HandFarm is FarmHands that fermented and conditioned in freshly used white wine barrels from Chaddsford winery.

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bursprak (3282) - Aarhus, DENMARK - FEB 26, 2017
Bottle @ Fermentoren, Aarhus. Light hazy light yellow pour with a decent head. Notes of citrus, lime zest, crisp, light oaky vanilla, fluffy, some grape skin and a lingering tartness. Very good!

Sammy (17445) - Toronto, Ontario, CANADA - FEB 19, 2017
tart edgy saison. white wine character kicks in substantially. lacy. cloudy light yellow.

Klimaet (3684) - Aarhus N, DENMARK - FEB 16, 2017
Bottle thanks to bursprak! Pours hazy juicy orange with a small white head. Aromas of citrus, peach, pear, sweet white wine, esters, sweet oak, lactic, hay. Taste is peachy, lactic, citrus, oak, vanilla, vinous, sweet, light tannic, esters. Nice!

DocLock (11543) - Lower Pottsgrove, Pennsylvania, USA - AUG 12, 2016
Shared bottle at Craft. Hazy straw pour with white head. Nose was yeasty, with notes of wine must, tart citrus. Tasted lively on the palate, tart, yeasty, citrus fruity, with oak and red wine grapey flavors.

gephross100 (943) - Bellaire, Texas, USA - JUL 1, 2016
UPDATED: JUL 1, 2016 Cloudy yellow small white head. Medium mouth feel average carbonation that maintains a thin white blanket on the top of the beer. Lemon zest, barnyard funk, and red wine notes. Small Brett characteristic on the finish. Very good. Thanks Alex for sending me this bottle.

djd07 (26246) - Houston, Texas, USA - JUN 30, 2016
Bottle thanks to Grant. Pours a cloudy yellow orange with small white head that lasts. The aroma is strong funk, brett, lemon zest, mineral, oak. Medium mouth, vinous, funky, yeast, light tartness, very nice.

JStax (10651) - Devola/Marietta, Ohio, USA - MAY 7, 2016
500 ml bottle poured into a teku. The beer is a very pale yellow with a very small bit of white head that dissipates quickly. The aroma has a nice fruity, wine like acidic funk to it. Some woody notes. The taste is more floral funk. Not really sour, but not sweet either. Moderate bitterness, but it’s balanced as well. Lots of subtle nuances to this beer. I enjoyed it a lot. Could have used a bit more carbonation, but otherwise i see nothing to complain about here.

onceblind (17156) - Denver, Colorado, USA - JAN 10, 2016
Hazy sunny gold with a thin white ring. Big funk bretty saison nose with a touch of peach and lemon. The taste is more fruity than the nose, but slightly light in body, earthy funky and just slightly grapefruity tart. Weird but complex.

Chalumeaux (2501) - Middleton, Massachusetts, USA - NOV 14, 2015
Poured from bottle thanks Airforcehops nice semi clear golden color with a thin head. Aromas of musty grain tart lemon and white wine and hint of saison yeast. Taste is well balanced with nice tart lemon funk up front with notes of oak and fruity yeast. Many thanks Chris!

WillRunForBeer (2859) - Massachusetts, USA - NOV 14, 2015
Wow, can’t believe Can’t believe I get to try this. Provided by AirForceHops, shared by Chalemeaux. Thanks, guys! Pours clear white gold, half a ring of white bubbles. Fantastic funky aroma, mostly farmhouse funk, a bit of lemon and cider. Flavor is tart, lemon, oak. Very nice.

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