Serve in Dimpled mug, Stein


on tap


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RATINGS: 21   MEAN: 2.94/5.0   WEIGHTED AVG: 2.94/5   EST. CALORIES: 135   ABV: 4.5%
12,3° Stammwürze; sie sind naturtrüb und haben 4% Alkohol. Die Biere bestehen aus ausgesuchten Rohstoffen: Malz, Wasser, Hopfen und sind gänzlich unbehandelt, d.h. nicht filtriert, nicht pasteurisiert und nicht stabilisiert.

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Goldbarren (4264) - Vienna, AUSTRIA - SEP 8, 2019
UPDATED: SEP 8, 2019 Das Bier wirkte wie ein Biobier, aber es ist eher ein Garagenbrauer-Bier. Es ist nicht filtriert und pasteurisiert und hat einen schönen getreidigen Zwickelgeschmack, auch wenn es ein wenig mehr Hopfen vertragen könnte. Ein Bier, das sich gut trinken lässt, aber mir schon ein bisschen zu urig ist.

KnutAlbert (6848) - Oslo, NORWAY - JUL 23, 2019
UPDATED: JUL 23, 2019 On tap at Bierwirt Hotel, Innsbruck. Hazy, unfiltered, full bodied beer. Malty, but quite balanced. The hotel was quite proud to serve this local brew.

dnstone (5952) - Saarland, GERMANY - JAN 21, 2019
UPDATED: JAN 21, 2019 Poyes a golden color with white head. Sweet malty aroma and taste, slight buttery edge. Smooth. Notes: on tap in Innsbruck, Austria Jan ‘19

misc (757) - Vienna, AUSTRIA - DEC 18, 2018
UPDATED: DEC 18, 2018 Aroma ist moderate malty, slightly hoppy. It smells like cereals, flowers, bread, honey and some hay. Clear golden color with a medium to big sized, white head. Flavor is medium sweet, light bitter. It tastes like hay and bread. Body is medium, mouthfeel is thin to oily. Finish is short and medium bitter with a bready note. 1000ml bottle at Innsbruck.

McTapps (8064) - Reutlingen, GERMANY - APR 6, 2018
On tap in Innsbruck. The beer has got a hazy orange colour with a small head and medium body. Aroma of malt and hops. Taste of malt, caramel, hops and straw. Sweetish malty unpleasant finish.

EugeneStraver (594) - Nootdorp, NETHERLANDS - APR 1, 2018
20180326 tasting meeting Proeflokaal, Delft (Nl). 2 liter bottle. BB 31 jan. A gold yellow (somewhat orange) colored beer, which is slightly cloudy and with a very good white foam layer. Aroma is light malty and somewhat sweet. Also what sour aroma. Not good. Also the taste is light malty, sweetness ans some yellow fruit like apples. An overall sour character. Beer is out of date. Thin, medium body, light sticky but also astrigent

JaKeAFC (1812) - ITALY - OCT 4, 2017
50cl bottle from despar, Innsbruck, 1.50€ +1€ deposit. Pours bright amber color, almost clear, bubbly white head reducing to a light persistence. Somewhat fruity smell. Aroma of sweet malts, grains and straw, popcorn, vaguely fruity. Sweetish taste with some grassyness. Finish is short, clean. Not bad for a local microbrew

laiti (10516) - Tampere, FINLAND - JUL 14, 2017
50 cl bottle @ Berggasthäus Sücka, Liechtenstein. Aroma has hayish grain and mild cereal tones. Flavour has cereal, butter, malt and hay. Nothing special but ok.

olio (14442) - Tampere, FINLAND - JUL 14, 2017
50 cl bottle @ Berggasthaus Sücka, Triesenberg.
Pours clear golden color with a large white head. Aroma is hay and some hops, clove and faint grain. Buttery sweet flavor, grainy, hay and some toffee. Way too sweet.

m7hildeb (809) - - JUL 3, 2017
Bottle. Hazy dark golden to amber colour with a relatively large slightly off-white head, nose is bready, malty and yeasty with notes of caramel candy, basement and wet hay, taste is aromatic malty, bready and slightly sweet with a moderately dry finish and a soft carbonation.

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