Stone Foudre Aged Imperial Saison

Serve in Tulip


on tap


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RATINGS: 31   MEAN: 3.69/5.0   WEIGHTED AVG: 3.61/5   SEASONAL: Special   EST. CALORIES: 318   ABV: 10.6%
Aged 2 years in a foudre with 3 strains of Brettanomyces yeast .

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rhoihessegold (6642) - Mainz, Rhineland-Palatinate, GERMANY - JAN 26, 2019
UPDATED: JAN 26, 2019 24-01-19 // tap at Stone Brewing World Bistro & Gardens Berlin. cloudy yeasty unclear murky orange. White head. Intense Brett nose, horse blanket with an underlying touch of a woody leathery wine notes. Quite sweetish malty body but its balanced/overlayed by a funky Brett aroma. Wild. Dry funk yeast. Mild tropical fruit. Lasting bitterness. A very complex beer. And a good one to celebrate 4000 unique Untappd Check-Ins.

slowrunner77 (19086) - Reno, Nevada, USA - JUL 17, 2018
Translucent copper orange pour on tap. Not sure why they think 10.6% is necessary or even wanted in this type of beer, but outside of the over the top abv this is pretty nice. Significant oak and red wine character in the nose and flavor. The dry finish cuts the alcohol some and the barnyard and tart character do to. Very nice up to 8-10 oz.

dnstone (5952) - Saarland, GERMANY - JAN 23, 2018
UPDATED: JAN 31, 2018 Pours a light, hazed copper color with off-white head. Has a light, sweet aroma with barrel-oak notes. Taste is dull with a woody-earthy funk and a toasted bite. Notes: on tap at the 4th Annual Sour Saturday, Atomic Liquors, Las Vegas Nov '16

DiarmaidBHK (7594) - Lewisburg, Pennsylvania, USA - JUL 27, 2017
UPDATED: JUL 27, 2017 Taster at Stone Richmond. Pours light brown with a khaki head. Lots of wood and tartness on the nose and tongue. Hides it's booze well. Nice!

BeerdedDave (3893) - Beckley, West Virginia, USA - JUN 4, 2017
on tap at the Richmond brewery; cloudy, orange color; oaky, sour apple aroma; great sour fruit flavor with lots of oak; dry, tart, oaky finish

ALIBALI (4265) - Kiel, GERMANY - APR 18, 2017
UPDATED: MAY 5, 2017 WILD, verwegen RedWiney und zutiefst belgischen Farmerland 😀. BRETT ATTACK mit Tiefenwirkung 🚀. Probierschluck vom Fass, in der STONE BREWERY Berlin. 1 Liter Growler im Kühlschrank :).....Wallerndes fruity Wildyeastspetakel der guten alten Ausnahmeschule 👌!!! Immer noch..😋...Frisch blutendes Holz&Freigeistkultur;!!9/4/9/5/19 Mit sanfter Eleganz zieht er dir der Lederpeitsche durchs Gesicht. Der Funk ist die Masche der Versklavung ⚠🎆🙌😎!! Andy jetzt hör endlich mal auf, unter ner 19 geh ich hier nicht nach HAUS 😂. BrettofruityLIFEstyler mit Hippieness 🍄..

dunklermessias (1865) - GERMANY - MAR 15, 2017
On tap at Stone Brewing Berlin. Comes with an dark Amber color and a small ivory head. Sour notes from the white wine barrel as well as some red fruits and some grapevines. Taste is wine-ish, wine barrel notes nice grapes and a little clorine taste. Finish is rather short, never guess 10.6% alc. Very nice Saison!

Michael27 (2439) - Berlin, GERMANY - JAN 31, 2017
Frisch vom Fass in der Craftbeerbar Hannover getrunken. Kupferamber im Glas. Nase und Geschmack wird von altem Fass dominiert. Überdeckt leider alles andere.

onceblind (17156) - Denver, Colorado, USA - JAN 7, 2017
Slightly hazy amber-copper with a thin foamy ivory top. Lots of white wine Barrel and gentle earthy funk on the nose with some gentle earthy red berry tones and funky Belgian cracker nuances. Big funky flavor with smooth bright red and white wine barrel oak tones and grainy Belgian flavors with some berries and bretty woody funk. Amazing. A little fruity but funky and just a kiss saison-tart on the woody finish.

ElDesmadre (6779) - Jaworze, POLAND - DEC 26, 2016
Draught. Completely hidden alcohol, wild notes, horseblanket, resin, light citrus, brett, some wood, aggressive enough, while still retaining a remarkable flavour balance. Really excellent.

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