The Bruery Or Xata (2013)

Formerly brewed at The Bruery
Style: Flavored - Other
Placentia, California USA


on tap


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RATINGS: 86   WEIGHTED AVG: 3.41/5   EST. CALORIES: 210   ABV: 7%
Horchata is a traditional, sweet, milky drink originating in Spain and Latin America that has become quite popular in Southern California, particularly with Mexican cuisine. Our take on the traditionally non-alcoholic drink is a blonde ale brewed with a heavy dosing of rice, cinnamon and fresh vanilla beans along with lactose for a litle extra creamy character. If you didn’t know better, you’d think it was carbonated horchata.

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drsordr (3984) - Loveland, Ohio, USA - OCT 11, 2016
Bottle shared by alexsdad06 pour murky copper with fine floaters and thin ecru head. Nose vanilla, cinnamon, odd fruit, maraschino cherry. Taste similar to nose, with vanilla and cinnamon first. Cream soda and root beer finish.

kathouse (1942) - LAS VEGAS, Nevada, USA - MAY 22, 2016
Light grain aroma, vanilla, and cinnamon.Clear golden with orange highlights and no head. Light malt body and cinnamon without being really sweet. It’s okay without being special.

Ernesto987 (6082) - Arizona, USA - JUL 13, 2015
this is just cinnamon beer. Some faded stale malts in there, disjointed. Not really my liking.

Homer321 (5364) - Melboring, Florida, USA - MAY 10, 2015
Bottle. Nose is lightly sugary with a light orange fruitiness. Some vanilla. Hazy deep orange with a small head that dissipates quickly. Taste is similar, light vanilla aids in a smoothness, light fruitiness, a very subtle cinnamon. Somewhat thin even though it’s 7%. Not getting much lactose. Having never had horchata, I can’t compare but the beer Is Nice.

PartyFowle (954) - - MAY 8, 2015
Bottle. Seems flat upon the first pour, until a late-arriving head gives it some life. What bubbles are present above the soft-hazed, grapefruit pulp-colored liquid only get about a quarter-inch high and recede within seconds. Smells like a candle from Bath and Body Works. Cinnamon, tangy dulce le leche, banana, rice pudding, cooked butter. Vanilla is huge but a bit artificial, like freeze-dried vanilla ice cream. Very sweet flavor. Touch of banana, splash of fruity wheat. Vanilla, tapioca pudding, soft cinnamon. Syrupy but lighter body -- medium-light. Gentle fizz, tiny massaging bubbles. No alcohol whatsoever. Tasty stuff, but finishing the bottle oneself would be a challenge. It’s very sweet.

Rando7 (779) - Iowa, USA - MAR 17, 2015
Bottle pours clear dark amber with frothy white head. Odd aroma, sweet with c=rice and what seemed like corn. Flavor sweet with rice , vanilla, cinnamon. Sweet and syrupy finish . Palate a tad sticky. just OK, glad I didn’t buy more.

hopscotch (11918) - Vero Beach, Florida, USA - JAN 17, 2015
Bottle... Pours hazy and deeply golden with a small, white head that’s gone faster than you can say “quick.” This smells just like cream soda. ’nuff said there. Full-bodied with a creamy mouthfeel and jazzy carbonation. Tastes like cream soda too - with a hint of balancing, nondescript bitterness. Lengthy, sticky-sweet finish. I like cream soda. I like this too. Surprisingly, this isn’t cloying. Bottle courtesy of biggsbowler!

swoopjones (7018) - Buffalo, New York, USA - DEC 31, 2014
sample at ABW Bottle Share, interesting beer. taste like rice pudding. vanilla, cinnamon notes. dessert beer. creamy mouthfeel. nice to try, don’t think i could have a ton

thomashall (1696) - New Hope, Minnesota, USA - OCT 24, 2014
Bottle shared at Darkness day. Pours dark golden with almost no head. Smells of sweet and minty. Taste of mint as well. Interesting flavor...pretty good.

DrSilverworm (11039) - Cincinnati, Ohio, USA - OCT 18, 2014
750ml bottle, thanks to alexsdad06 for sharing. Hazy orange color, with fine particles floating in the body. Thin off-white head, loose lace. Medium plus body. Smooth, kind of crisp, soft lighter carbonation. Light dry finish. Awesome vanilla, cocoa, bready malt. Mild cinnamon, but it’s in-check. Moderate sweet taste, lightly spicy. Tasty stuff. Good to sip. More dry finish, not too sweet. Awesome, cool stuff. Great mexican-style blond ale.

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