Brewed by Brasserie McAuslan (Brasseurs RJ)
Style: Stout - Imperial
Montréal, Canada
Serve in Snifter


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RATINGS: 386   WEIGHTED AVG: 3.99/5   SEASONAL: Winter   IBU: 84   EST. CALORIES: 276   ABV: 9.2%
La stout impériale russe St-Ambroise est un hommage québécois aux stouts impériales anglaises de la fin du XVIieme siècle, qui étaient brassées pour la cour de l’impératrice russe Catherine II la Grande.

Faite d’un mélange de malts d’orge, la Stout impériale russe St-Ambroise est infusée aux houblons Cascade, Goldings et Willamette, ce qui lui donne un caractère houblonné remarquable avec une finale moelleuse. Brassée avec du bois vieilli dans le bourbon, cette ale corsée se distingue par son riche arôme fumé aux accents de vanille, d’expresso et de chocolat.

Servir la Stout impériale russe St-Ambroise entre 13°C et 15°C, de préférence dans un verre à porto ou un ballon à brandy. Comme cette bière se bonifie avec le temps, il est recommandé de la conserver dans un lieu frais et sombre durant quelques années.

St-Ambroise Russian Imperial Stout is Quebec’s tribute to the late 1700’s English Imperial Stouts, brewed for the Russian courts of Catherine the Great.
Made from a blend of barley malts, St-Ambroise Russian Imperial Stout is infused with Cascade, Goldings and Willamette hops, resulting in an outstanding hop-character with a smooth finish. Bourbon wood-aged, this full-bodied ale has a rich, smoky aroma with hints of vanilla, expresso and chocolate.

Serve St-Ambroise Russian Imperial Stout between 13°C and 15°C, preferably in a port glass or a brandy snifter. This stout will improve with age for a number of years. Store in a cool, dark place.

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ZayZay (450) - Montréal, Quebec, CANADA - JAN 25, 2021
UPDATED: JAN 25, 2021 Stout impériale russe 2019 dégustée le 2021-01-24. Bouteille 341ml. Robe noire, impénétrable. Fine mousse brunâtre homogène. Tenue de mousse éphémère. Arômes: riche, bourbon, boisé, café, grains torréfiés, chocolat, vanille. Saveurs: équilibré avec des notes similaires aux arômes et une moyenne amertume durable en finale jouant sur le grain torréfié. Texture: corps dense, carbonation faible, bonne buvabilité. Caractère corsé.

matbigrey (141) - Mascouche, Quebec, CANADA - JAN 26, 2020
UPDATED: JAN 26, 2020 341 ml bottle. Very thick dark black beer. The head retention is quite good. Aromas of coffee and chocolate. Taste of chocolate, dark roast coffee and quite detectable alcohol. The bourbon flavor is not overwhelming and quite enjoyable. The wood aging smoothed the mouthfeel and it's quite appreciated. Maybe not a standout, but very good in my opinion. Very well balanced beer. I'd definitely recommend it to any stout lover.

the sauger (383) - La Pocatiere, Quebec, CANADA - NOV 19, 2018
Bouteille de 341 ml. Couleur noir avec un mince col beige. Arôme d café et d'alcool. Goût de café, de caramel, de bois fumé, d'herbes fraîches et de céréales torréfiées. Bonne bière noire.

LouisP (1020) - Montréal, Quebec, CANADA - OCT 24, 2018
Une bière noire, dense, avec une petite couche de carbonatation et une petite effervescence qui se distingue de la robe dense. Au nez, très caramelisée avec des notes de mélasse, on dirait plus un barleywine qu'un stout - avec une mini touche de torréfaction en finale. En bouche, assez alcoolisée, avec des notes de malt grillé assez présentes, et un goût de sirop d'érable que j'attribue sans doute au passage en barriques de bourbon. Ça fait une bière assez explosive. DIfficile à boire, une chance que j'ai seulement un 341 mL.

Burdyice (1) - Quebec, CANADA - APR 14, 2018 does not count
UPDATED: APR 14, 2018 Pours a nice rich foam. This is the 2012 Vintage. Now turned to bitter dark chocolate, leather, black coffee. This did improve over the years IMO

Frothmeister (900) - Ontario, CANADA - MAR 18, 2018
341ml bottle. Pours pure black with a one finger cocoa coloured cap. On the nose, molasses, dark chocolate, faint nutmeg, and black licorice. Full bodied and sweet, but not cloying with lots of dark dried fruit notes, molasses, and a faint taste of dark maple syrup that heads into cocoa, molasses, an almost buttery graham cracker like note, mineral bitterness, and huge tannic espresso finish. This is a beast. I honestly wasn't expecting something this great, but wow, this is exceptional.

Stuu666 (24521) - Edinburgh, SCOTLAND - FEB 13, 2018
Bottle at the bow bar. Pours deep brown, nose is soy sauce, caramel, chocolate, taste is chocolate, roasted, bitter, dry.

HKdIPA (1286) - HONG KONG - JAN 22, 2018
UPDATED: JAN 22, 2018 Bottle from LCBO in Toronto at home in HK. Think I’ve had this before - I thought when I bought it that it was a different release. Thick black pour with thin medium tan head. Aroma is big roasted coffee leather and wood, and boozy warmth. Taste is similar - big sharp bitterness at the beginning, rich chocolate and coffee, with leather and alcohol. Palate not that rich, good. Lingering earthy bitterness. Very good stout, and would get again but probably not bring home from Canada.

Crockett (1164) - Southampton, Ontario, CANADA - JAN 10, 2018
2013 Bottle Opened January 2018. Cellared in Tube. Constant Temp 17C. Pours thick jet black with a big blooming dark brown creamy head. Some residual fingers, bubbles, and some sticky lace. It's completely perfect to look at. Nose of alcohol, chocolate, coffee, molasses, sharpy, paint, vanilla, wood, mushrooms, leather, earth. It's just about perfect as well. Mouthfeel is big, full, silky smooth and supple. Hops are hiding in there, somewhere carrying a bit of cedar/pine needle and evening out the beer with some mild, yet grounding acidity. There is a trace of grit, but it's pleasant in the way of lightly pressed coffee, or a non filtered hot chocolate. Cocoa Nibs and Espresso. Lots of very soft carbonation lifting the bittersweet cocoa/coffee/earth above some chewy tobacco, leather, mushroom (umami, soy), wood, in front of a little milk chocolate, cherry, and very faint citrus. Burnt sugar and beef bouillon through the finish. Absolutely stunning.

Raistlin (1668) - London, Ontario, CANADA - JAN 1, 2018
Always loved this brewery's beer. Another great one brewed. Not sweet and not overly bitter. Really well balanced. Alcohol is well hidden. Amazing finish and after taste, bit of espresso and chocolate. Bourbon gives it strength, but its very mild taste from it, which is nice since i am not bourbon drinker. Medium to heavy body, low carbontation which suites style.

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