rechtzeitig!

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Mortlach (4352) - Rome, ITALY - DEC 14, 2021
UPDATED: DEC 14, 2021 500ml bottle @Luppolo Station (Rome) with ippopotamo36. Miele di castagno, intensa, schiuma bianca leggera e poco persistente. Al naso note di malto, speck affumicato, erbaceo. In bocca è maltata all'attacco, con affumicatura media bilanciata e taglio amaro finale. Corpo medio, carbonazione media. Ottima.

ippopotamo36 (3956) - Rome, ITALY - DEC 14, 2021
UPDATED: DEC 14, 2021 Bottle @Luppolo Station in Rome-Italy, thanks Mortlach. Pours a clear amber color with an irregular ivory gassy foam. Nose: honey and Smokey, speck. Mouth is perfectly clean, full while mirroring the nose character. The finish is sparkling and bitter-ish.

Idiosynkrasie (13823) - Bielefeld, GERMANY - DEC 7, 2021
UPDATED: DEC 7, 2021 500ml bottle. Opalescent, dark ruby colour with small to average, thick, creamy, moderately lasting and lacing, off-white to beige head. Smoky and caramel malty aroma, notes of smoked ham, beechwood ashes, dark caramel, whiffs of grilled plum. Taste is smoky and caramel malty, notes of smoked ham, dark caramel, beechwood ashes, some leather, sticking-plaster, a touch of grilled plum, dark honey. Minimally oily, watery texture, smooth, soft, simultaneously minimally dry and minimally cloying palate, fine and soft, mildly prickly carbonation. Rich, intense and complex, thereby well balanced, harmonious - very (very!) close to Schlenkerla's legendary brews.

one51 (1349) - - NOV 13, 2021
UPDATED: NOV 13, 2021 On tap at HopDog, clean dark crystal brown. Beautiful rounded complex nose with smoke, molasses, and a bit of roasted malt. The flavor is just a perfect balanced triad of smoke, caramel, and earthy hop bitterness. Daaamn is this one amazing beer!

SaintMatty (9412) - Uppsala, SWEDEN - FEB 15, 2020
UPDATED: FEB 15, 2020 Draught (Spezial, Bamberg) - Sampled November 2019. Dark brown with red tinges. Very smoky aroma with notes of beech and bacon. The taste is less smoky but still noticeably so and has a good balance with notes of berries, blackcurrant, ash, pomerans and raisins. Wunderbar!

rhoihessegold (6642) - Mainz, Rhineland-Palatinate, GERMANY - JAN 19, 2020
UPDATED: JAN 19, 2020 18-01-20 // 330ml bottle shared with the local crew. Clear shiny amber. Good smokey ham nose. Well carbonated and full mouthfeel. Smooth. Rich nalty. Not too sweet. A balanced bitterness. Smoke in taste is way softer than in the nose. Well embedded. Really like it.

TEJA (5075) - Stockholm, SWEDEN - DEC 4, 2019
UPDATED: DEC 4, 2019 Draught at Zum Fransiscaner Stockholm. Alcohol given as 7.0. Small and long lastning brown head. Excellent smoke aroma with a touch of caramell. Well balanced bitterness and a small but nice caramell sweetness. One of the best bock beer I have tried.

omhper (33492) - Tyresö, SWEDEN - DEC 4, 2019
UPDATED: DEC 4, 2019 Keg at Zum Franziskaner, Stockholm. Hazy nut brown, mid sized head. Rich aroma of smoky sausage. Mid dry with medium to full body and well rounded mouthfeel. Bready, solid malt, rich mild smoke. Mid bitter finish. Excellent!

anstei (3818) - SWITZERLAND - DEC 1, 2019
UPDATED: DEC 1, 2019 At the source. Pours black. Aroma is liquorice, dark smoke, intense. Body is very present, but not overdone, sweetish flavours followed by a dryish palate. More heavily smoked, almost roast flavours, and liquorice. Chalky. Round and nice, clearly winter-y. Good.

77ships (14200) - Antwerpen, BELGIUM - DEC 14, 2018
UPDATED: DEC 14, 2018 250 mi. flowed by 500 ml. draft @ In De WIldeman. Very dark amber, very dark off-white head. Nose is all smoke, bacon, umami smoked caramel heavy Lapsang-Souchong tea. Taste is quite heavy sweeter caramel heavy in the finish amazingly balancing the smoke, bacon, toffee, caramel, Lapsang Souchong almost hint of mocha in the smoke,… Spectacularly drinkable low sweet caramel oily body. Astonishingly good – I got a second double pour which is not my normal operandus and I would have gotten another one if I didn’t have to catch a train. This beer is rated way too low here.

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