RATINGS: 68   WEIGHTED AVG: 3.17/5   SEASONAL: Spring   IBU: 20   EST. CALORIES: 180   ABV: 6%
Starr Saison is a traditional Belgian-style farmhouse ale. Dry, crisp, and complex with plenty of fruitiness, hints of earth, and refreshing hop aroma and bitterness.

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Jay_Dubbz (103) - Pennsylvania, USA - APR 20, 2015
Poured from 12oz bottle. Wonderful color of maize with an aroma mindful of the first pickings of a lemon tree. Tart opening was subtle, but reminded you where you are. Smooth finish with a light and airy appeal. --you've been Dubbed.

katrinaez (3893) - norristown, Pennsylvania, USA - FEB 11, 2015
UPDATED: APR 5, 2015 Great spice. Starr hill doesn’t disappoint. The Belgium flavor is low but the spices were great. Tap

hopdog (19493) - Lansdale, Pennsylvania, USA - JAN 20, 2015
12oz bottle. Poured a golden color with a smaller sized head. Yeast, some caramel, a bit of stale grassiness, and spicy.

Darkmagus82 (2303) - - OCT 12, 2014
Transfer from BA review on 3-13-14- Poured from bottle into a pint glass Appearance – The beer pours a clear deep golden color with a fizzy head of a pure white color. The head fades super quickly leaving almost no lace on the sides of the glass. Smell – The aroma of the beer is a rather nice mix of sweet, funk, yeast and bread. The biggest aroma is that of a sweet candied sugar smell with lots of banana sweetness within. Along with these aromas are some yeasty smells bringing with them spice aromas of coriander and clove. A bit of a wheaty smell as well as some grass and hay are there as well, overall producing a very pleasant aroma. Taste – The taste begins with a wheaty and bready flavor with a moderately strong sweet taste of banana and candied sugar. The taste also starts with a somewhat bready, which overall create a smooth and pleasant taste on the tongue. As the taste advances however the smoothness soon fades as some yeasty flavors bring with them lots of spice of coriander and clove as well as some bitter grassy and hay like flavors. The newly arriving flavors all the while, bring with them some more astringent flavors, which in the end, with the mix of all the flavors leaves a somewhat off funky, overly spiced flavor to linger on the tongue. Mouthfeel – The body of the beer is on the thinner side with a carbonation level that is on the average side. A slightly higher carbonation and slightly thinner body may have been a bit better at hiding/minimizing the off astringent flavors, all the while keeping the beer a bit more refreshing. Overall –It was a little too off in flavor at the end of the taste with a bit too much astringent and spice, as well as a slightly weak mouthfeel. An alright saison overall, but nothing all that great.

Radek Kliber (8002) - Toronto (Can) Krotoszyn (Pol), Ontario, CANADA - SEP 30, 2014
Where and how: bottle 355ml
Aroma pleasant, rounded feel with slightly tart softness. Hint of wheat, golden malts. Soft phenolic vibe. Dry finish with pleasant hop character.
Appearance :
Top: nice white top, sparse lacing
Base: fine haze, amber.
Palate : quiet dry.
Taste: Touch of clove, wheat and alcohol. More of a Belgian strong ale than Saison. Lacking mild farm like funk.
Other notes not exactly a Saison yet still a solid brew.

beakerh20 (67) - New Jersey, USA - AUG 9, 2014
Nice golden color with a crisp fresh taste. It has a lot of fruitiness and finishes with a light touch of hop aroma and bitterness. ---Rated via Beer Buddy for iPhone

BeerdedDave (3893) - Beckley, West Virginia, USA - JUL 20, 2014
amber color; nice, spicy aroma; great spicy, slightly fruity Belgian yeast flavor with notes of pepper and corriander; dry, bitter finish

Gooseunc (19) - Prince William County, Virginia, USA - MAY 17, 2014
Spicy notes, feint apricot on the nose. Pours uncharacteristically clear for a saison/Belgian, more orange than yellow. Nice Belgian laces on sides of my tulip. Taste is a bit malty, maybe slight fruit, finishes a bit sour. ---Rated via Beer Buddy for iPhone

robgibbens (432) - Gaithersburg, Maryland, USA - MAY 17, 2014
This brew pours a nice light amber, clear and with a skirt white foam. The aroma had lemon and orange notes, typical of the style. The taste is a tad bitter but goes down smooth.

devman171 (1221) - Annapolis, Maryland, USA - MAY 10, 2014
Bottle, aroma is light spicy and floral. Taste is very light and crisp with a nice Belgian spice and hop finish. Decent for the style

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