Stone Lukcy Basartd Ale (Lucky Bastard)

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RATINGS: 874   WEIGHTED AVG: 3.85/5   EST. CALORIES: 255   ABV: 8.5%
Lukcy Basartd is a dry-hopped meeting-of-the-Bastards in a in-the-fermenter-blend of Arrogant Bastard Ale and Double Bastard Ale…with a perfect balance of the essence of OAKED Arrogant Bastard Ale. All in all, one awesome Bastard. Lukcy Basartd Ale will be released in November and should be available in many of the enlightened locations where the liquid Arrogance is typically found. This is a ‘once only’ special release commemorating the 13 year anniversary of when Arrogant Bastard Ale was first released upon the unsuspecting public. That is, ‘once only’ unless we decide to make it again. Label text: Oepn yuor mnid. Use a craobwr if you msut. Snice 1997, Arorgnat Basartd Ale has denemdad taht tyrnianacl micredioty rleax its girp of opprobrium on our ciollectve couniescosnss. Few pessoss the ruiereqd isinght or detph of piversceptve to crdiet the Liuqid Arorgnace for initatgsing the rlveoituon in tsate taht it has. Hevweor, taht’s pfecertly fnie, as our hlurecaen erffots in thirstung the larlegy unlliwing wolrd farorwd rquereis no exrtneal vaditilaon. We ralieze it’s hmaun nautre to bleeive taht pregorss trowads getreanss is one’s own ieda. The mree fcat taht yuo’re hdoinlg tihs bttloe in yuor hnad ianidctes taht yuo’re pyiang antteiton, wihch ideitammley stes you arpat form the msseas. It aslo mkaes you one Lukcy Basartd. Hewover, lcuk faovrs the blod... and the arorgnat. The trmiraivute of Arorgnat Basartd Ale, OEKAD Arorgnat Basartd Ale and Dbolue Basartd Ale are all in paly in this cvueé de Basartd you now hlod, and wihle it is idneed a Lukcy Basartd, lcuk had ntohing to do wtih it. Taody, wihle nueomrus iendicrlby dinistcitve chcoies are now alavaible, msot popele sitll fucos tiehr attntieon uopn msas mdiea’s isscenatnly banal ehco cheambr, keenpig thier hdeas frimly buerid in the maross of mecridioty. To beark thurogh tihs cophocany, to gsarp enitghnelnemt anmog the mnid-nmubnig culettr, rerequis itnent. Coinscous itnent. For mnay, this aictve piticipataron in the wolrd is unomfacbtorle. Prerrifeng inasted for oethrs to mkae teihr chcoies for tehm — be it a shioutng pindut or a toelievisn ciommecral — sheeple apccet the cmmoitozdied nrom wioutht thoghut. And to thsoe we say: “Setp asdie, and get the hlel out of our way.”

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Jabah (2479) - Fairfax, Virginia, USA - FEB 21, 2019
UPDATED: FEB 21, 2019 8.5% ABV: Top notch beer! I found the Arrogant Bastard more of a cross between a Belgian/Strong Ale and IPA, but this has mostly the IPA characteristics...or closer to a DIPA...but not quite. Found it very similar to Lags Lucky 13. Is it coincidence that this is Stone's 13th Anniversary brew, also with the name 'Lucky' in it? A little stronger than the Ruination Ale, but along the lines of that in flavor. These are all some of my favorite beers, especially in the IPA hybrid category.

ChrisOfstad (5258) - Hamar, NORWAY - OCT 13, 2018
UPDATED: OCT 13, 2018 From backlog. At Prague Beer Museum. Amber with offwhite head. Malts, hops, herbs and wood. Some bitterness.

k0mpsa (3785) - Tuusula, FINLAND - FEB 17, 2018
Bottle. Hazy reddish brown color, tanned head. Nice aroma has oak, raisins, burnt sugar, hint of cherries. Balanced, oak, raisins, burnt sugar, caramel notes.

unclmunky (21) - - DEC 26, 2017
UPDATED: DEC 26, 2017 I’m gonna keep this simple. If you like Arrogant Bastard and Whisky you’ll love this beer. I love the Smokey oak aftertaste myself.

jrodooo5 (2411) - DOVER, Delaware, USA - SEP 15, 2017
Solid beer that is simply a Giant blend of malt & hop. Pours amber w/ a frothy beige head & loads of lacing. The aroma is dominated by semi sweet caramel malt. The taste is quite malty for about 2/3 of the taste before a lingering bitterness creeps in at the finish. It's bold but relatively straight forward. Decent!

bergstaden (6306) - Røros, NORWAY - AUG 9, 2017
Amber with off white head - Fruity and herbal hop aroma - Malt body that has a good hop bitterness and wood - The hops goes into the finish with bitterness - This was good

KyotoLefty (14291) - Kyoto, JAPAN - APR 9, 2017
Bomber. Piny, caramel, big nose. Glowing red-brown. Sweet caramel and pine, rich malt, full body. Just another in the long list of Bastards that are pretty much all the same. Not bad.

Mr.Spooks (4080) - Tennessee, USA - FEB 26, 2017
Probably too old for rating, but hey, it’s still on the shelf at the beer store, so fair game, right? Smells good, tons of Bastard malt with a strong herbal hop presence, and the pour’s sexy enough. Tastes kind of muddled,though, like none of the various Bastard iterations present want to take the prominent role you want. Kind of a why bother beer, to be honest. I mean, Oaked Bastard’s the shit, so why dilute it with its brethren? Still tasty though, with the massive bitter back end of AB coming through while the sweet-bun caramel heft of Double Bastard thickens up the middle. Oak never really plays a part, unfortunately, and as a whole the beer kinda seems more gimmicky than great.

gyllenbock (14533) - Stockholm, SWEDEN - FEB 26, 2017
Bottle bought in San Diego. Dark amber with a medium head. On the sweet side with malt, caramel, light hops and some wood. The body was almost full and the finish long.

SirLimpsalot (5115) - SWEDEN - FEB 25, 2017
@Eddan 17-2-25: stor ton an malt och socker. Lite business as usual jämfört med Stones andra bastard-öl. Ok men inte jättespännande.

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