RATINGS: 58   WEIGHTED AVG: 2.88/5   SEASONAL: Winter   EST. CALORIES: 216   ABV: 7.2%
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floydslip (486) - Washington DC, USA - JUN 22, 2018
Deep amber beer with a thin light tan head. Nose of gingerbread, oatmeal, and pumpkin pie spice. Flavor is similar with spiced dough, burnt caramel, and ginger, but the flavors are a bit watery and flat. Should be better.

Beaver (2291) - Fort Collins, Colorado, USA - MAR 2, 2018
12 oz bottle. Pours dark ruby amber with a medium creamy light tan head that retains well and laces the glass some.

The aroma is perfumey bready malt with some sweet dark fruit and a little alcohol.

The flavor is sweet bready caramel malt with some fruitcake and a bit of a roast alcohol finish. The mouthfeel is medium bodied with low carbonation.

Overall, an OK winter warmer.

jugid (7) - - FEB 22, 2018 does not count
Aroma is floral with amber color. Taste a bit flat with a strong caramel malt after taste. ---Rated via Beer Buddy for iPhone

swanmann (795) - Nompton, Oklahoma, USA - FEB 21, 2018
12 oz. bottle from BOM club: Appearance is caramel brown with ruby to amber gem tones and about a half inch of tan bubbles, which dissipated rather quickly. I smell a bit of vanilla, caramel, booze, toast. Super drinkable, if a bit thin. Semi-sweet with just a touch of roasty bitterness coming through. Simple and straightforward.

NJBarstool (54) - Rockaway, New Jersey, USA - JAN 15, 2018
Very drinkable, but very uninspired. Tastes like a flat Sam Adams winter lager

alexsdad06 (16451) - West Chester, Ohio, USA - SEP 9, 2017
Bottle shared by Tmoney99 at a tailgate from backlog notes. Pours a caramel brown color with a small off white head. The aroma and flavor have caramel malts, holiday spices, muddled fruit, thin, not to be revisited.

Darkmagus82 (2303) - - MAY 18, 2014
Transfer from BA rated 1-17-12 - Poured from bottle into tulip glass. Appearance - Pours a beautiful mahogany red color with a off white head that complements the look of the beer nicely. The head diminished with almost no lacing. Smell - Malty and cherry are the most potent. Some spices like nutmeg and cinnamon work their way in at the end of the aroma as well as a potent boozy aroma. Taste - The taste profile highly matches the aroma. A sweet malty flavor at first with a bit of dried fruit following up and taking the middle of the taste profile, although not as much cherry as would be expected. The spices of nutmeg and cinnamon come in but are soon overpowered by some booziness that warms the mouth (as well as the body). Mouthfeel - A fairly middle of the range body feel with a very nice level of carbonation. Overall - For the price a quite nice holiday brew. It does as its name implies, warms you up a bit, although maybe showing a little to much of an alcohol taste. One to have around the winter months on occasion.

DandyWolfFloyd (1839) - Jim Thorpe, Pennsylvania, USA - JAN 15, 2014
Aroma - is minimal a little spice and malt Appearance - a reddish color w/ a thin white ring. Taste - is spices of x-mas and malt Palate - is lingering alcohol warming Ok, nothing special --- JPS

Patrickctenchi (7259) - Cox’s Knob, columbus, Indiana, USA - APR 28, 2013
Pours deep, murky, red-brown with a short tan head. Caramel, spice aroma. Flavour is flat cola, caramel, fruit.... Flowery/herbal bitter. A little flat, and a little off.

Leafs93 (2343) - Clarks Summit, Pennsylvania, USA - JAN 5, 2013
Pours dark amber with a small beige head that dissipated very quickly to just a film. Aroma is floral, spice and caramel. Lots of caramel. Taste is almost overly sweet with a weird spicy bitterness. Was a little messy for my tastes.

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