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Serve in Shaker, Tulip


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RATINGS: 6   MEAN: 3.73/5.0   WEIGHTED AVG: 3.42/5   IBU: 65   EST. CALORIES: 222   ABV: 7.4%
ABV 7.4, SRM 6 IBU 65 This IPA is bittered with Columbus and has large whirlpool additions of Vic Secret (an exciting, relatively new hop from HPA - Hop Products Australia), plus mosaic and Galaxy. The beer was then dry-hpped with more Vic Secret. This IPA packs a wallop of passionfruit and pineapple aromas and flavors with a piney resin finish.

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DenverLogan (2900) - Burien, Washington, USA - NOV 26, 2020
UPDATED: NOV 26, 2020 On tap at the Beveridge Place. Pours gold with head and lace. Aroma of malts, hops, citrus notes. Significant carbonation and mouthfeel. Flavors of pale malt, citrus notes, straw hops. Overall rich, flavorful, decent.

dangerdonut (102) - - MAY 9, 2019
UPDATED: MAY 9, 2019 An American brew made with Aussie hops. Great pineapple and pine hop aromas. Caramel candy colour. A worthwhile IPA.

mcberko (34280) - Vancouver, British Columbia, CANADA - JUL 19, 2018
On tap at Stoup, pours a hazy golden with a small white head. Aroma reveals bright citrus hops and toasted biscuity malt. Flavour is assertive, with fresh piney hops, light citrus, and crisp biscuity malt. Punchy, crisp and assertive on the finish. Excellent.

nimbleprop (12943) - Southeast, Washington, Washington DC, USA - APR 13, 2017
On tap at CBC. Pours a clear orange with a ring of white head. Nose has tropical fruit, mango, grass, candy. Flavor is sweet, grist, orange, mango, some grass. Dry finish.

andrewje41 (6568) - Monroe, Washington, USA - DEC 10, 2016
UPDATED: APR 3, 2020 Draft 5 oz pour at Stoup. Apple juice golden color pour with a thin head and heavy coated lacing. Surprisingly sweet malt fronted aroma. Flavor is a bit juicy, citrus like hops, and a sweet finish. An odd thick and sweet combo. Odd but still interesting. Decent IPA as an overall. UPDATE: Couple years later, I picked up a crowler of this. I'm a little disappointed that I would rate such a fine IPA on just a sample, which is unlike me to do. Either that, or they really nailed this recipe after a couple tweaks. This is fantastic. Wonderful juicy hop flavor. Very nice profile to it. Easy to drink a whole crowler of this borderline imperial in very little time.

luttonm (7592) - Seattle, Washington, USA - NOV 10, 2016
UPDATED: DEC 10, 2016 Stoup, Seattle. Thin foam, pale clear yellow gold. Medium body, some resin syrup character with moderate hoppy bittering. Resiny citrus nose. Fairly clean finish. Strong showing.

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