Brewed by Millers Brewery
Style: Pale Lager - International / Premium
Meegoda, Sri Lanka
Serve in Lager glass


on tap


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RATINGS: 57   WEIGHTED AVG: 2.02/5   EST. CALORIES: 144   ABV: 4.8%
Three Coins is an all malt lager. It is made with all natural ingredients, using no chemicals or preservatives. By crafting the beer strictly with natural ingredients in a state of the art brewery, Three Coins combines artisan production methods with advanced technology needed to achieve world class standards of care and hygiene.

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hawthorne00 (6630) - Melbourne, AUSTRALIA - DEC 7, 2021
UPDATED: DEC 7, 2021 625 ml bottle. Gold with a thick white head that lasts well. Slight aroma of grain, cardboard, weeds. Rather empty tasting with a little sweetness before minimal bitterness that’s still somehow a little harsh. Probably would douse hot food ok but not too flash by itself.

nilsas (7523) - Bryne, NORWAY - AUG 20, 2017
Three Coins Lager Pale Lager 44325

Lukt: Vørter og malt.
Utseende: Gyllen.
Skum/kullsyre: Tynt skum.
Smak: Vørter.
Hvor: Samling på Bryne med Rogalands RB Gutta.
Medium: Flaske@625ml, ABV@4,8%, Når@18.08.2017

Holmen1 (11088) - Stavanger, NORWAY - AUG 19, 2017
Fra 0,625 flaske på fellestreff RBHD/Bryne Fråholdslag, Bryne aug-17: klar lys gylden med kort skum. Nesten ingen aroma og en (heldigvis) kort, maltdrevet smak med mais, overmodne plommer, våt papp og hint av citrus. Å huffameg, å huffameg... Over bordkanten med den.

abemorsten (3797) - Mosterøy, NORWAY - AUG 18, 2017
Fra 0,625 l flaske på RBHD-samling hos/på Bryne. Som Original Three Coins German Lager. Klar lys gyllen kropp med lys ring. Lukter dårlig hjemmelaget plommebærsaft med innslag av våt papp. Smaker søt våt papp. Grusomt.

Holmen2 (7204) - NORWAY - AUG 18, 2017
From bottle at shared tasting at Bryne with RB/HD and Bryne fråhaldslag 18.08.17. Clear golden. Small white head. Aroma of sweet maize, wine gum and wet paper. Similar and very sweet taste. Harshness in aftertaste. Crap!

Sigmund (11541) - Tau, NORWAY - AUG 18, 2017
Shared bottle at local tasting, as Three Coins German Lager. Clear pale golden colour. Terrible aroma, crap. Dry grainy flavour, really bad.

gunnar (14102) - Sandnes, NORWAY - AUG 18, 2017
Shared bottle at local tasting. Pours clear straw, no head. Aroma of sweet corn. Taste is sweet, cloyingly so. More water than beer

alexsdad06 (16451) - West Chester, Ohio, USA - MAR 4, 2017
Bottle from Nimbleprop shared with Tmoney99 and the Dutch’s crew. Pours a clear golden color with a very small off white head. The aroma and flavor have sweet malts, honey, some fruit, cornmeal, pretty blah general lager character, probably better there where there is less variety.

Tmoney99 (19268) - Cincinnati, Ohio, USA - MAR 2, 2017
Bottle shared by alexsdad06. Poured clear copper color with an average frothy white head that was lasting and produced good lacing. Light to medium grain malt aroma. Medium body with a smooth texture and soft carbonation. Moderate sweet flavor with with a moderate sweet finish of medium duration. This beer did meet my low expectations.

coldbrewky (1731) - Hippetown East, New York, USA - OCT 7, 2016
.5 L bottle: Not expecting greatness at 2.25 a bottle but what the heck. Nose: Grainy with a hint of caustic sanitizer. Pours a decent golden with a thin lackluster head. Some pencil thin quaff rings with spider legs of lacing. Body is muddled grains with lighter sanitizer tones. Bleah.. I like the embossing on the bottle....Ceylon. As if it makes it any more dashing or mysterious...

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