The Bruery Autumn Maple - Barrel Fermented

Formerly brewed at The Bruery
Style: Sour / Wild Beer
Placentia, California USA
Serve in Snifter, Tulip, Tumbler


on tap


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RATINGS: 57   WEIGHTED AVG: 3.41/5   SEASONAL: Special   EST. CALORIES: 300   ABV: 10%
Brewer’s Description: 100% Barrel Fermented Autumn Maple – Our fall seasonal barrel fermented with brettanomyces, lacto, pedio, and acetobacter then aged for 10 months in previously used bourbon barrels. Rich, funky and satisfying, this beer has become a Bruery staff favorite. Released to the 2010 Reserve Society. Label Description: Barrel Fermented Autumn Maple. Oak aged ale brewed with spices, yams and maple syrup. We don’t need pumpkins in our beer! Big, bold, spicy, oh so yammy and now 100% barrel fermented!

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alexsdad06 (16451) - West Chester, Ohio, USA - SEP 19, 2015
750 ml bottle shared by somone at RBWG 2011 from old backlog notes. Pours a deep amber color with a medium off white head. The aroma has some of the sweet caramel malts, the typical spices found in most pumpkin beers (nutmeg, cinnamon), and sweet potato casserole from the base beer with additional funk and tart fruits coming through. The flavor had caramel malts, tart pumpkin, funk, with a hefty dose of spices like cinnamon and nutmeg. This is a strange beer and I wasn’t sure how I really felt about it at the time, I would really like to revisit this to see what it is like today.

kcorum10 (349) - Idaho, USA - DEC 28, 2013
Pours an amber color with off white head. Aromas of some funky brett, oak, and spices. Flavors of much of the same with a touch of oak and syrup. This beer didn’t do much of me.

Meilby (13448) - Kristiansand, NORWAY - AUG 11, 2013
Bottle 750ml @ The Bruery, Placentia, CA
Pours clear brown with a few off-white bubbles. Aroma has notes of malt, toffee, brett, funky and oak. Taste is light to medium sweet and medium sour with a long dry, warm, funky and toffee finish. Body is full, texture is thin to oily, carbonation is flat.

yngwie (20302) - Kristiansand, NORWAY - AUG 11, 2013
Bottle at the taproom. 2010 vintage. Slightly hazy, amber in color, more or less headless. Rather bretty aroma, with a touch of syrup and caramel. Alcohol too. Some bitterness in the mouth, a good dash of alcohol warmth and quite dry. Caramel, syrup and bretty flavors, lemon peel mostly. Long, warming finish. Well, not bad, not a favorite. 130811

Geokkjer (7700) - Kristiansand, NORWAY - AUG 11, 2013
Bottle at the Bruery. Pours amber with a tiny off white head. Aroma of berries, some cellar notes, slight funk and malt. Flavor is sweet and sour berries with some tart grapes and malt. Medium body, average carbonation.

thome50 (1295) - Morro Bay via Orange County, California, USA - AUG 4, 2013
Bottle from 2010, taken from notes. Pours a deep brown, no different from the standard. Aroma is slight barnyard funk but nothing overpowering. Taste is more barnyard and horse dung. Some slight sourness in here but more as if it was an infection problem than a desired effect. Odd.

Glouglouburp (6103) - Montreal, Quebec, CANADA - JAN 18, 2013
In short: A messy barnyard-ish brown beer that I found inexplicably enjoyable.
How: Bottle 750ml, probably over 1 year of age. Shared at post-HF Harvest 2012 party. Bottle sent to me by kegbear, thanks Craig.
The look: Cloudy brown body topped by a beige ring of foam.
In long: Weird nose with vegetal notes, old wet wood, wet earth, barnyard, pickles. Strange aroma but not really repulsive. Taste is surprisingly cohesive and not so weird considering how strange the aroma is. A mix of caramel, spicy hard candies, dirty barnyard bretty notes, earth, mild red fruits sourness. Didn’t taste any maple, caramel yes, maple no. Appropriate lively carbonation. Overall sensation of an approximate “let’s see what happens if…” beer that resulted in a somewhat enjoyable mess. Another beer rating for me, over 5,000 of them and with still a long backlog to go, no doubt I really am an overachiever when it comes to wasting my time.

Blairgus (4698) - California, USA - NOV 30, 2012
30 nov 3012, bottle. Rosy amber, clear, no bubbles. Nose is seriously sour but alternates between that and a sweet cherry and yammy(?) nose. Thin body and faintly fizzy. Sour up front but it immediately turns into sweet yam, dry oak, and a faint tartness. Nice. ---Rated via Beer Buddy for iPhone

TheAlum (7164) - Aurora, Illinois, USA - NOV 12, 2012
Sampled at GonzoIllini’s Birthday Party (Western Springs, IL). Happy Birthday, Tony! Pours a rich roasty brownish pour, darker with some glowing edges. Gentle loose tannish dies to a film, laces small. Aromas are gentle funk, sweet potatoes and gentle growing brett. Touch of sourness, oak, and spirit. Initial is gentle spice, caramel and carmelization, sweetness, toffee, pumpkin. Gentle spice, toffee, and funk. Middle is gentle spice and pumpkin caramel sweetness. Gentle spice. Gente sweetness, ok. Not all that funky. Lacking a bigger bunch as I expected with such a potent wild yeast emphasis. More oak, some muted base flavors. Meh.

dreadnord (1012) - San Diego, California, USA - NOV 6, 2012
Pours very hazy deep brown with a slightly red tint and a small off white head. Nose is funky as hell. Nose is vinegar, lemons, and despite all the reviews claiming the absence of the original's qualities, I still get the wonderful spice and yams. Taste is very complex. Lightly bitter with great sweet and tart. Love it. Mouthfeel is soft and easy, body is heavy and finish is long. ---Rated via Beer Buddy for iPhone

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