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RATINGS: 805   WEIGHTED AVG: 3.59/5   EST. CALORIES: 285   ABV: 9.5%
Grand Cru is a speciality beer carefully crafted by Belgium’s St Feuillien Brewery. This extra-blond amber nectar masterpiece undergoes refermentation in the bottle, resulting in a beer endowed with unforgettable character. The secret lies in the unique combination of the most noble hops and the finest aromatic ingredients. Grand Cru differs from other beers in the range by its absence of spices. Its full, white head is light and frothy, and when poured it creates a subtle lace effect. The very pale colour of Grand Cru lends clarity and brilliance to its body.
Grand Cru’s delicate nose is a veritable cascade of hoppy aromas with hints of fruitiness coupled with subtlety and sheer richness.
When savoured, the first sip is light and intriguing. The next impression is one of a slight bitterness full of captivating nuances. When it hits the palate, Grand Cru creates a lingering moment of hoppiness, rounded off by an intense yet pleasant bitterness.

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cooling (397) - Lille, FRANCE - DEC 27, 2021
UPDATED: DEC 27, 2021 Bière achetée chez Leclerc Templeuve. Robe blonde, une myriade de fines bulles et une mousse très persistante et abondante. Nez sur le caramel, en bouche c'est frais, les premières gorgées se boivent facilement et plus on boit, plus on sature de sucre... Bref, c'est pas la folie et c'est trop alcoolisé, elle monte très vite à la tête.

JK (7157) - St. Louis Park, Minnesota, USA - DEC 26, 2021
UPDATED: DEC 26, 2021 750 bottle. Labeled as dry hopped. Light hops. Initially the aroma thought this might be similar to a saison but it is more mild. Dry, a little herbal. Does not taste or smell of alcohol but this sneaks up later. Very well carbonated.

tmoreau (7963) - Lombard, Illinois, USA - DEC 23, 2021
UPDATED: DEC 23, 2021 Shared 750 ml. bottle at Lunar Brewing Co. poured to a snifter showing a hazed, orangey/gold color, with a sudsy layer of white froth that reduced to a ring & bubbly film, with foamy spots of lacing. The nose was pit fruit and pear, with subtle Belgian spices, and complementary sweetness. Medium bodied, the taste was similar but more expressive notes, with lively effervescence, well integrated alcohol, some earthy astringency, and finishing dryness. Very nice.

armandmanman (183) - - NOV 27, 2021
UPDATED: NOV 27, 2021 Robe blonde col de mousse blanc , petite bulles fines. Nez sur le citron , épice ( poivre et coriandre ) et fleural , banane , petite notes alcoolisé En bouche , petite amertume , fleurs , épice à nouveau. Bouche assez dense. Prend des notes au fur et à mesure qu'elle se réchauffe. Très beau nez , on se perd plus en bouche.

MaltoseMuse60 (68) - Nancy, FRANCE - SEP 11, 2021
UPDATED: SEP 11, 2021 Bière blonde avec assez peu de mousse. On sent bien la rondeur des bières Belges, ce côté caramélisé, mais celle-ci est également assez fortement tournée vers des saveurs florales et herbacées.

Sammy (17445) - Toronto, Ontario, CANADA - SEP 9, 2021
UPDATED: SEP 9, 2021 Finally got around to this, about 7 years past the due date. Still a decent drinker. A Belgian standard, a little muted.

PowY (3777) - Vienna, AUSTRIA - AUG 29, 2021
UPDATED: AUG 29, 2021 28.8.2021: 330 ml bottle at home, 9.5% ABV, bb. 21.3.2022, bought at La Mise En Biere, Lausanne. Pours a clear straw-yellow with a large white head. Aroma of grass, hay, straw, light metallic notes, sweet grains, some cereals, some biscuit and very light fruity yeast notes. Medium to full body with a fizzy carbonation, a medium sweetness and a light to medium bitterness. The flavor is medium malty, lightly yeasty and lightly to medium hoppy - sweetish pale malt, biscuit, sweet bread, hints of floral hay, some spicy yeast notes, bitter herbal hop notes, some sweetish pear, some hay. Finishes with a light residual sweetness and a light to medium-light hoppy bitterness. Aroma: 7 Appearance: 3 Taste: 7 Palate: 3 Overall: 14

Fisler (2189) - Bamberg, GERMANY - JUL 13, 2021
UPDATED: JUL 13, 2021 Nase und Optik Champagner, zügige Perlung. Im Trunk triplig, Rosinen, leicht alkoholisch, cremig, Gewürze, passt.

DijkBier (2262) - AMSTERDAM, NETHERLANDS - JUN 19, 2021
UPDATED: JUN 19, 2021 Bottle 75cl pours ear golden with a stable white head. Aroma is blond malts but mainly much spicy yeast. Taste is nice, mild bitter, not too sweet, also spicy. Firm carbo. This is a fine tripel.

drpimento (6063) - La Crosse, Wisconsin, USA - MAY 10, 2021
UPDATED: MAY 10, 2021 The label on this one says dry hopping. The labels are more than a little confusing. They have another beer whose style is a grand cru, while this one that is called a grand cru the style is strong ale. The aromas and flavors on this are yeasty and spicy. Very nice balance between bitter, sweet and carbonation. Outstanding body and carbonation with a very good finish. Great beer!

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