RATINGS: 163   WEIGHTED AVG: 4.54/5   SEASONAL: Special   EST. CALORIES: 360   ABV: 12%
This beer is the real McCoy. Barrel aged and crammed with coffee, none other will stand in it’s way. Sought out for being delicious, it is notoriously difficult to track down. If you can find one, shoot to kill, because it is definitely wanted... dead or alive.

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juiceisloose (3665) - Windermere, Florida, USA - DEC 18, 2021
UPDATED: DEC 18, 2021 12 oz bottle. Pours nearly pitch black color and capped by a small tan layer of foam that settles in quickly to a thin film and leaves some nice legging on the glass. The aroma shows notes of rich, dark chocolate, maple syrup, and roasted coffee over a dark roasted malt base with further notes of bourbon and oak laden vanilla. The maple syrup is dominant but the underlying chocolate, coffee, and oaky vanilla shines as it warms up. The flavor follows suit with the dark chocolate, roasted coffee, and maple syrup right up front along with the bourbon oak, vanilla, and a moderate bitterness for balance on the back end. The maple syrup is sweet but tastes like quality grade A stuff compared to fake adjuncts found in other similar beers. Full bodied and slick with moderate carbonation that leads to a bitter sweet dark chocolate, roasted coffee, and bourbon oak on the finish with lingering maple syrup sweetness after each sip. This is really tasty and definitely one of the better maple stouts I’ve had for sure, but not sure it quite lives up to the hype or the price to get it. Still a great beer.

DraftWhisperer85 (357) - Tongerlo, BELGIUM - MAY 16, 2021
UPDATED: MAY 16, 2021 Amai, het ganse plaatje klopte, balans, diepgang, power, intens maar niks wat er op een negatieve manier boven uit stak! een kanjer

Samuel214 (4202) - Örebro, SWEDEN - MAR 7, 2021
UPDATED: MAR 7, 2021 Flaska från TG, 2020. Svart med bruna/rubinröda toner i kanten, brun liten skumkrona med fina bubblor i kanterna. Doftar av kaffe, lönnsirap, choklad, vanilj, choklad- och vaniljwafers, lätt whiskeyton. Även en angenäm lite bärig ton som drar åt inlagda körsbär som jag helt saknar i MD:n. Mycket samma i smaken som i doften. Snygg och mjuk kaffeton, mocca, lönnsirap, choklad, hasselnöt, nötkräm. Ruskigt fint integrerad fatkaraktär, men egentligen inte jättemycket smak från whiskeyn. Väldigt snäll eldighet på sin höjd. Väl avvägt, elegant trots kraftpaket. Görs helt klart öl som är större och maffigare, men här balanseras det med elegans. Finns oerhört lite att klaga på. Skulle jag få önska något så skulle det vara något mer fatkaraktär, lite mer smak och eldighet från whiskeyn. Oerhörd kul val att bocka av från listan.

JaBier (12380) - Capital City, Ohio, USA - JAN 5, 2021
UPDATED: JAN 5, 2021 2020 bottle shared by a friend. Darkest brown pour with a medium light brown head. Aroma of malt, maple, chocolate, bourbon, vanilla and some coffee. Malt and vanilla flavor giving way to coconut(!), maple and chocolate before a sweet bourbon and maple finish. Just a tad less sweetness and it would have been perfect, but definitely deserving of the hype.

creppyiceman (3498) - Cracow, POLAND - AUG 10, 2020
UPDATED: AUG 10, 2020 ( bottle 2018 vinatge) Aroma: huge dark chocolate, cacao, vanilla, whiskey. Taste: sweet, flavour of chocolate ice-cream, vanilla, whiskey, cacao, coffee, soy souce and wood, Palate: full body, creamy, low carbonation. Overall: I remember checking RB couple years ago and reading about top beers in each style. I was sure i wont have a chance to meet and taste the real legend of KBBS. I've just done it and tbh even if I'm not 'enlightened' in any way thanks to that, I truly enjoyed drinking it !

nybol (4383) - DENMARK - MAR 15, 2020
UPDATED: APR 26, 2021 En fin øl med en god smag af malt og man aner fine humler i eftersmagen. God øl der også kan nydes alene

vcsa (341) - - MAR 7, 2020
UPDATED: MAR 7, 2020 Vintage 2019, tasted March 2020. Appearance: Pours opaque dark brown to black with lasting creamy brown head, no lacing. 外观:深棕黑色,不透明。持久的细腻棕色泡沫,无挂杯。 4/5 Aroma: Heavily toasted malt, coffee grinds, chocolate puddin, hazelnut, peanut, cinnamon, vanilla, cassis and raisin, with hints of charred wood and smoke. 气味:重度烘烤麦芽、研磨咖啡、巧克力布丁、榛子、花生、肉桂、香草、黑醋栗和葡萄干,伴有 Rich coffee chocolate flavors with luscious maple syrup and dried fruits, followed by savory sesame paste and bourbon oaky flavors. Heavy sweetness balanced by bitterness and sourness. Minutes of bourbon oaky finish with hints of coffee and cocoa. 味道:呈现浓郁的咖啡与巧克力和甜蜜的枫糖与果脯,接着又展现出咸鲜的芝麻酱和波本桶味。重 Full bodied, soft carbonated. Rather thick, oily sticky texture, velvety smooth. 口感:酒体饱满,杀口感柔和。相当厚重,质地油润而粘稠,天鹅绒般顺滑。 5/5 Ov richness and complexity among the style, with endless aftertaste and perfect alcohol hiding. A notch above all others! 拥有同类酒中无与伦比的浓郁度和复杂度,伴随着无尽的回味和完美的酒精隐藏。和

guyinchicagojr (11) - USA - DEC 14, 2019
UPDATED: DEC 14, 2019 Got this bottle from a great guy and there is no way to be disappointed with this beer. Soon as the bottle is popped the aroma of maple pours out. Pours black with tan head. Taste of maple and coffee with the bourbon seeping through. Absolutely delicious!

jc1762 (2353) - JAPAN - AUG 5, 2019
UPDATED: AUG 5, 2019 2018 bottle into a taster showing pitch black with no head. The nose shows intense notes of sweet biscuit, chocolate, cacao, and light bourbon. The palate is full bodied and lightly carbonated with an oily mouthfeel. Intense dark chocolate forward with a balanced bourbon background. Short finish of maple syrup.

LovibondRates30 (12) - - JUL 18, 2019
UPDATED: JUL 18, 2019 Dark amber color, big brown sugar, cranberries, oak, cherries, burnt raisins and brown sugar. Very sweet mouth, but fairly thin. Ok complexity just not mind blowing

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