Tired Hands / 18th Street Gatherer 2018


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RATINGS: 9   MEAN: 3.9/5.0   WEIGHTED AVG: 3.61/5   EST. CALORIES: 339   ABV: 11.3%
Annual collaborative foraged Honey Imperial Stout. Brewed with a base recipe inspired by 18th Street's Imperial Stout. This year the beer focuses on Appalachian allspice, mugwort, wineberry leaves, and local wildflower honey.

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superspak (9600) - Greensboro, North Carolina, USA - NOV 4, 2019
UPDATED: NOV 4, 2019 Got in a trade with larryi86. 16 ounce can into snifter, canned on 7/23/2018. Pours dense pitch black color with a 1 finger fairly dense and fluffy tan head with fantastic retention, that reduces to a nice cap that lasts. Thick foamy lacing clings on the glass, with a light amount of streaming carbonation. Fantastic appearance. Aromas of big milk/dark chocolate, cocoa, coffee, honey, caramel, brown sugar, molasses, toffee, vanilla, roasted nuts, toasted biscuit, and dark bread/crust; with lighter notes of licorice, raisin, prune, cherry, berries, fig, date, red grape/wine, clove, pepper, smoke, char, leather, tobacco, herbal, grass, and yeast/roast/toasted earthiness. Minimal booze in the aromas as it warms. Damn nice aromas with great balance and complexity of dark/roast/bready malts, honey; and light-moderate earthy hops, fruity yeast, and spice notes; with big strength. Taste of huge milk/dark chocolate, cocoa, coffee, honey, caramel, brown sugar, molasses, toffee, vanilla, roasted nuts, toasted biscuit, and dark bread/crust; with lighter notes of licorice, raisin, prune, cherry, berries, fig, date, red grape/wine, clove, pepper, smoke, char, leather, tobacco, herbal, grass, and yeast/roast/toasted earthiness. Very mild herbal, grassy, roast, charred bitterness; and spiciness on the finish. Lingering notes of milk/dark chocolate, cocoa, coffee, honey, caramel, brown sugar, molasses, toffee, vanilla, roasted nuts, toasted biscuit, dark bread/crust, licorice, dark fruit, clove, pepper, smoke, char, leather, tobacco, herbal, grass, and yeast/roast/toasted earthiness on the finish for a while. Amazing complexity, robustness, and balance of dark/roast/bready malts, honey; and light-moderate earthy hops, fruity yeast, and spice flavors; with an awesome roast/hop bitter/sweet and spiciness balance; with no cloying, acrid, astringent flavors after the finish. Slightly increasing dryness from lingering hop/roast bitterness and spiciness. Light-medium carbonation and very full body; with a very smooth, creamy/silky/velvety/bready, and slightly slick/sticky/chalky mouthfeel that is fantastic. Mild increasing warmth of 11.3% after the finish. Overall this is an amazing flavored imperial stout. All around amazing complexity, robustness, and balance of dark/roast/bready malts, honey; and light-moderate earthy hops, fruity yeast, and spice flavors; very smooth and dangerously easy to sip on for the big ABV, with the mildly bitter/spicy/charred/drying finish. Amazing soft/silky feel for the ABV. Amazing balance of super rich malts and honey complexity; with mellow hops, spices, and fruity yeast. Not overly sweet/heavy from lingering dryness. A highly amazing offering, and top tier experimental style example as expected. Not overwhelming on any aspect.

ciocanelu (4480) - Timisoara, ROMANIA - APR 7, 2019
UPDATED: APR 7, 2019 Aroma has coffee and some sweet milk chocolate. Taste is also coffee forward with dark chocolate bitterness. Really well balanced and easy drinking.

rayaron (5840) - Kfar Saba, ISRAEL - APR 3, 2019
UPDATED: APR 3, 2019 Can sample at a tasting at Yoav's place. Opaque black with coffee-like brown head. The aroma has notes of ginger, spices, coffee, honey, cardamom and Masala Chai. The flavor is sweet and mild bitter with notes of alcohol, spices, ginger, cardamom, spices tea, very spicy. Full-bodied.

zvsn (6723) - ISRAEL - MAR 19, 2019
UPDATED: MAR 19, 2019 Can at a tasting. Brown black, beige head. Roasted malt, coffee, chocolate in the nose. Sweet, dark chocolate, spicy, black pepper, allspice, coffee, cherries, umami flavors. Full bodied, oily. Very good.

DSG (22780) - Tel Aviv, ISRAEL - MAR 16, 2019
UPDATED: MAR 16, 2019 Can sample at a tasting at Yoav's place. Black, brown foam. Roast, chocolate, honey, coffee, spiciness, sweet, a bit of soy sauce, rounded.

djd07 (26246) - Houston, Texas, USA - JAN 10, 2019
UPDATED: JAN 10, 2019 Can thanks to William. Pours black with medium tan head that lasts. The aroma is strong roast, cracker, cocoa, smoke. Slick body, similar flavors to nose, lingering dry finish, very good.

egajdzis (9093) - Pennsburg, Pennsylvania, USA - OCT 8, 2018
UPDATED: OCT 10, 2018 Opaque black with a medium tan head that left nice lacing on the glass. Roasted malts, dark chocolate, honey, char, and alcohol.

jrob21 (5064) - Atlanta, Georgia, USA - SEP 10, 2018
Can from beerapalooza. Bittersweet roasty malt. Lots of honey sweetness working throughout and adding some extra depth. Medium bodied. Lots of molasses notes.

Biroholik (4029) - Sosnowiec, Poland, POLAND - AUG 18, 2018
Alkohol: 11,3% obj. Puszka: 473 ml Dodatki: Ziele angielskie pochodzące z Gór Apallachów, bylica (roślina z rodziny astrowatych), liście dzikich malin, ok. 100 funtów miodu wilokiwatowego z lokalnej pasieki Kolor: Czarny, nieprzejrzysty Piana: Drobno ziarnista w kolorze beżu. Od pierwszej kropelki nie wykazuje tendencji zwyżkowej. Szybko określiła swój pułap na poziomie jednego milimetra. O jakichkolwiek malunkach na szkle też można pomarzyć. Data puszkowania: 23.07.2018 Zapach: Początkowo intensywny ziołowy aromat. Coś na kształt mięty i herbaty z rumiankiem. Za chwilę wyraźna woń ziela angielskiego. Wystarczyło zakręcić puszeczką, aby pojawił się aromat kawy i mlecznej czekolady. Dopiero na samym dnie piramidy - miód wielokwiatowy. Smak: W smaku pyszniutkie, gęste i lepkie. Po pierwszym łyku od razu pomyślałbym, że jest to jakiś Imperial Coffee Stout. Konkretna kawowa nuta, masa czekolady, melasy i pralin. Dopiero po chwili orzeźwiajacy charakter ziół. Bylica i ziele angielskie dodają świeżości temu trunkowi. Nie wiem jakie właściwości mają te rośliny, ale mam wyraźne skojarzenie z miętą. Ostatni finałowy szlif należy do miodu wielokwiatowego. Alkohol jest wygładzony. Tekstura gęsta i zwarta. Pełne w smaku o kremowej konsystencji z umiarkowanym, ziołowym posmakiem w ustach. Pyszniutkie! Wysycenie: Niskie. Podsumowanie: Kolaboracyjny Honey Imperial Stout browarów Tired Hands Brewing Company oraz 18th Street Brewery. Co roku od kilku lat wychodzi kolejna odsłona tego piwa z innymi, ciakawymi dodatkami. Ależ to jest oryginał! Dawno nie piłem RIS-a z tak nowatorskimi dodatkami! Polecam!

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