The Bruery Provisions Series: Mother Funker

Formerly brewed at The Bruery
Style: Sour / Wild Beer
Placentia, California USA
Serve in Snifter, Tulip, Tumbler


on tap


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RATINGS: 160   WEIGHTED AVG: 3.51/5   SEASONAL: Series   EST. CALORIES: 180   ABV: 6%
Mother Funker is a sour blonde ale that has been aged for several years in barrels predominately used for Chardonnay. Mother Funker is a seriously sour beer, perhaps the most sour beer we’ve produced so far. Bursting with citrus, funk, and a hint of white vinegar, Mother Funker is for those who like their sours with more sour.

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sunevdj (4228) - Copenhagen OE, DENMARK - FEB 14, 2019
UPDATED: FEB 14, 2019 Bottle at Sour & Bitter 2012. Pours a hazy yellow with a fizzy head. Smells of vinegar. Very sour and quite bitter with a moderate sweetness. Aromas of vinegar with hints of grape fruit and cask wood. Medium bodied. Long tart and bitter finish.

alexsdad06 (16451) - West Chester, Ohio, USA - JAN 2, 2019
UPDATED: JAN 2, 2019 Bottle sample from notes. Pours a clear golden color with a thin disappearing off white head. The aroma and flavor have sour/strong tart citrus, vinegar, funk, acidic, one of the more sour/acidic beers I had tasted at that point.

Madsen1635 (1274) - Copenhagen, DENMARK - DEC 9, 2018
UPDATED: DEC 9, 2018 Bottle. Hazy orange pour with small offwhite head. Aroma has citrus and strong barnhouse. Taste is very sour almost pure vinegar. Extreme. Medium carbonation. Sour body

bytemesis (13152) - Sunnyvale, California, USA - FEB 15, 2017
Bottle. Pours hazy golden orange, small off white head, dissipates quickly. Aroma is cheese, varnish, oak. Flavor is mega sour, really strong cheesy funk, acetone, feet. Medium body, low carbonation. Too much. No.

koleminer20 (4594) - Wayne, Michigan, USA - FEB 2, 2017
From notes. Had at a tasting with the group at Erik’s house on January 22. 750 mL bottle. The pour is a foggier golden yellow orange with a thin ring of light tan head that vanishes quickly without lace. The aroma is really sharp. There is a funkiness about it, but the vinegar-esque sharpness is something I’m really not feeling. If you search there is some light citrus, but it’s just way overpowered. The flavor is much of the same. I hear this is really reserved compared to how it used to be, and that’s a shame. The funk and sour vinegar are both huge and just pulling the enamel off. There is a light fruitiness to it, but the heavy vinegar and funky oak dominate. The mouth feel is a bit heavy and softly carbonated with a lingeringly sour funk of white vinegar and oak that just isn’t overly enjoyable. This is an incredibly sharp beer. Glad I got to get the rating though.

BuckeyeBoy (14695) - Boise, Idaho, USA - JUN 24, 2016
750ml bottle thanks to Steve. Pours out a crisp pale straw color topped with a ring of a head. Nose is vinegar some wood and fruit. Taste is more of the heavy vinegar tartness

Ernesto987 (6082) - Arizona, USA - FEB 8, 2016
sour trash. This is vinegar, salad dressing. Again, bruery is terrible, stop buying them. This isnt beer, this is overpriced salad dressing.

SpongeRuiner (1114) - Michigan, USA - JUL 20, 2015
Thanks Josh. Pours a bright golden color with a tart funky aroma. Just all around sour that settles in the stomach. Pretty much what I expected it to be. Glad I got to try it.

wedgie9 (2703) - Nashville, Tennessee, USA - JAN 9, 2015
From notes. Tasted on 10/21/12 from a capped 750mL bottle, big thanks to Curtis. Pours hazy light orange with some thin, bubbly lace. The nose is very sour with tons of lemon, white wine vinegar, and oaky vanilla. The flavor is a bit acetic and more vinegar than citrus, with the oak coming through nicely. The body is medium and very tannic with very light carbonation and a long, ridiculously sour, white wine vinegar finish.

ineedbeer (3410) - California, USA - DEC 20, 2014
Poured from a 750 ml bottle. Aroma is rather acidic with a bit of a vinegar note. Some light oakiness with light tropical fruit, moderate citrus and a hint of funk. Pours a hazy, golden orange with a small, thin, white head that quickly disappears to the edge where it lingers. Flavor is very acidic with a bit of acetic acid along with a lot of lactic acid. Medium light oak notes with light tropical fruit and citrus. Faint funky, musty notes. Low bitterness. Mouthfeel is medium light bodied with medium low carbonation. Low astringency and low alcohol warmth. Overall, a better beer than people claim, but the acidity is a bit acetic. Nice fruit and light funk and oak. This blended with Rueze would probably be really nice. I like the character of this beer outside of the acidity.

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